
Terms containing 整周 | all forms | in specified order only
el.中间抽头的单半周整流器电路center-tap and single-way circuit
hydroel.st.切向非整周进水式水轮机tangential partal turbine
tech.切向非整周进水式水轮机tangential partial turbine
mil., air.def.动态确定整周位置数实时模糊度解算ambiguity resolution on the fly
econ.反周期波动调整系数countercyclical adjustment factor
busin.月、季初调整的实际库存量adjusted actual inventory at the beginning of the week (month, season)
tech.周历快速调整day quick setting
chem.周期再生式强化重整装置cyclic powerformer
busin.周期性调整cyclical adjustment
fin.周期性调整的"席勒市盈率"cyclically adjusted "Shiller PE"
refrig.周边供暖变风量整体式系统perimeter-heating VAV packaged system
swim.整周complete cycle
oil完整演化周期cyclic evolution
IMF.库存周期的自然调整natural unwinding of the inventory cycle
mil., air.def.快速解算整周未知数fast ambiguity resolution approach
proj.manag.我通常花周六整个下午的时间坐在网吧里、 喝着咖啡、 和新老朋友在网上聊天I usually spend the whole Saturday afternoon drinking coffee at a cybercafe and chatting with friends old and new over the net
expl.所有对环境造成影响的排放、从原料开采一直到最后的处理的整个生产周期、都要予以量化All emissions with the potential to cause environmental impacts are quantified along the entire life cycle from raw material extraction through to final disposal
oil整周complete alternation
space整周integral number of cycles
tech.整周complete alternation
tech.整周焊缝all-around weld
space整周计数integral count (值)
danc.整周whole turn
hydroel.st.整周进水式水轮机full-admission turbine
tech.整周进水式水轮机full admission turbine
el.整流周期commutating period
el.整流周期converting period
wind.整流周期commutation cycle
el.整流器双半周接线图bridge circuit
expl.生命周期在过去的十年、是用以量化所有环境影响的标准方法、涉及产品的整个生命周期和过程L-Cycle Assessment LCA has been the standard methodology far quantifying all environmental impacts associated with the entire life cycle of products and processes for over a decade
hydroel.st.立式轴流整周进水式水轮机vertical-shaft axial-flow full-admission turbine
hydroel.st.竖轴轴流整周进水式水轮机vertical shaft axial-flow full admission turbine
tech.竖轴轴流整周进水式水轮机vertical shaft axial flow full-admission turbine
IMF.经过周期调整的cyclically adjusted
heavy.eq.整周adjusting week
busin.整周line-up period
tech.整周进水式水轮机partial-admission turbine
tech.非完整工作周short week
busin.预交周转基金款项调整数adjustment of advances to working capital