
Terms for subject Technology containing 斜坡 | all forms | in specified order only
三角洲前缘斜坡slope of front delta
三角洲前缘斜坡沉积delta front shape deposit
上桥斜坡bridge ramp
斜坡downhill grade
下河斜坡dike ramp
屋面的不匀称斜坡irregular pitch
主斜沟坡谷principal valley
人行道斜坡pedestrian ramp
侵蚀斜坡erosional slope
公路斜坡断面highway grade intersection
水库、水池的内侧斜坡inside slope
凸缘斜坡flange slope
升船斜坡inclined plane
斜坡式码头partially sloping wharf
斜坡式码头semi-sloping wharf
斜坡式码头semi-sloping quay
斜坡式码头partially sloping quay
半填半挖斜坡cut-and-fill slope
半挖半填的斜坡cut-and-fill slope
半重力抛物线形斜坡Montague profile
斜坡single slope
斜坡平整机single slope trimmer
单斜角坡口single bevel groove
单斜面坡口single-bevel groove
斜坡口焊double-bevel groove weld
双斜边坡口焊double-bevel groove weld (缝)
反向斜坡reverse slope
可作陡坡倾斜的牵引式铲运机drag scraper with steeply inclined ramp
台地边缘斜坡platform-marginal slope facies
土堤斜坡样板batter gauge
土堤斜坡样板batter gage
块石斜坡rubble-slope (protection)
坡口斜角angle of chamfer
坡斜度gradient of slope
坡道倾斜角slope inclination
坡道斜度slope inclination
坡道的斜面ramp incline
堆石斜坡rubble mound
堤前斜坡dyke slope
堤前斜坡dike batter
堤岸斜坡levee ramp
复轨斜坡rerailing ramp
复轨斜坡ramp of rerailing
大陆架斜坡shelf continental slope
大陆架斜坡continental shelf slope
夯实斜坡slope tamping
实体斜坡solid sloping way
实体斜坡paving sloping way
客行斜坡passenger ramp
小坡度倾斜屋顶slightly pitched roof
小坡度倾斜玻璃窗slightly pitched glazing
屋面斜坡roofing pitch
山坡斜坡hillside ramp
山坡斜坡hillside bin
山坡斜度hillside slope
山墙尖呈斜坡的两坡式屋顶jerkin head roof
岩石斜坡inclined rock slope
平顶斜坡坟墓terraced mastabah (古埃及)
平顶斜坡坟墓terraced mastaba (古埃及)
古埃及的一种长方形的平顶斜坡坟墓mastabah tomb
引道斜坡approach ramp
微倾斜坡slightly inclined ramp
微小斜坡屋顶slightly sloped roof
房屋坑的斜坡building pit slope
扫描斜坡sweep ramp
折线形斜坡屋顶hipped mansard roof (英国)
挑出斜坡counter slope
斜井坡度gradient of inclined well
斜向坡道diagonal ramp
斜向滑坡insequent landslide
斜坡incline grade
斜坡mountain slope
斜坡side slope
斜坡sloping ground (地)
斜坡incline gradient
斜坡inclined ramp
斜坡berme shoulder
斜坡berm shoulder
斜坡丈量slope chaining
斜坡上位置location on a slope
斜坡主缆车道inclined slip
斜坡侵蚀slope wash
斜坡修整slope trimming
斜坡修整机slope trimmer
斜坡倾斜角slope inclination
斜坡养护slope maintenance
斜坡冲蚀slope erosion
斜坡凸面slope crown
斜坡函数发生器ramp function generator
斜坡函数响应ramp function response
斜坡割草机slope mower
斜坡割草装置slope mowing attachment
斜坡割草附件slope mowing attachment
斜坡区段slope section
斜坡区段slope portion
斜坡占地slope area
斜坡卷扬开拓development of slope cable lift
斜坡卷扬提升slope hoisting
斜坡压辊slope roller
斜坡双晶Baveno twin
斜坡sloping land
斜坡地基sloping site
斜坡地板结构slab-on-grade construction
斜坡地洞窑ground-hog kiln
斜坡地用拖拉机slope field tractor
斜坡地道inclined subway
斜坡块石铺砌slope sett paving
斜坡块石铺面slope sett paving
斜坡坡度slope gradient
斜坡坡度ramp grade
斜坡坡率slope gradient
轨道上的斜坡垫板inclined tie plate
斜坡垫板canted plate
斜坡基础sloped foundation
斜坡堤基床垫层bedding layer of mound type breakwater
斜坡堤堤顶宽度width at the rubble mound breakwater crest
斜坡堤堤顶高程elevation of rubble mound breakwater crest
斜坡墨卡托投影oblique Mercator projection
斜坡失稳主导因素principal factors of slope failure
斜坡定位装置倾斜水尺sloping gauge
斜坡定位装置倾斜水尺sloping gage
斜坡对流sloping convection
斜坡屋顶门窗internal dormer
斜坡山墙尖屋顶jerkin head
斜坡岩体变形观测monitoring of deformation of rock mass of slope
斜坡slope zone
斜坡平整机slope trimmer
斜坡底部toe of slope
斜坡式冷床rake cooling bed
斜坡式基础sloping foundation
斜坡式基础sloping footing
斜坡式堰slope weir
斜坡式底脚sloped footing
斜坡式护坦sloped floor
斜坡式护坦inclined floor
斜坡式码头inclined terminal
斜坡式码头inclined dock
斜坡式路缘石sloped curb
斜坡式踏步sloped step
斜坡式输送机inclined conveyer
斜坡式防波堤rubble-mound breakwater
斜坡式防波堤inclined breakwater
斜坡式防波堤sloping breakwater
斜坡式防波堤sloping mound breakwater
斜坡式防波堤breakwater with sloping faces
斜坡式防波堤堤面坡度armour-course slope
斜坡式防波堤堤面坡度armor-course slope
斜坡引道ramped approach
斜坡张应力带宽度width of tension zone
斜坡形成器ramp former
斜坡护坡slope revetment
斜坡护坦sloping apron
斜坡护墙sloping apron
斜坡护墙slope revetment
斜坡护底sloping apron
斜坡护面slope pavement
斜坡护面防波堤sloping faced breakwater
斜坡抹面机slope finisher
斜坡挖土slope cutting
斜坡挖土slope cut
斜坡挖成台阶形bench the slopes
斜坡排除slope removal
斜坡推进法advancing slope method (一种水平移动式浇注隧道衬里方法)
斜坡推进灌浆advancing slope grouting (法)
斜坡改正slope correction
斜坡效率slope efficiency
斜坡整修slope dressing
斜坡整修机slope trimming machine
斜坡整平slope flattening
斜坡整平压实机slope levelling and compacting machine
斜坡整平压实机slope leveling and compacting machine
斜坡整面机slope finisher
集料的斜坡料堆ramped pile
斜坡施工slope work
斜坡施工slope construction
斜坡施工设备slope construction equipment
斜坡板块grade slab
斜坡标桩gradient stake
斜坡标桩gradient peg
斜坡校正slope correction
斜坡样板batter gauge
斜坡样板batter templet
斜坡样板batter gage
斜坡栽培slope culture
斜坡植草坪slope sodding
斜坡楼板结构slab-on-grade construction
斜坡模型slope model
斜坡毁坏slope failure
斜坡毁损slope failure
斜坡水尺inclined staff gauge
斜坡水尺sloping gage
斜坡水尺sloping gauge
斜坡水尺inclined staff gage
斜坡水标尺inclined gauge
斜坡水标尺inclined gage
斜坡沉陷slope caving
斜坡ramp method
斜坡法灌浆grout slope
斜坡海漫坝sloping apron
斜坡海漫闸sloping apron
斜坡混凝土sloping concrete
斜坡混凝土铺料机slope concrete paver
斜坡滑道inclined slip
斜坡电压ramp voltage
斜坡的中点midpoint of slope
斜坡的护坡slope lining
斜坡的换算水平距离horizontal equivalent
运重物的斜坡的空中索道inclined ropeway
斜坡的覆盖物covering of a slope
斜坡码头sloping faced wharf
斜坡码头sloping quay
斜坡码头sloping wharf
斜坡码头inclined wharf
斜坡码头护岸pavement of the wharf slope
斜坡破坏slope failure
斜坡破坏形式failure mode of slope
斜坡磨损slope erosion
斜坡移动slope removal
斜坡移动速度velocity of slope
斜坡稳定性stability of slope
屋顶的斜坡hipped end
斜坡粗糙度系数roughness coefficient of slope
斜坡纵剖面profile of slope (图)
斜坡纵剖面grade profile (图)
斜坡纵断面slope longitudinal section
斜坡线slope line
斜坡线profile of slope
斜坡绿化slope planting
斜坡绿化slope seeding
斜坡绿化slope greening
斜坡蠕动slope creep
斜坡表面sloping surface
斜坡表面处理slope dressing
斜坡装卸台loading ramp
斜坡计算slope computation
斜坡计算slope calculation
斜坡误差电压ramp error voltage
斜坡谷仓bank barn
斜坡slope way
斜坡路面slip road
斜坡路面填缝混合物slope paving joint sealing compound
斜坡踏步板ramped steps
斜坡轧制taper rolling
斜坡轨道tilting rail
斜坡输入ramp input
斜坡输入信号ramp input signal
斜坡边缘slope edge
斜坡进口ramp entrance
斜坡进口道ramped approach
斜坡造林slope planting
斜坡ramp road
斜坡inclined roadway
斜坡on-board ramp way
斜坡raised approach
斜坡inclined plane
斜坡inclined approach
斜坡slope ramp
斜坡sloping way
斜坡engine plane
斜坡道开釆ramp mining
斜坡道无轨掘进slope railless driving
斜坡道管理工motion driver
斜坡道路slope course
斜坡部分slope section
斜坡部分slope portion
斜坡重力作用gravitational processes on slope
斜坡铺植草皮slope tamping
斜坡铺路石块slope sett
斜坡铺面pitching of slope
斜坡铺面机slope-lining machine
斜坡铺面机slope facing machine
斜坡长度length of slope
斜坡陡度slope gradient
斜坡隆起slope crown
斜坡面积sloping area
山墙尖呈斜坡的斜山墙尖两坡屋顶jerkin head roof
斜面坡度分段变化桩step-taper pile
旅客斜坡passenger ramp
斜坡出入道的船首ramp bow
有轨斜坡的垫板canted tie plate
架空斜坡suspended sloping way
楼面间的斜坡ramp between floor
正坡倾斜隔水底板positively inclined impervious bottom bed
水坝面板斜坡taper of face slab
水道斜坡进口mitered inlet
汽车运输斜坡truck ramp
河岸斜坡bank slope
混凝土斜坡式防波堤concrete block-mound breakwater
混合式古埃及长方形平顶斜坡坟墓compound mastabah
混合式古埃及长方形平顶斜坡坟墓compound mastaba
滑雪跳跃斜坡ski jump
特制的斜坡清洗射流箱purpose-made slope cleansing jet box
特制的斜坡清洗射流箱purpose-built slope cleansing jet box
用平路机修筑斜坡sloping with grader
盘旋式斜坡spiral ramp
碳酸盐斜坡carbonate slope
碳酸盐斜坡沉积模式sedimentation model carbonate slope
礁前斜坡沉积reef-front slope deposit
私人住宅斜坡升降机private residence inclined lift
穿过斜坡坡面的滑动弧slope circle
立体交叉的斜坡overpass ramp
端式装车斜坡end loading ramp
端点斜坡nose taper
简单斜坡式防波堤结构simple rubble mound construction
紧急落放下车斜坡道绞盘室compartment for detrainment ramp winder
级配抛石斜坡graded riprap slope
线性斜坡电压linear ramp
斜坡海岸shelving shore
斜坡海岸shelving coast
斜坡海底shelving bottom
自动斜坡self-acting slope
自动斜坡gravity haulage
自动运输斜坡self-acting incline
自流斜坡artesian slope
自然倾斜坡angle of friction
自重运输斜坡self-acting gravity incline
自重运输斜坡gravity runway
船备斜坡ship's ramp
船用斜坡boat ramp
船的斜坡barge ramp
草地斜坡sodded slope
装车斜坡loading ramp
路基斜坡fill slope
路边斜坡curb ramp
车行斜坡vehicle ramp
轻质斜坡屋顶lightweight sloping roof
边坡倾斜度slope gradient
边坡倾斜角bench slope
边坡倾斜角bank slope
边坡角斜坡斜度slope inclination
边缘地斜坡borderland slope
运河斜坡canal incline
进出口斜坡approach ramp
连接两断层末端斜坡fault splinter
连续斜坡sustaining slope
连续斜坡continuous slope
逆坡倾斜隔水底板reversed inclined impervious bottom bed
重力斜坡gravity incline
铁路端式装车斜坡railway end-loading ramp
铁道斜坡railroad ramp
铺砌斜坡pitched slope
防波堤迎水斜坡水下部分lower apron
防波斜堤消能坡breakwater glacis
阶梯式长方形斜坡坟墓stepped mastabah (古埃及)
阶梯式长方形斜坡坟墓stepped mastaba (古埃及)
斜坡度的steeply sloped
陡峭的斜坡an abrupt descent
陡峭的岩石斜坡steep rock slope
黏土斜坡clay slope
黏土斜坡铺布器clay slope revetment spreader