
Terms containing 料斗车 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.料斗车charging lorry
tech.料斗车charging car
anim.husb.原料装锅或卸锅用斗车tank charging truck
el.可翻动卸料的斗车hinged hopper
tech.叶轮式料斗卸料车paddle-type bunker discharge carriage
auto.底卸料斗式运货汽车lower edge dumping hopper torso truck
tech.底卸料斗式运货汽车bottom-dumping hopper body truck
met.斗底车料斗larry bin
el.斗式车厢散装水泥干料运输车dry-batch truck
tech.斗式运料车bucket carrier
tech.斗式运料车bucket car
archit.料斗拖车hopper trailer (供搬运或撒布、石等散粒料用)
tech.料斗拖车hopper trailer
auto.料斗挂车hopper-shaped trailer
tech.料斗式卸料车travelling hopper
tech.料斗式卸料车traveling hopper
tech.料斗式自动车床magazine type automatic lathe
tech.料斗绞车skip hoist
met.料斗车box car (平炉的)
met.料斗车pan-car train
met. 料斗车pan car
met.料斗车pan car
tech.料斗车hopper truck
tech.料斗车hopper car
avia.料斗车hopper vehicle
met.料斗车pan-car train
plast.料斗车装卸hopper car handling
met.普通翻斗料车conventional skip car
tech.汽车卸料斗truck unloading hopper
tech.漏斗式料车hopper wagon
tech.用翻斗车卸料dumping with tilting bucket
tech.筑路斗式运料车highway hopper
tech.翻斗料车tipping wagon
archit.翻斗料车tip ping wagon
tech.翻斗料车tip wagon
tech.翻斗车的自动卸料和复位gravity discharge and return of the skip
tech.翻斗车的重力卸料和复位gravity discharge and return of the skip
tech.翻斗车装料斗skip car loader
met.翻车机料斗wagon tipper hopper
tech.行车式料斗hopper-on rails
oil料斗车charging car
tech.料斗车charging lorry
tech.装车料斗truck-loading hopper