
Terms for subject Hydroelectric power stations containing 整治 | all forms | in specified order only
土地整治land consolidation
堤防及河道整治dike and river training
急滩整治rapids regulation
整治工程regulation works
整治工程regulatory works
整治工程regulating works
整治建筑物regulatory works
整治建筑物training structure
整治建筑物regulating structure
整治河段unregulated river reach
沟壑整治gulley correction
沟壑整治gully correction
河口整治estuary regulation
河床整治improvement of river bed
河槽整治channel regulation
河槽整治regulation of channel
河槽整治channel rectification
河槽整治river channel straightening
河槽整治channel improvement
河流整治stream training
河道整治regulation of river
河道整治river improvement
河道整治channel improvement
河道整治river control
河道整治river training
河道整治工程river regulation works
河道整治工程river improvement works
河道整治工程river training structure
河道整治建筑物river training structure
泥沙整治training for sediment
浅滩整治shoal training
港口整治harbour improvement
港口整治harbor improvement
港湾整治harbour improvement
港湾整治harbor improvement
游荡性河段整治regulation of wandering river section
航道整治channel improvement
航道整治线regulation line of waterway
蜿蜒性河段整治regulation of meandering river section