
Terms for subject Oil / petroleum containing 方法 | all forms | in specified order only
上抛和下落立体角反射器方法up and down corner cube method
两阶段灌浆方法two-stage grouting method
中值方法median method
主动源方法active source method
井中方法downhole method
井间地震方法seismic crosshole method
人工举升方法artificial lift method
充填方法placement method
充填方法packing means
全隐式方法fully implicit method
分半方法bisection method
分析方法analytical approach
前方交会法long-base method
加工方法working method
半理论方法semitheoretical approach
协方差分割法covariance partitioning
协方差极小法covarimin method
卡玛尔一布里格姆解释方法kamal-Brigham analysis method
双孔隙度方法dual-porosity method
双封隔器方法two packer method
图像解译方法image interpretation method
地层压力检测方法formation pressure detection method
地质古生物学方法geologic-palaeontologic method
多项式拟合方法polynomial fitting method
完全平方组合法complete-quadratic-combination (technique)
定性方法qualitative scheme
定量方法quantitative approach
实验室方法laboratory method
实验室方法laboratory procedure
实验钻井方法experimental drilling method
室内方法in-house procedure
宽频带地震采集方法broad band seismic acquisition method
射线追踪方法ray-tracing scheme
常规方法conventional approach
常规裸眼充填方法conventional open hole packing method
方法extraction of root
J形铺管方法J method pipelaying
循环加重压井方法circulate-and-weight method
技术方法的改善method engineering
推今及古方法actual ism
摆锤式冲击方法pendulum impact system
数值方法numerical technique
数字方法numerical approach
数据关联方法data correlation method
方形布井法square well pattern
方解石一白云石测温法calcite-dolomite thermometry
无电缆测井方法nonwireline logging method
显式方法explicit method
替代方法alternative method
最小二乘立方法least squares cubic method
最小均方线性规划法least square linear programming
最小平方法least square method
标准对策方法standard gamble technique
模块化方法modular approach
水动力学模叔方法hydrodynamics modelling methodology
求剩余方法residualizing method
波拉德方法Pollard method (裂缝性油气藏的试井解释方法)
流体动力学模拟方法hydrodynamics modelling methodology
热采方法thermal process
现代试井解释方法modern well test interpretation method
现场工艺方法field process
相片解译方法photointerpretive technique
等效静力方法equivalent static method
简化方法short-cut method
简化疲劳分析方法simplified fatigue analysis method
组合投资方法portfolio approach
经济评价方法methodology of economic evaluation
结构式程序设计方法structured programming design method
统筹方法critical path method
统筹方法overall planning method
统筹方法program evaluation and review technique
统计学方法statistical method
自动化试井解释方法automated-analysis approach
自适应隐式方法adaptive implicit method
解卡方法releasing stuck method
计算方法calculation procedure
试行方法tentative method
资源评价方法resource assessment methodology
逐步测试方法step-test procedure
霍尔一罗人工造斜方法Hall-Rowe wedging method
霍纳解释方法Horner analysis
非参量统计方法non-parametric statistical method