
Terms for subject China containing | all forms
不扩核武器公约Treaty on the NonProliferation of Nuclear Weapons
信息扩information spread
动物疫病扩spread of an animal epidemic
居住分的人口people lived in scattered groups
应急疏通道emergency evacuation routeway
应急疏预案emergency evacuation preparedness plan
强行驱force a dismission
提前解dissolve on an earlier date
居的少数民族minority nationalities living in scattered groups
布他人隐私spread the privacy of another person
布谣言spread rumors
装货油oil in bulk
装食品food in bulk
申请解application for dissolving
畜禽集places where livestock and poultry are collected and distributed
指示标志evacuation direction signs
通道evacuation passage
预案evacuation preparedness plan
禁止核扩条约a nuclear nonproliferation treaty
立即疏immediately evacuate
紧急疏emergent dispersal
自行决定解decide to dissolve of one's own accord
事由causes of dissolution
命令order of dismission
place where the participant disperse
立法会dissolve the Legislative Council
转移、疏move and disperse
idle land
防扬prevent the scattering