
Terms for subject Project management containing 整 的 | all forms | in specified order only
不完整的票据inchoate instrument
冷启动恢复整个电脑并进行一个完整的自我测试A cold boot restores the whole computer and carries out a complete self-test
同样地、如该业务整体上有经调整的亏损、每名合伙人均应分配亏损Similarly, each partner should have a share of loss if the business has overall adjusted loss
因为安全模式的存在、 我们再也不用担心编写错误的代码会毁了整个系统We no longer -worry about bad codes break the whole system as long as safe mode is there
因此、大多数管理员不知道每个数据库完成联机碎片整理的频率As a result, most administrators did not know how often online defragmentation was completing for each database
因此、我必须先捕获它的两张单个画面、然后重整大小到同一张画面上来制作编辑图片Therefore, I had to capture the picture into two frames first and then resized and made them into a single picture again
在高度依赖计算机的现代社会、软件特别是大型实时安全攸关软件的可靠性成为计算机界和整个社会都非常关注的问题In a highly computer-dependent society, reliability of software, especially of big realtime safety critical ones, gains far-ranging attention from computer community and the rest of the world
整的合同entire contract
对费用变动的调整adjustment for changes in cost
带状电缆中的每一秒钟信号是一个地面信号、 提供最佳的信号完整性给用户的目标Every second signal in the ribbon cable is a ground signal to provide the best signal integrity at the users target
强大的向下调整压力massive downward pressure
很多年以来、总的趋势一直都是将文本文件整合到特殊的应用文件格式中For many years, the trend was to embed text in specialized application file formats
我们预料将出现一种测试套件、其内整合了常见的故障现象、包括人为、软件与硬件所导致的错误We envision a test suite that would incorporate common failures, including errors caused by humans, software and hardware
我通常花周六整个下午的时间坐在网吧里、 喝着咖啡、 和新老朋友在网上聊天I usually spend the whole Saturday afternoon drinking coffee at a cybercafe and chatting with friends old and new over the net
技工在调试我的电视机的时候调整了色彩和对比度The mechanic adjusted the colors and the contrast on my TV when he set it up
按物价水平调整的报表price-level-adjusted statement
整流器是一种将交流电转换为直流电的仪器Rectifiers are devices that convert alternating current AC to direct current (DC)
根据通胀而作出的调整inflation-related adjustment
正就债务作重整或偿还安排的债务人compounding or arranging debtor
经调整的亏损adjusted loss
经调整的价值adjusted value
经调整的利润adjusted profit
经调整的可接纳资产净值adjusted net admissible assets
经调整的实数adjusted actual
经调整的数字adjusted figure
经调整的流动资产adjusted current assets
经调整的盈余额adjusted surplus
经调整的负债adjusted liabilities
获取备份标头信息需要扫描整个磁带以查看每个备份集的标头Obtaining the backup header requires scanning the -whole tape to look at the header of every backup set
要使-个 IP 网络中的两个节点能够通信、那些 IP 地址必须在整个网络中是唯一的To enable communication between two nodes in an IP network, those IP addresses have to be unique among the whole network
要消除操作系统文件碎片问题、请定期运行可用的磁盘碎片整理实用程序之一To eliminate operating system file fragmentation problems, periodically run one of the available disk de fragmentation utilities
诸多生命之错乞求着慈悲之美调和它们的孤寂、 以实现与整体的和谐统一Life's errors cry for the merciful beauty that can modulate their isolation into a harmony with the whole
调整后的价值adjusted value
调整后的价格adjusted price
调整后的实数adjusted actual
调整后的数额adjusted figure
调整后的盈余额adjusted surplus
调整后的负债adjusted liabilities
调整过程的时间差距adjustment lag
过渡时期的调整transitional adjustment
这个程序可以在运行时调整控件和窗体的大小All the functions to resize your controls and forms at runtime
这些国家在危机到来前都已习惯了盆满钵满的出口和税收收入、 现在都面临着重新调整All had become used to swollen export and tax revenues and face readjustment