
Terms for subject Finances containing 方法 | all forms | in specified order only
不标准之方法nonstandard method
以风险为依据的方法risk-based approach
任择的方法elective methods
会计方法basis of accounting
会计方法体系accounting method system
会计报表的编制方法compilation method of accounting statements
传统式报告方法traditional reporting
保险统计员计算方法actuarial cost method
修正折合方法的提出suggested changes in conversion procedures
债券限制发放股利的方法bond restrictions on dividends
公允价值确定方法methods for confirmation of fair value
公式与方法formulas and process
其它支付方法other method of payment
分期付款之会计处理方法installment method of accounting
分组方法统制科目block method for controlling accounts
去九之核对数字方法casting out nines
可供选择的会计方法alternative accounting methods
套期会计方法hedging accounting method
存货会计的处理方法inventory accounting methods
存货计价方法inventory costing methods
定价方法pricing method
对在制品期初存货的会计处理方法methods of accounting for beginning work in process inventory
对在制品期初存货的会计处理方法method of accounting for beginning work in process inventory
成本计算方法method of cost accounting
折旧方法depreciation method
指定分配方法assignment method
按公式计算的摊还方法formulae based amortization
按收益表观点估计坏帐的方法income statement approach of estimating uncollective accounts
改良特别股份交易方法enhanced special stock trading method
整理方法adjustment method
方式方法ways and means
旅行费用方法hotelling method
无买卖差价交易方法choice market making
核算方法accounting methods
理财方法financing method
盘存方法的对照inventory methods contrasted
租赁会计的理财方法financing method of accounting for lease
筹资方法financing method
结算方法settlement method
结算方法method of settlement
结转成本的方法methods available for the carryover of cost
统计方法statistical methodology
编制全面预算方法full-budgeting approach
美国债市的标准计息方法U.S. street method (指除美国财政部以外,美国债市参与者计算到期收益率使用的标准方法)
花费方法expenditure method
计价方法method of costing
财务方法methodology of finance
转让方法assignment method
采取循序渐进的方法in a phased and sequenced manner
重估方法revaluation method
银行支付方法bank payment methods
静态的方法static method
非货币方法non-monetary method
预定的分配方法predetermined distribution
预算方法budgeting method
风险排列方法risk array method