
Terms for subject China containing 方 式 | all forms | in specified order only
一种方式one of the methods
不同方式管理varied control
主要方式main method
举手表决方式by a show of hands
以任何方式in any manner
以任何名义、任何方式under any name or by any means
以出让方式取得obtained by means of granting
以出让等有偿使用方式by such means of compensation as assignment
以划拨方式取得be allocated with
以划拨方式取得obtained by means of allocation
以划拨方式提供extended through allocation
以口头或者书面方式orally or in writing
以和平方式实现祖国统一reunify the country through peaceful means
以委托等方式entrust, or by other means
以岀让方式提供extended through transfer
以邮寄方式投票vote by post
以预收款方式for advance payment
保证方式mode of suretyship
倡导科学、健康、文明的生活方式promote a scientific and healthy lifestyle and good manners
健康饮食方式healthy eating style
公开的集中交易方式means of public and centralized transaction
其他适当方式other appropriate method
准许的采挖方式approved ways of quarrying and exploiting
出资方式way of contributing investment
出资方式form of investment
分割方式method for severance
分配方式form of distribution
创新政府管理制度和方式make innovations in the systems and means of government administration
募集方式设立established by stock floatation
发布决定的方式form of releasing the decision
变更确认方式change confirmation way
和平方式peaceful means
和平方式解决争端settle dispute through peace means
坚持按劳分配为主体、多种分配方式并存的分配制度keep to the distribution system in which distribution according to work is dominant and diverse modes of distribution coexist
基金运作方式mode of operation of the fund
多渠道、多方式through multiple channels and by diversified means
多种分配方式diversified modes of distribution
完善代表小组的组织活动方式improve the way activities for teams of deputies are organized
官方正式译文official translation
实行定期与不定期的灵活多样合作方式adopt a variety of flexible means for cooperation at regular or irregular intervals
履行方式mode of performance
工资分配方式form of wage distribution
师承方式way of apprenticeship
执行方式means for executing
承诺方式form of acceptance
投资方式form of investment
抵押权实现方式means of enforcing the mortgage interest
担保方式means of guarantee
拒绝证明的方式manner of proof of dishonor
招标方式bidding type
改进政府管理与服务方式improve the methods used to administer government affairs and deliver services
改革落后的生产方式reform their backward production methods
方式数额mode and quantity
服务方式form of service
期限和方式time and the form
深入开展审判方式改革carry out an in-depth reform of adjudication methods
灵活多样的方式flexible and varied modalities
灵活多样的合作方式a variety of flexible means for cooperation
物权保护方式form for protection of the property right
环保旅游方式environmental ways of tourism
生产方式production methods
用诉讼方式resort to legal proceeding
确认方式confirmation way
简便方式simplified methods
粗放型经济增长方式an inefficient pattern of economic growth
约定基金运作方式specify the mode of operation of the fund
经营方式mode of business
结算方式settlement method
节约型的消费方式economical pattern of consumption
节约、环保、文明的生产方式和消费模式conservation-oriented, environmentally friendly and civilized patterns of production and consumption
表决方式voting form
要约方式form of offer
议事方式discussion methods
诉讼方式legal proceeding
调控方式control methods
运用招标方式through bid invitation
还款方式method of repayment
适当方式appropriate methods
邮购方式mail order
采取非和平方式及其他必要措施employ non-peaceful means and other necessary measures
采用举手方式表决议案vote on bills by show of hands
采用投票方式表决议案vote on bills by ballot
采用无记名投票的表决方式be voted by secret ballot
非和平方式non-peaceful means
首选方式preferred method