
Terms for subject Agriculture containing 整地 | all forms | in specified order only
整地no tillage
整地播种seeding on unfallowing farm
整地播种seeding on unfallowing field
整地播种non-tillage seeding
整地播种no-tillage planting
整地栽植non-tillage planting
整地种植planting without tillage
整地种植non-tillage planting
不合理整地inadequate soil tillage
亚麻整地播种前flax tillage
刀板式碎土整地soil surgeon
初次整地primary tillage
播种前园圃整地garden tillage
土地整理readjustment of farm boundaries
土地整理consolidation of land (consolidation of fragmented holdings)
土地重新调整land readjustment
整地prepared land
带状整地用旋耕机具strip tiller
整地leveling ground
播前整地preparation of land before seeding
播前整地cultivation of soil
播种前整地cultivation before sowing
播种前整地preparatory tillage
整地preparation of soil ±
播前整地soil preparation
整地soil cultivation
播种前整地preparation of soil
播种前 整地cultivation
稻本田插秧前灌水整地final puddling
水田整地floating the field
播种前整地ground making
整地soil tillage
整地与中耕机械tillage and cultivating machinery
整地作业tillage operation
整地作业secondary tillage
整地作业land-preparation operation
整地完成finish of preparation of soil
整地完毕播种前finish of tillage
整地工具soil preparation equipment
播种前整地情况condition of tillage
播种前 整地情况condition of preparation of soil
整地播种sowing on prepared land
整地操作tillage operation
整地操作land-preparation operation
整地方法soil preparation method
稻田整地施肥fertilizer application at puddling
播种前整地日期date of tillage
播种前整地日期date of preparation of soil
整地机具tillage tools
整地机具tillage equipment
播种前整地深度depth of preparation of soil
播种前整地深度depth of tillage
整地良好苗床well-prepared seedbed
整地播种前early tillage
整地播种前late tillage
整地uneven land
棉田整地播种前cotton tillage
水田整地ground making of paddy field
清整土地补偿land clearing premium
稻田湿整地wet land preparation
烟草整地本田tobacco preparation of soil
烟草苗床整地tobacco preparation of seed bed
爆破式整地explosing method of tillage
甘薯整地sweet potato preparation of soil
甘薯整地sweet potato tillage
留茬地整地stub tillage
碎土整地刀板耕soil surgeon
碎土整地soil conditioner
秋季苗床整地fall seed bed preparation
秧田整地rice nursery preparation
秧田整地preparation of rice seed bed
稻本田整地rice tillage
稻田整地ground making of paddy field
播种前等高整地contour tillage
粗放整地播种sowing on roughly prepared field
精细稻田灌水整地秒地intensive puddling
苗床整地seedbed preparation
苗床整地完毕finish of seed bed preparation
茶园整地tea garden tillage
补整田地land consolidation
整地repeated tillage
整地readjustment of field plot
首次灌水整地秒田first puddling