
Terms for subject International trade containing | all forms
一般general utility
一般时overall time limit
一般时overall limitation period
不再有no longer valid
不受时限制的权利imprescriptible right
不适用时规定inapplicability of the stature of limitation
中止时的行为act of interruption
乘数multiplier effect
买方行为的effect of conduct of buyer
今天起生take effect as from this day’s date
仍属有remain in force
以于 X 日前收到答复为有的报offer subject to reply received by...
以抵消方式要求偿还时已完成的债权recourse to barred claims by set-off
以无为制裁on pain of in validity
以无为制裁on pain of invalidity
以未出售为有subject to being unsold
以未出售为有的报价offer subject to being unsold
以未售为有报价offer subject to being unsold
以立即回电为有的报价offer subject to immediate acceptance by telegram
以立即答复为有的报价offer subject to immediate reply
以经确认为有subject to confirmation
以领到进口许可证为生subject to import licence obtainable
使生put into effect
依法宣布无ipso jure avoidance
保单失avoidance of policy
信用状有expiry date of L/C
信用证有the expiry date of L/C
信用证有validity of credit
信用证有expiry date of L/C
信用证有期间L/C expiration date
信用证的有validity of credit
停止失cease to have effect
1974 年纽约关于国际货物买卖时期限的公约 <->Convention on the Limitation Period in the International Sales of Goods (1974, 1974. 6)
关于时的法规rules of limitation
具有同等equally authentic
net utility
凯恩斯应理论Keynes-Effect Theory
出价有期间offer period
刺激作用对外贸易对国民经济其他部门的波及spread effect
协议协定force of agreement
协议无的事实fact that the agreement is null and void
单据status of document
卖方确认后有的报价.offer subject to seller’s confirmation
占已生和未生效的开发信贷总额的百分比percent of total effective and noneffective development credit
原料率差异material yield variance
反馈feedback effect
发价有时间duration of offer
取得时prescriptive right
取得时acquisitive prescription
受时限制的索赔claim barred by reason of limitation
受时限制的赔偿要求barred claim
合同validity of treaty
合同validity of contract
合同产生力日期date of contract coming into force
合同有期限contract life
合同生日期contract effective date
合同的失invalidity of a contract
合同的无与仲裁条款无效不是一件事的原则美、法判例承认的原则principle of separability
合同起日期contract effectiveness date
向前连锁forward linkage effects
否认合同有repudiate a contract
售票当日有valid on date of issue
因时丧失诉权discharge of the right of action by lapse of time
因时完成不能行使的权利right barred by reason of limitation
在... operative on...
地位place utility
增添部分的用证书utility certificate of addition
stand void
cease to be in force
保单lapsed policy
提单stale bill of lading
支票stale check (cheque)
支票stale cheque
日期expiry date
日期expiration date
失去时的债务barred obligation
失去时的债务barred debt
失去时的债权barred claim
失去时的权利barred right
契约有life of agreement
契约生execution of contract
完成时satisfy the prescriptive period
实盘的失lapse of offer
客票有期限validity of ticket
客观objective utility
宣告合同无declare the contract avoided
宣告无declaration of avoidance
宣告无null and void
宣告无annul (avoid)
宣告无的债券invalidated bonds
宣告无的条款avoidance clause
宣告无的补充理由supplementary ground for avoidance
对仲裁裁决的有性提出异议contest the validity of an award
展延的spreading effect
工厂率和组织能力plant efficiency and the institutional capability
已失时time barred
已生贷款effective loans
年联合国国际卖货时会议United Nations Conference on Prescription Limitation in the International Sale of Goods New York, May June, 1947 1947
延期有extend the expiration date of...
保险单延续有条款continuation clause
延续生条款continuation clause
延长有prolong extend the period of validity
引进技术的有形式effective ways of importing technology
强度volume effects
恢复restored in force
恢复时已完成的债权revival of a barred claim
恢复时已完成的权利revive a barred right
恢复有人寿保险条款reinstatement clause life insurance
恢复有条款reinstatement clause
成本cost efficiency
战争自动终止生条款war clause
抄本,无转让copy, non-negotiable
折扣失discount lapsed (lost)
折扣失missed discount
援引自己的期满的债权作为对原告诉权的辩护set off a barred claim in defense of an action
撤回前有报价offer good until withdrawn
收入revenue effects
收入分配income distribution effect
validity of association
率差异physical variance
率限界efficient frontier
用价值论utility theory of value
用模型utility models
用磅喊utility poundage
用证书utility certificate
用递减diminishing utility
no effects
法律null and void
合同等的nullity (of a contract, etc.)
null and void
void and of no effect
合同契约invalid contract
合同invalid contract
无偿no cure-no pay
条款invalid clause
no cure
果无报酬no cure-no pay
果无报酬no cure no pay
果无报酬为条件的救助合同"no cure-no pay" salvage contract
"无果无报酬"为条件的救助合同"no cure no pay" salvage contract
的买卖合同invalid sale contract
的合同void contract, voidable contract
ballot papers null and void
要求invalid claim
既不成立又无null and void of no effect
time limits and limitations
中断interruption of prescription
中止cease to run (of limitation period)
及限制time limit and limitation
完成后退回已履行的债restitution of performance after prescription
已告完成prescription which has taken effect
已完成的权利right for which the limitation period has expired
所得权利prescriptive right
period of prescription (limitation)
prescriptive period
limitation period
length of the limitation period
期中断suspension of the prescriptive period
期中止suspension of the prescriptive period
期满后承认债务acknowledgement after expiration of the limitation period
期的延长extension of the limitation period
期的计算running of the limitation period
期的起算点starting-point of the limitation
期间的开始commencement of the limitation period
期限period of limitation
statute of limitations
规则limitation rules
调整收益率time adjusted rate of return
最后terminal utility
最后final utility
合同,规则等hold good
价值effective value
价格effective price
供给effective supply
保险insurance in force
信贷effective credits
利息率effective interest rate
利率yield to maturity
印章validity stamp
发价effective offer
合同valid or enforceable contract
吨数ton available
外汇汇率effective exchange rate
封锁effective blockade
开发信贷偿还期日期表maturity structure of effective development credits
接受proper acceptance
文件effective instrument
方式modus habilis
日期expiration date
日期date of expiration
日期date of expiry
日期expiry date
日期effective date
期间time of effect
期间tenn of validity
期限unexpired term
期限expiring date
比率deposit-loan ratio
汇率effective rate
界限range of validity
法律减免effective relief
的合同valid contract
的国际监督effective international control
的国际行动viable international action
的契约valid contract
的所有权good title
的追索effective recourse
valid ballot
税率effective rate
税率effective-rate of tax
竞争effective competition
签字代理人validity signature agent
"有至卖方撤回为止"之报价offer good until withdrawn by seller
薪资率effective pay rate
证书valid certificate
债务的证件obligating document
贷款偿还期构成表maturity structure of effective loans
需求effectual demand
需求effective demand
需求原则principle of effective demand
需求政策effective demand policy
有强制执行力的文书executory instrument
有条件援助的boomerang effect
期货合同有life of contract
未售时有要约发价offer subject to being unsold
未撤销前有good-till-cancelled GTC
本发盘有期为3天this offer is valid for 3 days
权利的消灭时prescription of rights
条例生有效日期effective date of regulations
条例生日期effective date of regulations
条约validity of treaty
条约复revival of treaty
条约生treaty valid
极性polarization effect
根据时的抗辩plea based on prescription
法定时statutory limitation
法院宣告无judicial avoidance
波及spreading effect
消灭时extinctive prescription
消灭时已完成的债obligation barred by prescription
消灭时的一般期间general period of extinctive prescription
清偿时已完成的债权fulfillment of barred claims
潜在potential utility
take go, into effect
to effect
become effective
become operative
come into force (effect, operation)
come into go operation
go into operation
in force
enter into force
coming into force
界限activation threshold
的专利patent in force
生产productivity effect
直接发生果的原因efficient cause
社会成本和social cost and benefit
立即回复接受有subject to immediate reply
立即回复有subject to immediate reply
立即回答生subject to immediate reply
立即电复接受有subject to immediate acceptance by telegram
立即终止生条款 ..termination forthwith clause
立即终止生条款termination forthwith clause
管理managerial effectiveness
索赔时time of validity of claim
索赔时the time of validity of a claim
索赔的有validity of a claim
经我方确认为有的报价offer subject to our confirmation
经济economic effects
经济用降低decline in economic usefulness
经济economic efficiency
经济成economic effects
经非诉讼方式宣告无extra judicial avoidance
继续有remain in force
继续生held covered
联运单据status of the MT document
自... 起生with effect from
自... 起生valid as from
自动失automatic avoidance
自始无void ab initio
花费收到最大实cost effective
行使时已完成债权enforcement of claims barred by limitation
裁决的有validity of an award
议付有valid for negotiation
许可证有保证licence guarantees
证据evidentiary effect
诉讼时time limits for submission of claims
诉讼时limitation of legal proceedings
诉讼时limitation of actions
调动及有利用资源mobilization and efficient use of resources
货物安抵出口地点时有subject to safe arrival of goods at port of shipment
贷款协议生execution of loan agreement
贸易effect of trade
赔偿责任的时和地效temporal and geographical limits of liability
边际用递减率diminishing marginal utility
过早地丧失obsolete prematurely
这个报盘的有deadline for this offer
追溯retroactive effect
部分partial utility
银行持有的已生贷款effective loans held by bank
须经声明通知方为有subject to declaration