
Terms for subject Desert science containing 方 法 | all forms | in specified order only
化学固沙方法chemical method
单样含沙量测验方法observational method of index sediment concentration
取样方法sampling method
地球化学方法geochemical method
室内常规方法routine methods of lab work
拉格朗日方法Lagranian method
散森方法Thiessen method (分析各雨量站重要性的简单方法)
最优化方法optimization method
机械方法mechanical method
机械固沙方法mechanical method
方法use of quadrat
方法quadrat method
水量测算方法estimation method of water quantity
沙量测算方法estimation method of silt-quantity
沙量测算方法可靠等级reliability level of estimation method of siltquantity
沙障固沙方法mechanical method
流域保护方法watershed approach
流量推算方法method of discharge computation
测流方法observation method
生物方法biological method
生物固土方法biological stabilization method
生物固沙方法biological stabilization method
生物固沙方法biological method
生物集约方法biointensive method
示踪剂测定方法tracer flow method
科学方法scientific method
粒径分析方法analysis method of particle side
耕作方法farming method
联合国粮农组织荒漠化评价和制图暂行方法FAO Provisional Methodology for Assessment and Mapping of Desertification
航空地质调查方法aerial method of geology
补偿方法compensating method
观测方法observation method
试验设计方法experimental programming method
资源评价方法resource evaluation method