
Terms for subject Space containing 方法 | all forms | in specified order only
事件驱动测试方法event-driven testing method
二极管平方式乘法器diode quarter-square multiplier
人建模方法human modeling methodology
仿真模拟方法simulation methodology
信号分析方法analytical signal approach
信息方法information method
全俄地质遥感方法研究所VNIKAM (俄罗斯,俄文缩写英译)
全定制设计方法full-custom design approach
全面质量管理方法methods of TQC
共线方程校正法collinear equation correction (遥感图像几何形变校正一种方法)
分析方法analysis methodology
初值方法initial-value method
初始检测方法initial detection method
初步轨道确定方法preliminary orbit determination method
制导导引方法guidance method
制导系统方法误差error due to guidance method
制造方法与工艺manufacturing method and technology
加工方法processing route
动力方法dynamical method
动态方法dynamical method
助航方法navigational aids
半分析方法semianalytic approach
半解析方法semianalytic methods
协同论方法synergetics methods
协方差分析法covariance analysis method
协方差法covariance method
卫星处理机存取方法satellite processor access method
双孔密封方法double bore sealing system (分段壳体的)
反馈方法feedback method
发射方法method of fire
启发方法heuristic method
基于速率的方法rate-based approach
基本测量方法fundamental method of measurement
声学方法acoustic method
复杂系统仿真方法complexity system simulation method
多模型方法multiple-model approach
学习方法learning method
定义测量方法definitive method of measurement
宽方位搜索目标azimuth wide search mode
对称密钥加密方法symmetric-key encryption (一种数据加密方法)
导弹火力运用方法missile fire application method
寿命估计方法life assessment methodology
小摄动方法small-perturbation method (航天器轨道计算的)
层次研制方法hierarchical development methodology
布里奇曼方法Bridgman method
布鲁斯顿试验方法Bruceton test method (一种确定电爆装置性能的统计方法)
平方根法square-root method
广义似然比方法generalized likelihood ratio approach
底片方位元素法method of plate orientation elements
建模方法building model methodology
建模方法modeling methodology
开发方法development methodology (编制软件的一种系统方法)
弱耦合点隐式方法loosely-coupled point-implicit scheme
微差测量方法differential method of measurement
截击解算方法interception logic
拉普拉斯方法Laplace method
指引方法pointer method
控制方法method of control
控制方法control method
操作方法operational method
操作方法operation method
斯蒂帕诺夫方法Stepanov method
方位导引法bearing directing method
方位电路加法器azimuth adder
方向余弦法direction cosine method
方向观测法method by senses
方法method library
方法误差methodical error
方法误差method error
显示方法display method
替代测量方法substitution method of measurement
最小二乘方法分析least-square analysis
术语、约定和方法terminology, conventions and methodology
检查验收方法check acceptance method
正则化方法regularization method
求平方根算法square-rooting algorithm
测定方法determination method
测试试验方法test method
直接最佳化方法direct optimization method
瞄准方法sighting method
瞄准点选优方法method of optimizing aiming point
矩阵匹配方法matrix matching technique
硬系统方法hard-systematic methodology
确定飞行马赫数方法Mach number method
科学方法scientific methodology
空间发动机推力估算及处置方法研究计划Space thrust Evaluation and Disposal Investigation
突变论方法catastrophe theory methods
窄方位搜索法azimuth narrow search mode
精度鉴定硬比方法hard comparison method of accuracy evaluation
系统科学方法methodology of system
线性化方法linearization technique
线性弹性断裂力学方法linear elastic fracture mechanics approach
综合毁伤效果预测方法'forecast method of combined damage effect
编码方法coding method
网络评审方法network evaluation method
耗散结构论方法methods of dissipativity structure theory
艾文思方法Evans method
计算方法computational method
计算方法computational approach
计算机仿真方法computer simulation methodology
计算机自动诊断方法computer methods for automatic diagnosis
论证方法demonstration methodology
方法spectral method
贝叶斯方法Bayesian approach
贝叶斯方法Bayes method
费歇方法Fisher approach
超定方程法overdetermined equation method
路由选择方法routing method
轨道改进方法orbit correction method
软件需求工程研究方法software requirements engineering methodology
软系统方法soft-systematic methodology
轰炸方案轰炸法bombing pattern
近似规划方法approximating programming method
迭代变分方法iterative variational method
零位测量方法null method of measurement
雷达截面分析方法RCS analysis methods
雷达目标截面控制方法radar target cross section control method
高斯和方法Gaussian sum approach