
Terms for subject Economy containing 方法 | all forms | in specified order only
一揽子处理方法package deal
一揽子处理方法package approach
"一揽子调整"方法the "adjustable basket" technique
一次总付的方法lump-sum basis
一级可信度方法first order reliability method
一般化最小平方法general least squares
不合标准的方法non-standard method
不干涉方法laisse-faire approach
不正当的竞争方法unfair competitive practices
与分配无关的统计方法distribution free statistical method
专门方法ad hoc approach
二阶可靠性方法second order reliability method
方法means of delivery
产品制造方法product realization process
现代管理7要素人力、奖金、产销方法、机器设备、物料、市场、士气manpower, money, methods, machines, materials, market, morale
他已经发现了将这种材料用于建筑的方法He has found a way to utilize this material for the purpose of construction
以各种方法in any sort
以国家为中心的方法country-centered approach
以层次为基础的方法level-based approach
以政策手段为基础的方法instrument-based approach
价格方法price approach
会计方法的改变accounting changes
估算价值的方法an imputation methodology
估计方法method of estimation
你方所送来样不够大,无法判断The samples you sent us are not large enough to judge
你方报盘太高,无法引起兴趣Your offer is too high to kindle interest
偿付方法a payback method
兼收并蓄方法eclectic approach
准分析方法quasi-analytical method
凭经验办事的方法rule of thumb
出口收汇方法the manner of collecting export proceeds
分类方法taxonomic approach
分类学探讨方法taxonomic approach
分配方法distribution method
分配方法的格式the format of the distribution method
切实的方法down-to-earth approach
制造方法的对比comparison of methods of manufacture
刺激销售的方法sales approach
动态方法dynamic approach
劳动密集的方法labour-intensive method
单一学科方法monodisciplinary approach
卖方如由于无法控制的意外事故而不能供应所需货物,该订单将被认为已撤销The order shall be considered to have been cancelled if the seller is prevented from supplying goods required owing to any contingency beyond control
卖方是按照这个国家的法律正式组成而合法存在的一家公司The seller is a duly organized company validly existing under the laws of this country
县、地方法district court
参与方法participative approach
参与方法participatory approach
双方公司应履行一切合法生效的合同下的条款和条件The two companies, under all lawful executory contracts, shall fulfil the terms and conditions
双方已在法院外私下作了了结Both sides reached a settlement out of court
双方应按照国家法律对本合同予以解释,阐明并加以执行Both parties shall construct, interpret and enforce this contract according to the laws of the state
双方应确保本协议执行的合法性Both parties shall ensure the legality of the performance of this agreement
可供选择的方法alternative ways
可供选择的两种或两种以上方法alternative ways
可供选择的会计方法an alternative accounting method
可供选用的会计方法accounting alternative
可自由选择结算方法optional modes of settle
可行的解决方法a feasible solution
5号信用证规定的包装方法,将使我们负担额外费用The stipulation given in L/C No. 5 on the method of packing will put us to extra expense
合作方法cooperative approach
启发性方法a heuristic method
吸收能力的分析方法absorption approach
商界计息方法merchant's rule
因果方法causal approach
国际标准化分类方法International Standards Methods
方法district court
方法court of district
均衡的方法balanced approach
基于自我实践的学习方法experimental learning
方法exotic approach
如你方拒绝付款,法庭将按照我国法律强制你方付款If you refuse to make payment, the court shall enforce your payment according to the laws of the country
如果发生人力无法控制的任何偶发事件,卖方和买方必须彼此协商,以便使损失减少到最低程度in the event of any contingencies beyond control, the seller and the buyer shall consult with each other in order to minimize the loss
如果我们通过谈判不能友好地解决任何与执行合同有关的争执,那我方将不得不付诸法律诉讼If we cannot amicably settle any dispute about the fulfilment of the contract through negotiation, we have to resort to legal proceedings
存货计价方法method of inventory costing
存货计价方法分析analysis of inventory costing method
完备的行列方法completed determinants method
对在制品初期存货的记账方法method of accounting for beginning work in process inventory
寿限折旧方法depreciation-age-life method
将剩余作为循环变动的方法method of residual as"cycles"
尽管他们承接订货很多,他们仍设法及时完成我方订单In spite of heavy commitments, they managed to execute our order in time
工作方法和标准work methods and standards
工作方法研究methods study
工资与物价管理方法wage-price guidelines
差别方法differential system
差别会计方法differential accounting approach
常数的计算方法enumeration of constants
干部培训方法the training philosophy
应用分时方法的工业time sharing industry
会计的应计方法accrual method (of accounting)
延误是由于我方无法获得必要的运输工具而造成的The delay is due to our inability to secure necessary transportation means
弹性方法an elasticity approach
弹性分析方法elasticity approach
当地补助方法local remedy
微观方法a microscopic approach
情感培训方法affective approach to training
想方设法one way another
成本-效果分析方法cost-effectiveness-analysis method
成本效益分析方法cost effectiveness analysis methodology
成本效益基准方法cost-effective basis method
成本计算方法cost-finding techniques
方法律顾问赞同我们同他们所订的协议Our counsellor approved of the agreement which we concluded with them
我们厂的工资支付方法采用计件和奖金制The method of payment in our factory is on the piece-rate and bonus basis
我们已在 5 月7日函告你方,我们只能按寄售办法销售这批货We informed you in our letter of 7th May that we could handle these goods on a consignment basis only
我们希望你们能认识到这种双方妥协的方案是解决困难的切实可行的办法We hope you will realize that this compromise on both parties is a practicable solution of the difficulty
我们非常抱歉地通知贵方,由于不可避免的意外事故,我方无法履行合同We are very sorry to inform you that we can not perform the contract due to inevitable accident
我公司的业务已饱和,无法与你方进行交易Our company is fully engaged and cannot trade with you
我方完全服从法院的判决We gave complete obedience to the judgement of the court
我方应采取有效措施来防止他人非法使用我方之特许专利We should take effective measures to prevent the unauthorized use of our licensed patent by others
我方必须用电报告知你方,我方只能按寄售办法销售这批货We have to advise you by cable that we can sell these goods on ii consignment basis only
我方必须采取一切措施防止任何他方非法制造我方产品All measures should be taken to prevent unlawful manufacture of our product by any other party
我方注意到你方关于产品质量的看法We note your remarks concerning the quality of the manufactures
所得方法income approach
投资方法capitalized method
投资者方法investor's method
折旧费计算方法method of calculating depreciation
报销方法method of charging out
抽样方法sampling methods
抽样方法methods of sampling
指导训练方法methods of instruction
指数化方法indexation method
按事由作出的实体法方面的决定determine the case upon its merit
按固定出率递减净值的方法fixed percentage of decreasing net value method
按国家捐赠的方法country pattern of contribution
授权地方当局自行斟酌执行的法规permissive legislation
控制税源征税方法method of controlling the source for taxation
揭露的方法means of disclosure
支付方法payment procedure
支出方法expenditure method
支出能力的分析方法payments approach
政治经济学方法method of political economy
政治经济学的对策与方法scope and method of political economy
整理方法method of ordering
方法评价evaluation of new methods
新的借款方法new technique of borrowing
方格法a grid model
方案基础预算法program-based budgeting
方法ways and means
方法分析the method analysis
方法分析说明methods analysis specification
方法分析说明method analysis specification
方法工程学methods engineering
方法工程学method engineering
方法技术methods engineering
方法技术method engineering
方法、时间测定Methods-Time Measurement
方法研究the method study
方法methodology (学)
方法论原理methodological principle
方法论问题methodological problem
既然不接受我方提议,我们想听听你方的解决办法Since our offer is unacceptable to you, we would like to listen to your solution
时间数列方法time series analysis
时间计量方法method time measurement
最佳方法optimization techniques
最小平方法leastsquares procedure
最终用途的方法end use method
有效的工程方法good engineering practice
杂货的常规包装与装运方法conventional methods of packing and handling general cargo
材料成本方法material cost method
标准方法standard procedure
检查方法examination techniques
检査方法method of inspection
概念上的方法conceptual approach
概率方法probabilistic techniques
次优方法second-best measure
次优方法second best measure
比较各类布置采取有效的方法comparing effectiveness of methods between alternative layout
比较静态方法method of comparative statics
汇总方法method of summary
汇款方法method of remittance
法庭的判决对双方都有约束力The judgement of the court is binding upon both parties
法律补救方法legal remedy
法院不偏袒任何一方,而是秉公办案The court will not side any party but handle a case impartially
注重生计的方法livelihood centred approach
活梯方法成本计算法stepladder method costing practice
深入细致的分配方法intensive distribution
物价上涨指数计算方法fluctuation formulae examples
特殊补救方法exceptional remedy
现代生产方法modern process
现价确定方法present approach
现金平衡方法cash balance approach
生产方法methods of production
生产方法law of production
正确的、错误的方法on sound, wrong lines
用出售股票方法成立这家公司的做法完全失败了The float of the company was a complete failure
由于你方是我们的老客户,根据你方要求,我们已设法为你方保留部分货物Since you are our old customer, we have managed to retain some of the goods for you at your requirements
由于你方未告知必要的细节,我方目前无法向你方发出报盘We are not in a position to send you an offer owing to your omission to state the necessary particulars
由于已受订货太多,我公司无法再承接贵方订单We cannot accept your order because of heavy bookings
由于我们想方设法促销产品,所以我们销售量上去了Our sales volume has gone up because of our having devised ways and means to promote the sale
由于法郎贬值,我方于8月5日电告价格上调On account of the devaluation of franc, we advised you by our cable dated 5th August of our adjusted price
登记方法a registration method
直接成本计算方法direct costing method
着眼于国家的方法country approach
研究制定岀一种方法政策,电路develop a method (a policy,a circuit)
社会技术系统方法sociotechnical system approach
科学的近似方法scientific approach
科际整合方法interdisciplinary approach
租赁会计的处理方法operating method of accounting for lease
筹备资金方法之推荐financing recommendations
筹措资金的方法methods of financing
筹措资金的方法method of financing
筹款方法funding alternatives
签订合同后,双方中任何一方不得违犯政府的任何政策,成文法或不成文法After signing the contract, neither of the two parties shall violate any public policy, statutory or common laws
管理中的定量方法quantitative method in management
管理、人力、资金、产销方法、机器设备、物料、市场、士气management, manpower, money, methods, machines, materials, market, morale
管理训练模式化方法the modular approach to management training
组织和方法分析an organization and method analysis
经济方法economic method
经济学方法method of economics
经济结构层次分析方法analytical method of viewing the economic structure in terms of different levels
经济而有效的方法efficient methods
经营方法a method con-ducting trade
结关方法method of customs clearance
结关检验证书应由我方指定的合法鉴定人开立A certificate of clear inspection shall be issued by an authorized surveyor whom we shall appoint
统一査账方法integrated approach to auditing
统一的着眼于国家的方法integrated country approach
综合方法composite method
综合方法integrated approach
编制全面预算方法a full-budgeting approach
美国地方法U.S. District Court
考虑到目前的市场情况,我们同意和买方达成一个折衷办法Considering the present market situation, we agree to effect a compromise with the buyers
联邦地方法federal district court
联邦测试方法标准Federal Test Method Standards
自由放任方法laissez-faire method
若我们在 5 月 18日前得不到你方肯定消息,我们将不得不采取法律行动索回贷款If we do not hear from you favorably by May 18, we shall have to take legal means for collection
若我方在6月底前得不到你方肯定消息,我方将不得不通过法律程序追索货款If we do not get favourable news from you before the end of June, we shall have to take legal proceedings for collection
补偿贷款方法compensatory financing facility
补偿限度方法measure of indemnity
要求你方在商品经销业务中设法防止侵害性和不经济的做法You are asked to try to prevent injurious and uneconomic practices in the distribution of the goods
解释性计算方法an illustrative calculation
计划方法method of planning
计划性方法programmatic approach
计划评估方法project approach
计算盈利和损失的方法the methodology and approach in terms of gains and loss
计费方法method of charging
计量方法quantitative approach (分析)
计量管理方法quantitative techniques
计量经济学的预测方法econometric forecasting method
评价方法the evaluation methodology
试验方法an experimental method
该协议的某些部分无法实施,你方最好重新考虑Some part of this agreement is held unenforceable adj., you had better reconsider it
请即回函告知这批机械及设备的处理办法,是将货退给你们,还是暂存我处留待你方处理Please inform us by return mail what we shall deal with the machinery and equipment Shall we return them to you or hold them at your disposal?
请提出赔偿你方损失的解决办法Please suggest a solution to compensate you for your loss
课税方法tax techniques
财政紧缩方法an austerity program
货款应以我方为受益人的、保兑的、不可撤销的信用证方法支付The payment should be made by means of a confirmed, irrevocable L/C to be opened in our favour
购买purchasing methods
购买purchasing method
购买进价余额方法the purchasing methods for keeping merchandise inventory
贴现方法discounting facilities
贸易经常方法method of conducting trade
贸易经常方法methods of conducting trade
贸易方法a method con-ducting trade
跟催方法method of follow-ups
转化为资本的方法capitalized method
转嫁方法imputation methodology
轮流生产方法alternate production method
边际生产方递增法则law of increasing marginal productivity
迂回的生产方法a roundabout method of production
迂回的生产方法roundabout production process
运输方法means of transport
运输方法method of shipment
这种付款方式是我们的习惯做法The mode of payment is our usual practice
选代方法alternative manner
通过今天的会谈,我们可以找到一个友好解决双方之间问题的办法Through today's meeting we can find an amicable solution to our problem
通过…方法by way of
采购方法procurement practice
鉴别方法discriminatory method
鉴定测试方法methods of appraisal and test
销售代理将尽全力用各种方法推销新产品The sales representative will make every effort to merchandise the new products
集体使用农业信贷的方法group approach to agricultural credit
集约的喂养方法intensive feeding practice
食物权方法工具箱Methodological Toolbox on the Right to Food
食物权方法工具箱Right to Food Methodological Toolbox
鸟驮式集装箱运输方法a birdy back system