
Terms for subject Securities containing 方法 | all forms | in specified order only
一次性总付款的方法lump sum method
一美元平均买进证券计算方法dollar average method
上期余额方法previous balance method
不可兑换发行方法irredeemable issue method
中央结算的凭证式持股方法CCASS certificated holdings
主动/进取的方法active/aggressive approach
主要估值方法key valuation measure
买方顾问看法opinion of buyer's counsel
证券交易方法trading method
交易方法的有效性检验validating of trade methods
付款方法mode of payment
以增值方法计算的利润额betterment profit
以避险为出发点的方法risk-based approach
以避险为基础的方法risk-based approach
价值方法value method
任选股利支付方法在现金或股票中任选其一optional dividend
优先处理方法prioritized approach
会计处理方法对会计处理和控制方式进行分类,以便记录企业财务状况的变化accounting process
会计跨期所得税当期计列方法flow through method
估价方法valuation approaches
估值方法valuation methodology
估值方法valuation approaches
估算方法imputation methodology
债权方的法定代表referee in bankruptcy
偿债平价方法debt service parity approach
其他支付方法other payment methods
出资方法contribution approach
分层样品指数方法stratified sampling approach to indexing
分拆方法spinoff method
剥离方法spinoff method
剩余股息方法residual dividend approach
化整为零的洗黑钱方法money laundering
协调一致方法concerted approach
双重股份资本调整的转换方法向内部人发行高表决权股份换回他们现有表决权股,其余由外部持股者拥有的低表决权股份通常能拿到较高的红利exchange method of dual-class recapitalization
双重股权资本调整的分配方法dividend method of dual-class recapitalization
双重融资结构的分配方法dividend method of dual-class recapitalization (双重股权转换的方法是将股份分拆或红利股票作为新的表决权股,而以前的普通股被定义为有更大表决权的股份)
受托人方法trustee device
各方的法律顾问counsel to parties
因果方法causal methods
固定投资方法fixed investment method
固定收益方法constant yield method
基金存储因数方法factorial method of depositing fund
增长战略/替代性方法growth strategy/ alternative
备用的筹资方法alternative funding method
复式簿记方法book keeping by double entry
定性方法qualitative methods
对数线性最小平方法log linear least squares method
层化方法按基准组合相同比例,用跨行业板块多样化来减少风险stratified method
市场预期方法market anticipation approach
应变方法contingency approach
强化的特别股份交易方法enhanced special stock trading method
想方设法wheeling and dealing
成本方法cost approach
成长股价值投资方法value investing approach to growth stocks
扫射方法营销策略shotgun approach marketing tactic
技术分析方法technical analysis approach
投人方法contribution approach
投资方法investment methods
投资方法决策矩阵investment methodology decision matrix
折扣方法discount method
指数方法index method
指数化中的最小方差法variance minimization approach to indexing
按低于标准的方法记账substandard accounting
按公式计算的分摊方法formula based amortization
按必要的变通方法执行subject to necessary modifications
竞投证券时掷币决定方法matched and lost
摊还方法method of amortization
收人资本化方法income capitalization approach
收支平衡方法balance of payments approach
整笔付款方法lump sum method
时间序列分析预测方法time series analysis forecast technique
明确的方法explicit methods
最佳指数方法optimization approach to indexing
最小平方法least-squares method
权益汇总的会计方法pooling of interests method of accounting
标准估值方法standard valuation method
格雷汉姆与多德投资方法Graham and Dodd method of investing (认为投资者应购买被低估的证券,因其价格最终将上涨到与其真实价值相等的水平)
模拟投资组合方法mimicking portfolio approach
横截面方法cross sectional approach
法定信托方式持有hold on the statutory trust
法定收购方式statutory acquisition techniques
状态偏好方法state preference approach
监管方法supervisory approach
相对价值方法relative value approach
筹款方法ways and means
筹集资金方法ways and means
简单避险方法naive method
股票发行方法share issuing method
自下而上的方法bottom-up methodology
自动风险分析方法automated risk analysis methodology
融资方法与直接交易方法financing method and outright trading method
补救买进方法buy-in procedure
订单建档方法book building method
让产易股方法spinoff method
证券准备金方法documentary reserve method
证券化方法securitization methodology
调整余额的方法adjusted balance method
购买方法methods of purchase
资产组合方法portfolio approach
资产风险调整方法risk-adjusted-assets method
资格预审投标方法prequalified tendering
追溯方法retroactive method
追踪最小方差方法技术分析variance minimization approach to tracking
选择资本化比率的方法methods of selection of capitalization rate
逐项处理方法project-by-project approach
部门独立方法spinoff method
重新计算的方法recalculation method
银行计息方法bank basis
长线投资方法buy and put away
长线投资方法buy and put aside
限定的投资组合红利计算方法limited portfolio method of dividend calculation
零基方法zero base approach
非法定的收购方式non-statutory acquisition techniques
预测的定量方法quantitative approach to forecasting