
Terms for subject Bridge construction containing 施工 | all forms | in specified order only
传统施工traditional construction method
传统施工orthodox construction method
先进施工advanced construction
全面施工allround construction
公路桥涵施工技术规程specifications for construction of highway bridges and culverts
冬天桥梁施工bridge constructing in winter
冬天桥梁施工winter bridge construction, cold weather bridge construction
冬季施工winter work
冬季施工winter construction
冬季施工constructing in winter
冬季施工construction cold working
冬季混凝土施工concreting in cold weather
冻结施工freezing method
冻结施工frosting work method
分层施工layer construction
分段施工segmental construction
土方施工方法method of construction of earthwork
土方水力机械施工hydromechanical soil digging
基础施工方法foundation practice
大规模施工large scale construction
实施性的施工组织设计design for practical construction organization
就地拌和施工mixed-in-place construction
工业化施工industrialized construction
工厂化施工factory construction
工地设施site installation
工程施工project construction
工程实施计划execution plan
干式装配结构施工dry prefabricated structure assembly method
平衡悬臂施工balanced cantilever erection
建筑施工construction drawing
建筑施工文件building document
建筑施工现场平面布置图block plan
建筑施工部门building department
开始施工日期date of entry into force
快速施工rapid construction
悬臂施工cantilevered construction method
拱桥悬砌法施工arch ring laid by cantilever method
换填土施工cut and replacement method
接头施工joint construction
施工中的桥梁constructing bridge in progress
施工临时荷载temporary load for construction
施工人员building worker
施工人员constructor, construction worker
施工作业计划construction operational plan
施工便桥construction bridge
施工便道detour for construction
施工公程公司construction corporation
施工准备preparing work for construction
施工准备preparation for construction
施工列车construction train
施工单位construction unit
施工卷扬机hoist for construction
施工及验收规程regulations for construction and acceptance
施工合同裁定书construction contract award
施工噪声construction noise
施工working plan
施工图设计design for construction drawing
施工图设计working-drawing design
施工图设计execution design
施工图预算budge of working-drawings of a project
施工场地construction site
施工季节construction season
施工季节building season
施工季节working season
施工安装installation for construction
施工安装construction and installation
施工安装工程计划plan of installation engineering of construction
施工安装工程计划plan of construction and installation engineering
施工定额norm for construction operation
施工construction layer
施工工人construction worker
施工工人construction labour
施工工序sequence of construction program
施工工程construction works
施工工程局construction division
施工工程局construction-works bureau
施工工程局construction-works authority
施工工艺construction technology
施工布置construction plan
施工布置图arrangement plan for construction
施工总平面图overall construction site plan
施工总平面图lay-out sheet of construction
施工总平面布置construction geneal lay-out
施工承包construction contract
施工技术construction technology
施工技术财务计划overall plan of construction enterprise
施工投标construction proposal
施工报告construction report
施工报告job report
施工挂篮traveling carriage for construction
施工接缝construction joint
施工操作construction operation
施工操作规则rules for construction operation
施工放样laying out of construction
施工放样setting out of construction
施工方式form of construction work
施工方案construction project
施工方案construction plan
施工日志day's record of construction activities
施工日记construction diary
施工期洪水位flood level during construction
施工机械construction machine
施工机械设备construction and equipment
施工条件construction condition
施工检查construction supervision
施工检查construction inspection
施工概况general situation of construction
施工概要general features of construction
施工次序construction sequence
施工步骤construction steps
施工construction work section
施工状态construction phase
施工现场construction yard
施工现场working site
施工监理construction supervision
施工监理supervision of construction
施工程序execution programme of works
施工程序construction program
施工管理execution control
施工管理supervision of works
施工管理局construction bureau
施工管理局construction authority
施工管理费construction management cost
施工精度accuracy of construction
施工组织construction organization
施工组织方案construction organization scheme
施工组织计划organization-plan for construction
施工组织设计organization and planning of construction
施工组织设计organization-design for construction
施工construction gap
施工work joint
施工荷载construction load
施工要求construction requirement
施工规范construction specifications
施工计划construction planning
施工计划图planning drawing for construction
施工记录working record
施工记录construction record
施工许可证licence for construction
施工许可证constructor's licence
施工许可证builder's licence
施工设计design for construction
施工设计图designing-drawing for construction
施工详图details of construction
施工详图working detail drawing
施工误差construction error
施工调度construction dispatching
施工负责人construction manager
施工质量管理construction quality control
施工进度working progress
施工进度表job plan
施工进度表Gantt chart
施工进度计划construction scheduling
施工进度计划plan of schedule of construction
施工速度construction speed
施工道路builder's road
施工道路road for construction
施工道路construction road
施工部门construction department
施工间歇construction interval
施工面积construction area in process
施工项目construction item
施工预付款advances for construction
施工预留沉降reserved settlement during construction
施工预算budget of a project
施工预算construction budget
施工预算estimates of construction
施工验收delivery-receiving acceptance
旋转法施工erection by swing method
旋转法施工construction by swing method
无支架施工unbraced construction
无支架施工non-braced construction
无支架施工construction without scaffolding
机械施工mechanical construction
机械化施工mechanized construction
机械土方施工mechanical earth works
桥梁施工bridge construction
桥梁施工bridge construction drawing
桥梁施工bridge working drawing
桥梁施工技术bridge construction technique
桥梁施工测量bridge construction survey
水上施工over-water construction
水下施工subaquatic construction
水下混凝土施工subaqueous concreting
水平施工horizontal construction joint
沉箱施工caisson work
流水施工flow construction
混凝施工mixed construction team
混凝土冬季施工concreting in winter
渐近分期施工progressive stage construction
滑模施工construction with slip form
滑模施工slip form construction
现代施工方法modern construction method
现场施工site construction
现场施工方法site construction method
盾构施工shield method for construction
管柱基础施工colonnade foundation process
箱形构架顶进法施工box frame in jack-in method
计划施工进度schedule of construction
设计与施工公司design and construction firm
辅助施工方法assisting construction method
连续施工continuously constructing
连续施工continuous construction
逐跨施工span by span construction
钻孔桩施工试行规程tentative specifications for construction of drilled pile
铁路桥涵施工技术规范specifications for construction technique of railway bridges and culverts
铁路桥涵施工技术规范specifications for construction of bridges and culverts of railway
锤击桩施工compaction pile method
间歇施工intermittent construction
顶进法施工jack-in method for construction