
Terms for subject Business containing 方案 | all forms | in specified order only
不受控备选方案undominated alternatives
与决策方案有关的成本cost relevant to alternative choices
与备选方案有关的成本cost relevant to alternatives
专业合格证明方案proficiency certification programme
方案择一决策two-alternative decision
两年期方案和预算biennial programme and budget
两者择一的方案alternative proposal
个案讨论方法case discussion approach
主要备选方案dominant alternatives
互斥方案mutually exclusive alternative
产制方案manufacturing projects
人际关系方案human relations program
代替性方案的评价evaluating alternative course
以目标为依据的方案结构objective-based program structure
休假方案vacation plan
优先承运方案cargo preference schemes
促进投资方案program of investment promotion
促进投资方案programme of investment promotion
信息处理改进方案Information Processing Improvement Program
信托退休基金方案trustee pension plan
信托退休基金方案trusted pension plan
债务偿还综合方案scheme of composition
健康福利方案health benefit program
先进工业技术方案Program for Advanced Industrial Technology
入选方案choice program
全面谈判方案comprehensive negotiating programme
公司识别方案corporate identity program
内部自办的管理训练方案in-house management training program
决策方案比率评价法decision alternative ratio evaluation system
凯恩斯方案指凯恩斯提出建立国际清算同盟的建议Keynes Plan
分配方案scheme of distribution
创新方案innovative program
创造就业方案make work programme
初级专业人员训练方案junior professional training program
制定可行方案formulate alternative
加权点方案weighted-point plan
协定方案agreed formula
单一方案的净年值net annual worth for single project
方案original schedule
变量抽样方案variables sampling plan
可供选择方案alternative proposals
可供选择方案alternative projects
可行性方案feasibility program
可采纳备选方案admissible alternative
品质工程师鉴定方案quality engineer certification program
商品综合方案指联合国第四届贸发会议通过的综合解决工业品和初级产品的方案integrated commodity programme
团体行动方案community action program
固定数检验方案fixed number testing plan
国别方案country-by-country programme
国际信托基金方案international trust fund program
国际营销方案alternatives for entry and expansion of international marketing
在职培训方案on-the-job training project
在职培训方案in-service training program
备选方案发生器alternative generator
备选方案权衡tradeoffs between alternatives
复杂认股选择权方案complex stock option plan
方案评价multiple alternative evaluation
多样本方案multiple sample plan
契约式垂直营销方案contractual vertical marketing program
奖励方案incentive scheme
安全方案safety program
安装和操作方案Assembly and Operations Plan
实施方案executive program
家庭援助方案family assistance program
密封性抽样方案tightened sampling plan
小幅度方案narrow margin scheme
工作方案Work Program
工作培训方案work-training programs
已了方案project already undertaken
已重订的方案reformulated program
帕累托最优备选方案Pareto optimal alternatives
序贯寿命试验方案sequential life test plan
应变方案emergency program
延期分配利润方案deferred profit-sharing plan
延期利润分享方案deferred profit-sharing plans
建议方案suggestion scheme
方案general plan
执行方案action project
执行方案action program
执行方案及控制体制action program and control system
技术方案报告draft technical report
技术方案经济评价指标体系indicator system of economic evaluation of a technical project
投资方案investment proposals
投资方案capital proposal
投资方案capital project
投资方案合理性排列问题rationing problem in capital investment
投资方案的排队问题ranking problem in capital investment
折旧设计方案depreciation design scheme
10%抽样方案ten-percent sampling plan
抽样调查方案sample survey program
拟用方案proposed project
推荐平面布置方案proposed lay out
提出方案submit a program
收入分配方案income distribution program
收购借款储存方案purchase-loan storage programme
收购借贷储存方案purchase-loan storage program
放款方案lending program
政策和方案发展policy and program development
散列地址化方案hash addressing scheme
整套方案complete programme
文书工作改进方案clerical work improvement program
新产品开发方案评价evaluation of development program of new product
方案前景conceptual prospect
方案及设想验证verification of alternatives and assumptions
方案投资formula investing
方案拟定project formulation
方案拨款文件program allotment document
方案指标programme goal
方案支持费program support cost
方案支持费programme support cost
方案改变change of program
方案构成部分program component
方案概算proposed program budget
方案选择selection of program
方案选择choice of program
方案递送programme delivery
方案鉴定project identification
方案间决策decision among alternatives
旅游方案travel scenario
无缺陷方案zero defective program
更新方案replacement scheme
替代性方案的决定determining alternative course
替代等值服务方案alternative providing service of equal value
最优方案逼近approximation of optimal plan
最优与次优方案比较comparison of optimal to suboptimal plans
最低成本估算与调度方案least cost estimating and scheduling
最佳方案optimal schedule
最佳方案best program
最佳成本的质量改善方案quality improvement through cost optimization
最佳经营方案optimum operation program
最佳结果选择方案best result alternative
最佳赶工方案optimum crash program
最佳路线选择方案best route alternative
本年实际完成投资方案actual completed investment project of current year
条件最优方案conditionally optimal program
核准分利方案approved profit sharing scheme
检验方案test plan
概算补充方案supplemental program budget proposals
次要方案minor program
比较方案alternate layout
比较方案标准criterion for comparing alternative
比较方案标准criteria for comparing alternative
比较设计方案alternative design
特别行动方案special action program
特定住宅地区重建方案housing renewal program
现金购买养老金方案money purchase pension scheme
甘特方案计划图Gantt layout planning chart
生产经营方案production and business program
短期方案short-term project
确定养老金方案defined contribution plan
确定摊缴方案defined pension plan
确定的利益方案defined benefit plan
积累方案accumulation plan
积累方案指购股投资积累基金accumulation plan
税收抵免方案tax credit scheme
策略总方案general plan of strategy
管理人员培训方案management training program
精心策划的方案game plan
精心设计备选方案elaboration of alternatives
系统检验改进方案system inspection and improvement program
系统选择方案system alternatives
经营方案management program
经营方案operation project
经营方案business program
结构调整方案program of structural adjustment
绩效评价方案performance appraisal scheme
综合决策方案consolidated decision package
综合可靠性检验方案integrated reliability test program
综合性国别方案comprehensive country programme
综合调整方案aggregate adjustment
缓冲储备方案buffer stock scheme
缓冲存货储存方案buffer stock scheme
编制预算方案budget programming
联合方案cooperative program
联合方案association scheme
补偿性认股选择权方案compensatory stock option plan
装配设计方案assembly layout
规定的例行抽样方案designated routine sampling plan
计划方案program plan
设计方案间相依程度degree of dependence between projects
译码方案decoding scheme
试制方案pilot scheme
试制方案pilot program
详细抽样方案程序detailed sampling plan procedures
贝弗里奇社会保险方案Beveridge Plan
贝道克斯工资奖励方案Bedaux plan
财务计划方案financial program
财政紧缩方案计划austerity program
货运统筹方案cargo consolidation scheme
资源配置多级方案resources allocation and multiproject scheduling
跨学科方案inter-disciplinary program
过渡备选方案transitive alternatives
远景方案论述法scenario writing approach
连锁抽样方案chain sampling plan
适用备选方案available alternative
选择方案selecting a course
选择最优方案select best program
选择最优方案select best alternatives
选择最佳方案choose the best alternatives
选股方案share option scheme
部门性合作方案sectoral cooperation program
部门间方案inter-sectoral program
重订方案reformulation of program
鉴别备选方案成本identifying the cost of alternatives
随机抽样备选方案alternative to probability sampling
雇用方案hiring program
非同期服务方案alternative with unequal service lives
非补偿性认股选择权方案non-compensatory stock option plan
项目和方案估价appraisal of project and program
项目备择方案project alternatives