
Terms for subject Technology containing 数控 | all forms | in specified order only
不可控制变数uncontrolled variable
不可控销售变数uncontrollable marketing variables
中央控制数字化系统digital computer system of central control
中央数据性能监控器central data performance monitor
中间控制数据intermediate control data
串行数控serial number control
主数据控制操作台master data control console
分批控制总数batch control total
数控制费用parameter control cost
双参数控two-parameter control
双参数自适应控制系统two-parameter adaptive control system
反应控制数据reaction control data
发送数据流控制transmit flow control
取样数据控制系统sampled-data control system
变系数控制系统time-varying system
可控函数controllable function
可控数量controlled quantity
可编程序数字控制机programmable digital controller
同步数字键路控制synchronous data link control
同步数据链控制synchronous data link control
同步数据链控制规程synchronous data link control regulations
四轴数字控制车床four-spindle numerically controlled lathe
地控进场最低数值ground-controlled approach minimums
坐标导数积分控制derivative proportional-integral control
基本高程控制数据basic vertical control data
多参数控multiparameter control
大地控制数据geodetic control data
大型数控电火花机床large numerical control EDM machine
大型数控电火花线切割机床large numerical control wire-cut EDM machine
大型能量数字控制车床large-capacity number control turning machine
失控数据off-control data
存储控制器数据store controller data
定位数控positioning numerical control
实时数字控制器real-time digital governor
实时数据控制系统real-time data control system
数控制网oligarchic network (络)
少数股控制minority control
常系数控制系统time-invariant system
平台数控绘图机flat-bed digital plotter
平面控制数据horizontal control data
并行控制计数concurrent control count
微计算机控制数据采集装置microcomputer-controlled data collection device
惯性控制系数inertial control system
手控数字指令manual digital command
手控数字转换器manual digitizer
手控数码发生器manual number generator
手控计数器hand counter
抽样数据控制系统sampled-data control system
指令与数据处理控制台command and data handling console
按一次导微商derivative control
按一次导数控derivative control
按一次导数控调整rate control
控制函数dominant function
控制参数对pair of control parameter
控制变数controlled variable
控制变数controlled condition
控制变数master variable
控制命令数据control command data
控制和数据采集系统control and data acquisition system
控制器数据controller data
控制因数control factor
控制总数control footing
控制指令计数器control instruction counter
控制指数调整control index setting
控制振荡计数器gated oscillator counter
控制数字planned target
控制数字control data
控制数据名control data name
控制数据表control data table
控制相片数量number of control photographs
控制程序参数表control programme parameter list
控制程序参数表control program parameter list
控制程序读数control programme read
控制程序读数control program read
控制站交通计数key-station volume count
控制站计数key count
控制系数control factor
控股公司核数师principal audit
数值控制numeric control
数值控制机numerical control machine
数值控制机numeric control machine
数值控制装置numerical control device
数值控制装置numeric control device
数值控制设备numerical control device
数值控制设备numeric control device
数值控制语言处理机numerical control language processor
数值控制语言处理机numeric control language processor
数字控制器digital controller
数字与控制装置digital processing and control unit
数字位置控制numerical positional control
数字位置控制numeric positional control
数字式控制台digital console
数字式控制设计语言digital control design language
数字式电液控制系统digital electric-hydraulic control system
数字式自动频率控制digital automatic frequency control
数字式误差监控分系统digital error monitoring subsystem
数字式遥控装置digital remote unit
数字控制numeric control
数字控制冲床numerically controlled punching machine
数字控制凸轮磨床grin ding machines cam numerical control
数字控制凸轮磨床grin ding machines cam numeric control
数字控制划线机numerically controlled layout machine
数字控制剪床numerically controlled shears
数字控制回转头压力机numerical controlled turret punch press
数字控制回转头压力机numeric controlled turret punch press
数字控制工作台numerically controlled table
数字控制折弯机numerically controlled benders
数字控制普通车床numerically controlled engine lathe
数字控制机numerically controlled machine
数字控制机digitally controlled machine
数字控制机床numerically controlled machine tool
数字控制机床numerical control machine
数字控制机床numeric control machine
数字控制机床群line-up of numerical control machine tools
数字控制机床群line-up of numeric control machine tools
数字控制测量机numerically controlled measuring machine
数字控制的numerically controlled
数字控制磨床numerically controlled grinding machine
数字控制系统numerical control system
数字控制系统numeric control system
数字控制绕线机numerical control filament winder
数字控制绕线机numeric control filament winder
数字控制装置numeric control device
数字控制计算机numerical control computer
数字控制计算机numeric control computer
数字控制设备numerical control device
数字控制设备numeric control device
数字控制转塔车床numerically controlled turret lathe
数字控制钻床numerically controlled drilling machine
数字控制铣床numerically controlled milling machine
数字控制镗床numerically controlled boring machine
数字程序自动控制programme digital automatic control
数字程控交换机digital programme controlled switch
数字程控交换机digital program controlled switch
数字计算交通控制digital traffic control
数字计算控制numerical control
数字计算控制numeric control
数字过程控制系统numeric process control system
数字过程控制系统numerical process control system
数字过程控制系统digital process control system
数字键控孔机numeric keypunch
数字键控孔机numerical keypunch
数字键控孔机digital keypunch
数字顺序控制digital process control
数学控制模型mathematic control model
数据传输控制data link control
数据传输控制器data traffic director
数据作业控制综合设施data operation control complex
数据分析控制台data analysis console
数据安排形式控制format control
数据库控制程序database control
数据控制员control clerk
数据控制程序检验format check
数据控制间隔data control interval
数据收集与控制系统data acquisition and control system
数据收集控制器data acquisition controller
数据显示控制器data display controller
数据自动采集与控制系统automated data acquisition and control system
数据质量监控系统data quality monitoring system
数据转换接口控制器data transfer interface controller
数据输入监控器data input supervisor
数据采样控制系统sampled-data control system
数控numeric control
数控中心numerical control center
数控中心numeric control center
数控冲床numerical control press
数控冲床numeric control press
数控切削numerical control cutting
数控切削numeric control cutting
数控切割numerical control cutting
数控切割numeric control cutting
数控切割机numerical control cutting machine
数控切割机numeric control cutting machine
数控坐标量测仪numerically controlled comparator
数控numerical control tape
数控numeric control tape
数控带的信道column of tape
数控振荡器number control oscillator
数控显示digital display
数控机器人numerical control robot
数控机器人numeric control robot
数控机床numerically controlled machine
数控机床numeric control machine
数控机械手numerical control robot
数控机械手numeric control robot
数控正射投影纠正仪numerical control orthophotoscope
数控正射投影纠正仪numeric control orthophotoscope
数控深孔钻床numerical control deep hole drilling machine
数控深孔钻床numeric control deep hole drilling machine
数控电视digital television
数控系统numeric control system
数控绕线机numerical control filament winder
数控绕线机numerically controlled filament-winding machine
数控绕线机numeric control filament winder
数控绘图digital controlled drawing
数控绘图digital drawing
数控绘图computer support mapping
数控绘图automatic data plotting
数控绘图机numerical plotter
数控绘图机digital tracing machine
数控绘图机numeric plotter
数控绘图机automatic data plotter
数控绘图桌digital control table
数控绘图系统cartographical digitizing plotter system
数控绘图系统cartographic digitizing plotter system
数控装配机numerical assembling machine
数控装配机numeric assembling machine
数控计算机numeric control computer
数控计算机numerical control computer
数控计算机digital control computer
数控设备numerical control device
数控设备numeric control device
数控调直钢筋切断机Nc steel straight-cutting machine
数控钻机control figures drill
数控铣床numerical control milling machine
数控铣床numeric control milling machine
数符交通控制traffic digital control
数符交通控制digital traffic control
数量控制器quantity controller
斯伦贝谢公司数控测井仪Cyber service unit
时序控制计数器sequence control counter
最佳常数控optimal constant control
栅控系数grid control ratio
格式化数据集控制块formatted data set control block
模拟数字控制系统analogue -digital control system
模拟数字控制系统analog -digital control system
模数化控制modulated control
次要控制数据minor control data
生产力控制指数productivity rating index
电子数据交换和控制系统electronic data interchange and control system
电子数据交换和控制系统electrical data exchange and control system
电子数据交换和控制系统electric data exchange and control system
监控与数据捕获系统supervisory control and data acquisition system
直接数值控制direct numerical control
直接数字程序控制direct numerical control
直接数字程序控制direct digital control
直接数字控制仪direct digital controller
直接数字控制系统direct digital control system
硬连接数控装置hard-wired numerical control
程序及数字控制机器sequential and numerically controlled machine
程序控制数据programme control data
程序控制数据属性programme control data attribute
程序控制数据属性program control data attribute
程控数据信号发生器programmable data generator
程控数据处理机programmed data processor
程控计数器programmable counter
统计数据采样控制系统statistical sampled-data control system
统计数据采样控制系统statistic sampled-data control system
维护控制数据maintenance control data
综合数据显示及控制系统integrated data presentation and control system
网络数控network database
自动数控程序automatically programmed tool
自动数控绘图automatic digital drafting
自动控制误差系数automatic control error coefficient
自动数字记录与控制automated digital recording and control
自动数据采集与控制系统automatic data acquisition and control system
自动雷达控制与数据设备automatic radar control and data equipment
自校验数控装置self-checking number feature
船用数字计算机控制on-board digital computer control
被控脉冲计数器predetermined scaler
装置直接数字控制系统unit direct digital control system
数控counting control
计划控制数controlled figures of plan
计数器控制counter control
计数器监控器counter monitor
计算机数控系统computerized numerical control
计算机的数据收集与监控设备data acquisition and monitoring equipment for computer
调整控制数字justification control digits
路由控制数字route-control digits
软连数控soft wired number control
遥控数据发射机remote data transmitter
遥控数据处理remote-sensing data processing
遥控数据处理中心remote-sensing data processing centre
遥控数据收集remote data collection
遥控数据输入remote data input
遥测数据监控器telemetric data monitoring set
遥测数据监控器telemetric data monitor
采样数据控制系统sampled-data control system
铁路运输统计数据质量控制quality control of railway transportation statistical data
马赫数控制器Mach's number controller
高效能计算机数控车床high efficiency computer number control turning machine
高精度数控镗头high precision number-control boring head
高精度交流伺服数控机械滑台high precision AC servo number-control mechanical slide unit
高级数据通信线路控制过程high-level data link control procedure
高级数据链接控制程序high-level data link control procedure
高级数据链接控制程序high-level data link control
高级数据链路控制器advanced data link controller
高级数据链路控制程序high-level data link control
高级数据链路控制规程high-level data link control protocol
高级数据链路控制规程data link control procedure
高阶数据链控制high-level data link control