
Terms for subject China containing 断裂 | all forms
不断完善uninterrupted improvement
不断完善的法制环境constantly improving legal environment
不断完善社会主义的各项制度steadily improve socialist institutions
不断拓展合作范围, 充实合作内容be constantly expanding the scope of cooperation and enriching content
中断道路交通hold up traffic
交通中断hold up traffic
充分讨论、仔细推敲、不断完善草案hold full discussion of all the details and constantly improve the draft law
反垄断审查anti-monopoly review
反垄断执法工作enforcement of the Anti-monopoly Law
反垄断执法机构authority for enforcement of the Anti-monopoly Law
反垄断执法职责responsibility of enforcement of the Anti-monopoly Law
反垄断指南anti-monopoly guideline
反垄断法the Law on Antitrust
反垄断法the Antitrust Law
反垄断法草案the draft Law on Antitrust
反垄断行政执法administrative enforcement of the Anti-Monopoly Law
地区垄断regional monopoly
地震活动断层seismic active fault
垄断协议monopoly agreement
垄断行业monopoly industries
垄断行为monopolistic practices
实施垄断行为monopolistic conduct
实施垄断行为monopolistic behavior
战略判断a strategic judgment
截断电力cut off the electric power
承担反垄断执法职责的机构authority responsible for enforcement of the Anti-monopoly Law
擅自中断互联互通sever the interconnection without the approval
断案set a lawsuit
明断pass fair judgement
林木折断broken tree
正当诊断治疗legitimate diagnosis and treatment
涉嫌垄断行为suspected of monolitic conducts
破除垄断removal of monopoly control
自然垄断monopoly in nature
自然垄断经营的商品价格prices for merchandises of monopoly in nature
行业垄断industrial monopoly
诊断评估diagnosis and assessment
达成垄断协议monopoly agreement reached
达成并实施垄断协议conclude and implement a monopoly agreement
遗传病诊断genetic disease diagnosis