
Terms for subject Table tennis containing 方法 | all forms
裁判用语交换方位!Change ends!
使对方束手无策leave the opponent stranded
削弱对方攻势take the edge off opponent's offensive
压对方反手中路pin down the opponent on his backhand and center court
反手打到对方台角backhand corner
反手打对方台角backhand corner
发球方占先advantage for server
变方向change direction
向着对方半场的crosscourt adj.&ad
因对方发球失误得分break another's service
对方球台opponent's court
局末平分后以先连得两分为胜方的规则advantage rule
打乱对方have the opponent in a spin
拉两角杀反方向smash after lift to opposite corner
拉两角杀相反方向smash after lift to opposite corner
接发球方占先advantage for receiver
方位错误out of order of ends
本方球台home court
正手打到对方台角forehand corner
正手打对方台角forehand corner
诱使对方出错induce the opponent to err in attack
诱使对方站错位lure the opponent out of position
选择方位choice of ends
选择方位与发球权choice of ends and service