
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
上升的债务水平rising debt levels
上升的通胀率rising inflation
加深的欧元区危机deepening eurozone crisis
增加就业continued growth in employment
增加的资本流动rising flows of capital
增长的需求压力pressure from growing demand
壮大的中国growing China
完善社会主义市场经济体制constantly improve the socialist market economy
崛起的经济巨人rising economic giant
蔓延的国际金融危机spreading international financial crisis
专家职务中期间费用expert hiatus financing
业务临时中contingent business interruption insurance
贸易suspension of trade
远期break forward
outright purchase
工龄buyout offer
式回购buyout repo
式回购交易buyout repo transaction
估计判judgement in estimating
决策判judgement in decision
分析判analytical judgement
分析判analytical judgment
outright sell
国内通胀不加剧rising inflation at home
国家债务不增加rising national debt
坚持在创新中不前进strive for progress through innovation
价格论monopoly-price theory
引起通货膨胀论theory of inflation induced by monopoly
竞争市场monopolistic competition market
行业monopolized industry
外汇国家垄state monopoly system of foreign currencies
提振不放缓的经济boost slowing economy
景气判指数business climate index
正确判国际国内形势correctly judge the international and domestic situation
生活成本不上升rising costs of living
脆弱性不蓄积steady build-up in vulnerabilities
资产价格不下跌cascading declines in asset prices
通过持续不努力最终达到改革目标achieve the final objectives of reform through sustained efforts