
Terms for subject Entomology containing | all forms
七月云鳃金龟 Polyphylla fulloscarred melolontha
三叶草彩Therioaphis trifoliiyellow clover aphid
云杉梢Dioryctria reniculellaspruce coneworm
云杉梢Dioryctria reniculellaspruce needle worm
窃蠹 Anobium punctatumcommon house borer
窃蠹 Anobium punctatumAustralian wood-borer
窃蠹 Anobium pertinaxfurniture borer
窃蠹 Anobium punctatumpowder post beetle
窃蠹 Anobium punctatumdeath watch beetle
窃蠹 Anobium pertinaxfurniture beetle
豆芫菁 Epicauta maculataspotted blister beetle
冷杉梢Dioryctria abietellacone pyralid
冷杉梢Dioryctria abietellaspruce coneworm
刺槐籽Ectomyelois ceratoniaecarob moth ARG
刺槐籽Ectomyelois ceratoniaelocust bean moth
十五瓢虫 Anatis 15-punctatafifteen-spotted lady-beetle
十条云鳃金龟 Polyphylla decemlineataten-lined June beetle
卷心菜色蝽 Murgantia histrionica (Hahn)fire bug
卷心菜色蝽 Murgantia histrionica (Hahn)harlequin bug
向日葵Homoeosoma electellumsunflower pyralid
向日葵Homoeosoma electellumsunflower head moth
向日葵Homoeosoma electellumsunflower moth
向日葵同Homoeosoma electellumsunflower pyralid
向日葵同Homoeosoma electellumsunflower head moth
向日葵同Homoeosoma electellumsunflower moth
干果Ephestia cautella (Wlk.)warehouse moth
干果Ephestia cautella (Wlk.)dried currant moth
干果Ephestia cautella (Wlk.)almond moth
干果Ephestia cautella (Wlk.)Mediterranean flour moth
干果Ephestia cautella (Wlk.)fig moth
干果粉无花果; 葡萄; 胡桃 Ephestia figulilellaraisin moth fig, grape, walnut
mottle (variegatio)
variegation (variegatio)
忽布黄盲蝽 Calocoris fulvomaculatusshy bug
忽布黄盲蝽 Calocoris fulvomaculatusneedle-nosed hop bug
尺蛾 Lycia hirtariabrindled beauty
尺蛾 Chaetopoda (sp.)bristle worm
条夜蛾斑马夜蛾 Ceramica pictazebra caterpillar
Isometrus maculatusspotted scorpion
点胸 Culicoides punctithoraxspotted thorax biting midge
点角斑蚜 Myzocallis punctatusclear wingedoak aphid
禾草螟 Chilo partellusmaize stem borer
禾草螟 Chilo partellusspotted stalk borer
禾草螟 Chilo partellusmaize stalk borer
禾草螟 Chilo partellusdurra stalk borer
禾草螟 Chilo partellussorghum stem borer
纹大豆象 Sitona lineatapea and bean weevil
纹大豆象 Sitona lineatastriped pea weevil
纹大豆象 Sitona lineatastriped bean weevil
纹大豆象 Sitona lineatapea leaf weevil
纹大豆象 Sitona lineatapea weevil
纹豌豆象 Sitona lineatapea leaf weevil
纹豌豆象 Sitona lineatastriped bean weevil
纹豌豆象 Sitona lineatastriped pea weevil
纹豌豆象 Sitona lineatapea and bean weevil
纹豌豆象 Sitona lineatapea weevil
花状较小蛾 Miana strigilismarbled minor moth
豆芫菁 Epicauta maculataspotted blister beetle
马纹夜蛾 Ceramica pictazebra caterpillar
松梢Dioryctria abietellacone pyralid
松梢Dioryctria abietellaspruce coneworm
松球果梢Dioryctria auranticellared pine coneworm
柚木木蠹蛾 Xyleutes ceramicabeehole borer teak
柚木梢Hypsipyla robustatoon shoot and fruit borer
柚木梢Hypsipyla robustacedar shoot borer
柚木梢Hypsipyla robustamahogany shoot borer
栎角Myzocallis discolordark oak aphid
核桃巢Acrobasis juglandispecan leaf casebearer
核桃果巢Acrobasis caryaepecan nut casebearer
核桃蜂Acrobasis juglandispecan leaf casebearer
桤木蜂Acrobasis rubrifasciellaalder tubemaker
桦峰Acrobasis betullellabirch tubemaker
螟属 Dioryctria (spp.)cone pyralid
梨食心Nephopteryx rubrizonellapear fruit borer
椰灰环蝶 Brassolis sophoraecoconut caterpillar
榆角Myzocallis ulmifoliielm leaf aphid
瓢虫 Coccinella transversoguttatatransversebanded lady-beetle
瓢虫 Coccinella transversoguttatatransverse lady beetle
瓢虫 Coccinella transversoguttatatransversebanded ladybird-beetle
橡木角Myzocallis bellagreater stripped red oak aphid
橡木角Myzocallis bellacloudy winged oak aphid
灰眼瓢虫 Anatis ocellata malieye-spotted lady beetle
灰眼瓢虫 Anatis ocellata maliapple lady-beetle
脸黄胡蜂baldfaced hornet
蛛甲 Ptinus furwhite-marked spider beetle
Culicoides leucostictuswhite marked biting midge
Culicoides albosparsuswhite speckled biting midge
叩甲 Alaus oculatuseyed click-beetle
fig moth
谷暝 Pyralis farinalis (L.)meal snout moth
梢小卷蛾 Evetria turionanapale orange spotted tortrix
梢小卷蛾 Evetria turionanacone tortrix
梢小卷蛾 Evetria turionanapine tortrix moth
梢小卷蛾 Evetria turionanapine shoot moth
美加云杉Dioryctria reniculellaspruce coneworm
美加云杉Dioryctria reniculellaspruce needle worm
美核桃果Acrobasis caryaepecan nut casebearer
美洲松梢Dioryctria zimmermaniZimmerman pine moth
美洲松梢Dioryctria zimmermanipine moth
胡桃长角Calaphis juglandisEuropean walnut aphid
胡桃长角Calaphis juglandisdusky-veined walnut aphid
芒果红天牛 Batocera rubuslongicorn beetle
芒果红天牛 Batocera rubusmango stem borer
苜蓿彩Therioaphis trifoliiyellow clover aphid
葡萄干果Ephestia figulilellaraisin moth fig, grape, walnut
蔓越桔巢Mineola vacciniicranberry fruitworm
皮囊 Trogoderma granarium Evertskhapra beetle
豆荚Etiella zinckenella (Treitschke)Lima bean pod borer
车轴草彩Therioaphis trifoliiyellow clover aphid
长足瓢虫 Hippodamia convergens (Guér.)convergent lady-beetle
Cryptoblades adocetahead caterpillar
美洲舟蛾 Heterocampa guttivittasaddled prominent of maple
螟属 Dioryctria (spp.)cone pyralid
球蜡蚧 Eulecanium nigrofasciatumterrapin scale
球蜡蚧 Eulecanium nigrofasciatumblack-banded maple scale