
Terms for subject Technology containing 方 法 | all forms | in specified order only
一揽子调整方法adjustable basket technique
一次回收方法primary recovery method (石油)
一次开采方法primary recovery method (石油)
一次总付方法lump-sum basis
一种新式化学方法a new chemical method
一级方法one-level method
一级化学强化处理方法chemically enhanced primary treatment method
一级污水处理方法method of primary treatment of sewage
一般方法general method
一般方法最优化general method optimization
三力矩方程法method of three moment
三安培计方法three-ammeter method
三弯矩方程法method of three moment
三方向法method of three-direction
三灯丝方法triple filament method
三点后方交会法trilinear survey
三点后方交会法three-point resection
三维平方和开方法root-sum-square of three-dimensional method
三路定位方法three-way positioning method
上釉方法glazing technique
下向方框支架安装法method of underhand square setting
不动点方法fixed-point method
不容错方法fault-intolerance approach
不损坏试验方法non-destructive test method
不相称的处理方法asymmetrical treatment
不相称的处理方法asymmetric treatment
不通车清洗方法on-stream mechanical cleaning method
东方砌砖法Eastern method (一种英国式砌砖法)
两段最小平方法method of two-stage least squares
中平方法mid-square method
中平方法middle square method
中心管方法central tube method
串行程序的访问方法chained programme access method
串行程序的访问方法chained program access method
主观方法subjective method
优化方法optical method
优化方法optic method
优化方法的应用application of optimization
优化控制理论方法optimal control theory
传动方法means of driving
传统方法traditional technique
传统方法orthodox approach
传统方法classic method
传统方法测定traditional measurement
传统制图方法traditional cartographical manner
传统制图方法traditional cartographic manner
传统施工方法classical construction method
传统施工方法classic construction method
传统的施工方法convectional construction method
估价方法evaluating method
似化学方法quasi-chemical method
借用件计划方法planning method for parts from other designs
分子规道方法molecular orbital
分布方法location mode
分布方法的数据项location mode data item
分批测定方法lot plot method
分析方法method of analysis
分析方法analytic procedure
分析方法analytic method
分析方法analytical methodology
分析方法analytic methodology
分析土坡稳定的瑞典方法Swedish break
分等级方法ranking method
分等级方法grading method
切割方法cutting method
切线方向进刀剃齿法right-angle traverse shaving
切齿方法gear cutting consideration
创造性动员方法creativity mobilization technique
判别推理方法decision-theoretic approach
判定方法decision procedure
判读方法interpretation method
利用非破坏性试验方法估测non-destructive method for estimating
刮腻子方法putty method
制作方法method of fabrication
制图方法mapping method
制备方法preparation method
制浆方法pulping process
制瓷方法china clay method
制造方法methods of fabrication
制造方法method of manufacture
包装方法packing method
包装货物试验方法packing container test method
化学方法测定chemical gauging (of flow)
化学方法测定chemical gaging (of flow)
化学共沉淀方法chemical coprecipitation process
化学分析方法chemical analysis method
化探方法geochemical exploration method
化探工作方法geochemical operation system
化验室研究方法laboratory procedure
区域地球物理调查方法method of regional geophysical survey
区域地质调查方法methods of regional geological survey
区域地质调查方法methods of regional geologic survey
各种会计方法accounting alternatives
合同的编制方法construction of contract
合成方法synthesis method
合理化方法streamlined method
合理化方法rationalization method
合适包装货物试验方法通则general rule of testing method for appropriate transport packaging
同位素方法isotopic method
同位素方法isotope method
同位素分析方法isotope analysis method
同位素分析方法及仪器设备the methods and instruments for isotope analysis
同位素分离方法isotope separation method
同步存储方法synchronous storage method
后方交会法method of resection
后方交会法resection process
后方交会法resection method
后方交会法method of backward intersection
向上翻转竖立施工方法tilt-up method
含油废水处理方法oil-bearing wastewater treatment method
吸声构造方法sound-absorbent construction method
吸附方法absorption method
圆木折合立方数法则quarter-girth rule
土坡稳定性评价方法evaluation method of soil slope stability
土壤分析方法methods of soil analysis
土壤改良方法improvement method of soil
土壤碳酸盐测量方法soil carbonate survey method
土壤耕作方法methods of soil tillage
土工技术方法geotechnical method
土工技术方法geotechnic method
土木工程定额测算方法civil engineering standard method of measurement
土石方爆破法earthwork blasting procedure
在设计组合梁时只考虑翼缘抗弯矩的方法chord method
方法local water law
方法local code and regulation
方法local code
方法magistrate's court
方法local code and regulation
方法local code
方法divisional court
地动物学方法geozoological method
地动物学方法geozoologic method
地基沉降计算方法computational method of foundation subsidence
地层对比方法methods of strata correlation
地应力测量方法ground stress measuring method
地方建筑法规local building code
地方税法local tax law
地植物方法geobotanical method
地热田远景评价方法evaluating method for geothermal field prospects
地物波谱测量方法ground spectral measurement techniques
地球化学分析方法geochemical analytical method
地球化学勘探方法geochemical exploration method
地球化学工作方法geochemical operation system
地球化学测井方法geochemical log method
地球物理勘探方法geophysical prospecting method
地球物理勘探方法geophysical exploration method
地球物理调查方法geophysical survey method
地球表面法线方向map vertical
地球表面法线方向geographical vertical
地球表面法线方向geographic vertical
地磁勘探方法geomagnetic method
地貌相对年龄研究方法relative geochronometry
地貌绝对年龄研究方法absolute geochronometry
地质年龄测量方法the determination of geological ages
地质年龄测量方法the determination of geologic ages
地质测绘方法geological mapping method
地质测绘方法geologic mapping method
地质点定位方法methods of geological observation point
地质点定位方法methods of geologic observation point
地震学方法seismological method
地震学方法seismologic method
地震统计方法seismostatistical method
地震统计方法seismostatistic method
地震野外工作方法seismic field working method
地面方法ground method
场地一加速度一震级方法site-acceleration-magnitude procedure
处理方法treatment process
处理方法treatment method
备选用施工方法alternative construction method
外延抽象方法method of extensional abstraction
多孔混凝土施工方法cellular construction
多层次评价方法multilevel evaluation method
多重决策方法multiple decision method
大 M 方法big M method
大地水准面法线方向geographical vertical
大地水准面法线方向map vertical
大地水准面法线方向geographic vertical
大步长方法large-step method
天文大地测量方法astrogeodetic method
天文学方法astronomical method
天文学方法astronomic method
天气图方法synoptic method for weather forecasting
天气图方法synoptical method for weather forecasting
天气图方法analysis of weather map
天然煤气的处理方法natural gas processing
太尔各特方法Talcott method
夹层板方法sandwich-plate method
夹紧方法clamping means
封闭方法enclosure method
射线参数方法ray-parameter method
射线理论方法ray theoretical method
射线理论方法ray theoretic method
布局决策方法location decision method
布巴诺夫一伽辽金方法Bubnov-Galerkin method
布朗方法Brownian method
帆船操纵方法maneuvering under sail
希腊拉丁方方法Greco-Latin square method
常用方法conventional method
常用方法commonly used method
常规方法normal procedure
常规方法conventional process
常规分析方法conventional method of analysis
常规设计方法conventional design method
常规试验方法routing method of determination
方法extraction of square root
开凿方法drivage method
开拓方法method of opening
开拓方法development method
开挖方法method of digging
开挖方法method of excavation
开挖方法digging method
开敞式平面布置方法open plan system
开采方法mining practice
开采方法getting method
引导指令方法bootstrap technique
引导指令方法bootstrap instructor technique
引水方法method of diversion
张拉方法stretching method
弥散试验方法method of dispersion test
弯曲中心线方法elastic line method
弯矩方程method of equation of moment
弹性广义复变函数方法complex variable method in theory of elasticity
弹性负载方法elastic loads method
弹性负载方法elastic-load method
方法strong method
急救方法emergency measures
成井方法well completion method
成图方法mapping method
成土方法soil-forming process
成对换轨方法dual-rail renewal
成本计算方法method of cost
成本计算方法cost system
成本费用开支标准和计算、分配方法审计audit of standard calculation and distribution method of cost and fee
成矿远景评价方法evaluate method for minerogenetic prospect
或然机遇论方法probabilistic approach
截尾二阶段最小平方法truncated two-stage least square
截流方法method of closure
按地面图阻滞的模拟方法retardant pattern simulation model
按塑性理论设计方法plastic design method
按给定垂直方向钻杆定向法projected-vertical-plane method of orienting
挖掘方法digging method
挡水方法flashing method
振动方法vibrational method
搜索方法search technique
支付方法payoff method
支撑方法method of timbering
支撑方法shoring procedure
支撑方法method of anchoring
收益资本化方法earnings capitalization method
轧材的收集或验收方法take-up method
改变耕作方法cultivation shifting
放射性方法radiometric survey for petroleum
放射性方法radioactive method
放射性方法测量参数survey parameter of radioactive method
放射性废物处置方法radioactive waste disposal method
显示方法display packing
最优方法best practice
最优化方法optimization procedure
最优化方法optimization approach
最佳方法best way
最佳化方法optimization methodology
最佳实践方法best practicable means
最小二乘方法least square method
最小平方法method of minimum squares
有利方法rational method
有效方法available method
朗肯设计方法Rankine's design method
木接合方法wood joining method
木支撑的英式方法English system of timbering
未调整投资回收方法unadjusted return on investment method
本乡本土的建筑方法vernacular construction method
机动方法求解kinematic solution
机械方法消除应力mechanical stress relieving
机械方法连接mechanical joining
机能整体方法holistic approach
标准方法modelling method
标准与方法部门standards and methods department
标准养护方法standard method of curing
标准决算方法standard method of payment
标准分析方法standard method of analysis
标准化方法standardized method
标准化方法modular method
标准塔板的安装方法standard tray installation method
标准施工方法standard construction method
标准水与废水检测方法standard method for examination of water and wastewater
标准测定方法standard method of measurement
标准测量方法standard method of measurement
标准渗透试验方法standard permeability test method
标准渗透试验方法standard percolation test method
标准结算方法standard method of payment
标准膜滤大肠杆菌检验方法standard method for membrane filtration fecal coliform test
标准试验方法standardized testing procedure
标度方法scaling method
标记方法method of tagged
校正方法compensation technique
校正方法corrector method
校正方法bearing calibration
校验方法method of calibration
方法quadrat sampling method
样品分析方法analytical method of sample
样品分析方法analytic method of sample
样品测试方法testing method of sample
样品鉴定方法identification method of sample
样方测定法point quadrat method
核型分析方法method of karyotype analysis
核子方法nuclear method
核技术找水方法method of nuclear technology seeking water
方法root-squaring method
根的平方法root-squaring method
格拉夫方法Graeffe's method
格莱姆一施密特正交化方法Gram-Schmidt process
格里菲方法Griffith method
模型建立的方法modelling methodology
模式年龄计算方法calculating methods of model ages
模拟方法analogy procedure
模拟方法simulation methodology
模拟方法simulation methodology
模数制设计方法modular design method
气体保护焊方法electrogas process
气体测量的方法methods of geochemical gas survey
气候计算技术、方法climate computing
气动力方法aerodynamical tool
气动力方法aerodynamic tool
气象方法预报地震meteorological earthquake prediction
气象方法预报地震meteorologic earthquake prediction
氮化方法nitriding process
水分析资料整理方法processing methods of water analytical data
水力回转方法hydraulic rotary method
水力旋转方法hydraulic rotary method
水化方法slaking process
水土评估方法soil and water assessment tool
水平分层方框支架采矿法horizontal square-set system
水平方向成形法horizontal direction formation
水平方框支架采矿法horizontal square-set method
水平角方向观测法direction method of measuring horizontal angles
水文地质方法hydrological method
水文地质方法hydrologic method
水文地质测绘方法method of hydrogeological mapping
水文地质测绘方法method of hydrogeologic mapping
水文学方法hydrological method
水文学方法hydrologic method
水文工程方法hydrological engineering method
水样采取方法sampling method of water
水泥煅烧方法cement burning process
水淬方法slaking process
水管理方法water management method
水资源计算方法method of water resources calculation
洗井方法method of well cleaning
活性污泥法曝气方法aeration methods of activated sludge process
活断层监测方法monitoring method of active fault
派来恩方法Pyrene process (一种制造泡沫砂浆的方法)
清洗方法cleaning process
渗水试验方法method of water infiltration test
渗流的表示方法expressive method of infiltration
渗透方法osmotic method
温度测量方法temperature measurement method
焊接方法soldering method
爆炸方法dynamite method
爆炸方法explosion method
爆炸方法method of explosion
爆炸方法blasting method
爆破方法method of blasting
爱丁顿一巴比叶方法Eddington-Bar bier method
理论数量方法theoretical quantitative approach
理论数量方法theoretic quantitative approach
生产方法fabricating method
生产新树的方法method of producing a new tree
生态学方法ecologic approach
生态水文学管理方法ecohydrological water management approach
生物方法biological measure
生物方法biologic measure
生物化学方法chemical biologic method
生物化学方法chemical biological method
生物化学方法biochemical method
生物学方法biological method
生物学方法biologic method
生物统计学方法biometrical method
生长方法growing directions
用不同方法校核cross check
用人工方法引来的水new water
用最小二乘方的近似法approximation by least squares
用水力学方法演算洪水hydraulic routing
用水文学方法演算洪水hydrological routing
用水文学方法演算洪水hydrologic routing
用灌浆方法固结的冲积层grouted alluvium
申请方法method of application
电动探查方法electrical method
电化学方法electrochemical method
电法勘探方法electrical prospecting method
电法勘探方法electric prospecting method
电法勘探正演计算方法way of direct development of electrical prospecting
电法勘探正演计算方法way of direct development of electric prospecting
电测深曲线定量解释方法way of quantitive interpretation of electrical sounding curve
电测深曲线定量解释方法way of quantitive interpretation of electric sounding curve
电测深曲线数字解释方法way of digital interpretation of electrical sounding curve
电测深曲线数字解释方法way of digital interpretation of electric sounding curve
电磁耦合校正方法way of correction to electromagnetic coupling
电解方法electrolytic process
砌壁方法walling system
砌筑方法laying technique
研制开采方法development system
研究方法method of study
研究方法method of approach
研究方法的进展advanced in methodology for research
研究经济的方法economic research method
破碎方法fracture method
破碎方法crushing of method
示误三角形后方交会法resection by inverted triangle of error
示踪剂投放方法method of tracer putting in
程序方法programme technic
程序方法program technic
程序分析方法programme analysis method
程序分析方法program analysis method
程序自动化方法automatic programmed tool
程序设计方法programming approach
程序设计方法编制程序法程序设计模块programming module
稠度测定方法consistence measurement method
稳定方法anti-hunt means
稳定同位素分析方法method of stable isotopic analysis
稳定同位素地层学方法stable isotopic stratigraphy
稳态测试方法steady-state method of test
第一方位角法first azimuth method
第三种方法third way
索道方式架设法cable erection
紧固方法fastening device
缓冲方法buffering technique
缓释方法slow release technique
缓释方法slow release method
缩分方法reducing method
老荷兰式方法old Dutch process
耐水压力试验方法hydraulic test method
耕作方法method of tillage
耕作方法agricultural practice
脉冲计数方法pulse counting method
脉冲遥测方法pulse telemetering method
脱模方法stripping method
脱气方法method of degassing
脱粒方法methods of threshing
航测成图方法method of aerophotogrammetry
航空定位方法method of airborne fix
航空测量方法aerial method
落石坍方防护法rock-slide protection
落锤压实方法dropping-weight method of compaction
调制方法modulator approach
调整方法regulation means
调查方法method of investigation
调查方法surveying method
调查方法investigation method
调试方法adjustment method
调车方法switching method
贝塞麦方法Bessemer process
货物搁置方法bedding out
质量控制方法method of quality control
费用有效方法cost-effective process
退磁方法de-magnetization methods
适应性建模方法adaptive modelling approach
逆流方法counter-current method
选择方法system of selection
选择方法selective method
选择投标方法selective bid method
选用折旧方法声明notification of depreciation method
选矿方法mineral separation process
透明纸后方交会法resection by tracing paper
逐步方法step-by-step procedure
逐步方法step-by-step method
通用方法universal method
通用设计方法conventional design method
通风方法ventilation method
通风方法ventilating method
速度反演方法velocity inversion procedure
锁定方法method of dogging (闸门)
锚固方法anchoring system
锚固方法method of anchoring
锚固方法anchoring method
锚碇方法method of anchoring
锚碇方法anchoring system
防冻方法means to prevent freezing
防火方法method of fire protection
防腐方法corrosion control
防雨方法flashing method
阶式疏浚方法stepped system of dredging
阿贝自动对准测量方法Abbe autocollimation measuring method
震源计算方法hypocenter computing process
霍尔方法Hall process
霜点方法frost-point technique
霜点方法eight dimensional technique
露头产状测定方法measuring method of occurrence element of rock in outcrop
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