
Terms for subject Business containing 方法 | all forms | in specified order only
一体化方法integrated approach
"一揽子调整"方法"adjustable basket" technique
一般决策方法general decision method
一般管理方法general management approach
三段最小平方法three-stage least squares method
三段最小平方法three-stage least squares
不合格品验收方法费用cost of accepting defective process
专业训练方法educational services methodology
两段最小平方法method of two stage least squares
个案讨论方法case discussion approach
举证方法means of proof
习惯方法conventional method
二值变量方法two-state process
二维方法two-dimensional process
交货方法means of delivery
人寿保险付息方法选择权dividend options
代数方法algebraic technique
以上述方法解决heads or tails
价值工程应用方法value engineering application
企业式领导方法method of enterprise-like leadership
企业计量方法quantitative method in business
伊萨德—库纳方法Isard-Kuenne method
会计方法account method
会计例行方法mechanics of accounting
会计变通方法accounting alternative
会计处理方法accounting process
会计报表编制方法compilation method of accounting statements
会计核算方法method of accounting calculation
会计记算方法account method
会计运作方法operating method of accounting
传统方法traditional method
传统方法orthodox method
传统交易方法orthodox method of trading
传统管理方法orthodox method of management
估价方法valuation method
作业方法培训job method training
作业方法训练job method training
供应方法means of supply
保密方法secrecy method
保险方法method of assurance
修匀方法smoothing techniques
修正广义最小平方法modified generalized least squares method
公式与方法formula and process
共轭方向算法conjugate direction algorithm
内部控制的控制装置和方法control devices and method of internal control
决策方法decision method
决策方案比率评价法decision alternative ratio evaluation system
决策研究方法decision-making approach
准分析方法quasi-analytic method
凭经验办事方法rule of thumb
分期付款下应收款的付现方法cash collection basis of revenue recognition for instalment receivable
分期付款会计处理方法installment method of accounting
分期付款制方法installment basis method
分析方法Analytical Process
分析方法analysis method
分类编码方法classification and coding method
分配方法means of distribution
分配方法apportion method
利特尔—米尔利斯方法Little-Mirrlees method
制造方法专利process patent
制造方法变异性process variability
制造方法对比comparison of methods of manufacture
加权最小平方法method of weighted least squares
加热方法heating method
动态研究方法dynamical approach
动态研究方法dynamic approach
劳动密集方法labor-intensive method
协作方法team approach
单一方程估计法single equation methods of estimation
单一方程估计法single equation estimation method
单一方程回归法single equation regression method
单一方程法single equation techniques
单一方程法single equation method
单利计算方法method of simple interest
卡方最小法chi-square minimum method
方法律行为bilateral legal transaction
方法律责任bilateral legal responsibility
双态方法two-state process
变动方法mechanism of change
变换方法change ways
变量更换方法change of variable method
古典管理方法classical management method
可供选择的会计方法alternative accounting method
可维修性的评价与分析方法Technique for Evaluation and Analysis of Maintainability
合并方法pooling technique
合理化方法streamlined methods
同等概率选择方法equal probability selection method
商业方法commercial run
回收方法payback method
困惑—创造—反馈—普及方法dilemma-invention-feedback-generalization process
固定方法constant method
国际投资方法method of international investment
国际支付方法method of international payment
国际结算方法method of international settlement
国际融资方法method of international financing
方法county court
坦率的方法man-to-man method
培训方法training method
基本存货方法base stock inventory method
基本管理方法basic management method
基本经济计量方法basic econometric technique
基本设计方法basic design method
基本远程通信存取方法basic telecommunication access method
处理方法line of approach
复合型方法complex method
外来方法exotic approach
外汇管制方法method of controlling foreign exchange
外界承包方法outside contracting approach
多种推销方法组合marketing mix
多科性联合工作方法inter-disciplinary team approach
大众化广告方法如利用电视,广播,报纸等admass or ad-mass
存储方法storage process
存货核算方法inventory accounting method
宏观方法macro-scopic method
宏观方法macro approach
定价方法method of pricing
定员方法method of determining personnel quota
审计方法audit method
客观方法objective method
家长式统治方法paternalistic approach
密集推销方法intensive distribution
密集的推销方法intensive distribution
对在制品期初存货的会计方法method of accounting for beginning work in process inventory
对过程和方法的建议suggestion on process and method
寻优方法search procedures
工作方法job method
工时测量方法method of time measurement
左上角方法upper left hand corner method
差分方程法difference equation method
市场调查方法method of market survey
市场调查方法market survey method
市场调研方法method of market research
市场预测方法method of market forecasting
布利斯—费雪方法Bliss-Fisher method
布朗方法Brown method
布朗斯顿方法Bruceton method
medium 的复数广告宣传方法advertising media
应计方法accrual method
建模方法modeling methodology
建模方法model methodology
强制方法strong-arm method
强制方法shotgun approach
德宾广义最小平方法Durbin's generalized least squares
戈登方法Gordon technique
成套工程方法complete project approach
成本估价方法cost estimation technique
成本估价方法cost estimate techniques
成本计算方法type of cost system
成本计算方法cost finding techniques
批的处理方法disposal of lot
技术方法technological process
技术方法technical method
投入产出方法input-output approach
折旧方法depreciation plan
折旧方法比较comparison of depreciation methods
折衷方法middle way
报废和重置方法retirement and replacement methods
抽样方法technique of sampling
拉格朗日方法Lagrangian technique
拉格朗日方法Lagrange technique
拉格朗日乘子方法Lagrange multiplier procedure
指导方法guidance method
支付方法payment method
收费方法fee charging method
改变管理方法change management method
教育方法educational method
数学模型方法mathematical model approach
数据分析方法method of data analysis
数据取得方法method of data capture
数据处理方法method of data processing
数据收集方法method of collecting data
数据记录方法data recording process
数理方法mathematical method
数量方法quantity method
方法new method
新旧方法选择choosing a depreciation method
方差简化法variance reduction technique
方差缩减法variance-reducing technique
方格计数法criss-cross method
方法Bmethod B
方法分析methods analysis
方法分析method analysis
方法多样性diversity of methods
方法工程method engineering
方法工程协会methods engineering council
方法差异difference in means
方法改进程序method improvement program
方法-时间数据method-time data
方法—时间标准method-time standard
方法—时间测定method-time measurement
方法—时间测定系统method-time measurement system
方法—时间测量methods-time measurement
方法检验test on means
方法汇编method atlas
方法编制development of methods
方法适应adaptation of methods
方法鉴定certification of process
方程组法equation system method
施工方法operation job
无约束最小平方法method of least-squares-on-restriction
普查方法census method
普查统计方法census statistics method
普通方法regular way
普通最小平方法ordinary least squares techniques
普通最小平方法ordinary least square
最优管理方法optimum management method
最优管理方法optimal management method
最佳方法best method
最佳化方法method of optimization
最佳管理方法best management method
最小平方法least square procedure
最小平方法least square (method)
最小平方法least square approach
最小平方估计法least square estimation procedure
最小平方估计法least square estimation method
最小平方倒数法inverse least squares method
最小平方回归法least square regression method
最小成本格方法minimum-cost-cell procedure
最小方差比法least variance ratio method
有效方法efficient method
有限信息单一方程极大似然法limited information single-equation maximum likelihood method
有限信息单一方程法limited information single-equation method
未约定差分方法unconventional difference method
美国机器同业公会方法MAPI method
机遇化方法chancifying method
材料管理方法materials management method
极大极小方法maximin technique
査库方法method of inspection of fiscal holdings
标准结算方法standard method of settlement
核算方法method of accounting
核算方法method for accounting
检定方法survey plan
检查方法Test Procedure
检验方法method of testing
检验方法method of inspection
检验方法test methodology
概率的公理化方法axiomatic approach to probability
次优方法second-best method
比较方法comparative approach
比较各类布置采取有效方法comparing effectiveness of methods between alternative layout
比较各类布置采取有效方法comparative effectiveness of method between alternative layout
汇款方法方式method of remittance
流动方法current method
流通资金定额计算方法calculation method of circulating fund quota
测定趋势方法way of determining the trend
测度论方法measurement theory method
测时方法method of measuring time
渐进贝叶斯方法asymptotic Bayes procedure
满足方法satisfying method
状态空间方法state space approach
现代管理方法modern management method
现代管理方法modern management approach
现代营销方法modern marketing method
理论—数量方法theoretical-quantitative approach
用不正当的方法by unfair means
用最小平方法逼近approximation by least squares
用电子计算机确定装配线操作程序的方法computer method for sequencing operations for assembly lines
电传通讯存取方法telecommunication method
电讯存取方法telecommunication access method
直观方法intuitive approach
相容方法consistent methodology
相对值判定方法decision approach to relative value
研究方法method of research
社会学方法social approach
科学方法原理scientific methods principle
秘密制造方法secret process
积累方法means of accumulation
管理方法method of management
管理定量方法quantitative method in management
管理训练模式化方法modular approach to management training
系统方法system plan
系统估计方法systems method of estimation
系统分析方法methodology of system analysis
系统导向研究方法system-oriented approach
系统工程方法system engineering methodology
系统工程方法methodology of system engineering
系统管理方法system management method
系统设计方法system design method
约束最小平方法method of restricted least squares
组建商行方法method of organizing business house
组织方法分析organization and method analysis
组织与方法Organization and Methods
组织和管理方法organization and method
组织商行方法method of organizing business house
经典最小平方法classical least-squares method
经商方法method of conducting trade
经济管理方法economic management method
经济管理方法economic means of regulation
经济计量方法econometric technique
经济计量学方法econometric method
经济计量学预测方法econometric forecasting methods
经济订货量方法economic order quantity method
经营方法course of operation
经营方法business methods
经营方法operational approach
经验—数量方法empirical quantitative approach
经验—数量方法empiric quantitative approach
统计方法statistical technique
统计方法method of statistics
编表方法tabulating method
美国标准试验方法American Standard Test Method
联合广义最小平方法joint generalized least squares
联立方程法simultaneous equation method
联立方程组法simultaneous equations techniques
联营商店会计方法chain stores accounting method
自适应建模方法adaptive modelling approach
舍选方法rejection technique
莫蒂方法Murthy's method
营业方法手段business method
营销方法method of marketing
营销方法marketing method
融资方法method of financing
融资方法financing method
补救方法relief method
要径方法critical path methodology
解释性计算方法illustrative calculation
计划储存方法与空间plan storage method and space
计方格法criss-cross method
计算方法不同disparity in accounting method
计算盈利和损失的方法methodology and approach in terms of gains and loss
计量方法quantitative method
计量经济学方法methodology of econometrics
计量经济研究传统方法orthodox approach in econometric research
试验方法test methodology
课堂教育与职业训练相结合的教育方法distribution education
课税方法method of taxation
调度方法scheduling method
调整方法adjustment method
谨慎的经营方法conservative business method
贝伦斯方法Behrens' method
贝叶斯方法Bayesian techniques
贝叶斯方法Bayesian method
贝叶斯逆概率方法Bayes' inverse-probability approach
质量管理方法quality control technique
质量管理统计方法statistical method of quality control
费时方法time consuming approach
费用低廉的方法cost effective method
资料收集方法method of collecting data
资本化方法capitalized method
资金预算编制方法capital budgeting techniques
超声波方法supersonic method
边界收缩方法boundary contraction method
运算方法method of operation
运送方法means of delivery
运量计算方法method calculating freight volume
远景方案论述法scenario writing approach
选择方法choice method
选择方法alternative ways
选择最佳方法choose the best plan
通用方法common approach
采购方法means of purchase
间接最小平方法indirect least square
间歇焊接方法batch soldering
陈旧管理方法old management
集体生产方法collective production method
集约分配方法intensive distribution
方法null method
零售方法the retail method
需求预测方法demand forecasting method
非技术方法non-technical method
非数量方法nonquantitative method
非数量方法non-quantitative method
非线性计量经济方法non-linear econometric techniques
项目监控器和控制方法project monitor and control method
预定分配方法predetermined distribution
预测方法prediction technique
预算编制方法presentation of budget
预算编制方法budgetary technique
验收方法method of acceptance
验证方法validation technique
高度科学性的方法highly scientific approach
高科学性方法highly scientific approach
鸟驮式集装箱运输方法birdy back system