
Terms for subject Securities containing | all forms
一揽子规则的effect of basket rules
一般授权的有life of a general mandate
上市公司再融资的refinancing efficiency of listed company
上涨失期权如果达到预定的价格,期权持有人可获得报酬,否则期权自动失效up-and-out option
上涨生期权up-and-in options
下跌失期权knock-out option
下跌失期权down-and-out option
下跌生期权一种障碍期权,在它的有效期内,股价必须至少有一次跌倒了障碍价格下,该期权才会有收人knock-in option
下跌生期权一种障碍期权,在它的有效期内,股价必须至少有一次跌倒了障碍价格下,该期权才会有收人down-and-in option
临时停牌产生的effect of suspension
主导lead steer effect
买方债务收购结构的effect of structure of acquisition of buyer's obligations
交割settlement efficiency
交易trading effect
交易transactional efficiency
交易trading efficiency
交易净额结算trade netting efficiency
交易成本transaction cost efficiency
交易方法的有性检验validating of trade methods
交易计划即时生real-time validation of trading plan
产生最佳yield the maximum benefit
以市价计算益的机制mark-to-market mechanism
以绩为衡量标准的激励机制performance-oriented incentive mechanism
价格股份是其实际价值的反应price efficiency
企业performance of enterprise
企业益能力corporate profitability
优化果策略optimization strategy
传导contagion effect
估值无valuation inefficiency
市场假说low-effective market hypothecation
率市场inefficient market
低价收益比率low price earnings ratio effect
低市盈率low P/E ratio effect
使投资产生make the investment yield results
使……生效put into effect
侧重tilt effect
促使及时、公平、真实、准确、完整、透明和有地进行信息披露boost the timely, fair, truthful, accurate, complete, transparent and effective information disclosure
保证失expiry of a guarantee
保障ratchet effect
信息内容information content effect
信息的informational efficiency
倾斜tilt effect
停止生cease to be in force
元月上年底投资人因结算而抛售持股,来年元月要重新建仓,因而使来年元月的股价上涨January effect
先售有subject to prior sale
光环持有热门股的一种心态halo effect
全年full year effect
全球挤出global crowding out
全部经济overall economic efficiency
全面挤出global crowding out
全面收购effect of white wash
公司结构的effect of corporate structure
公告announcement effect
兼并活动多米诺骨牌一家公司对另一家公司的收购会引起一系列收购交易domino effect of merger activity
再投资reinvestment effect
再融资的有成本effective cost of refinancing
净有收人net effective income
净额结算netting efficiency
减员增downsizing for efficiency
减员增reduce staff to improve efficiency
减员增cut payroll to improve efficiency
初见成initial success
利息诱发interest incentive effect
到期期货、期权到期时,交易者急欲交易而造成价格大幅波动的结果expiration effect
到期前始终有的指令good through until date order
到期前有指令good-till-date order
刺激轰动媒体追求股市上sound bite size
削减低率的国有企业curtailing the number of inefficient state enterprises
动力一国经济增长对另一国实际收人增长有刺激作用locomotive effect
十月历史记录显示十月份股市行情一般都走低October effect
半强势semi-strong efficiency
半强势市场semistrong form of market efficiency
半强势有市场假说semistrong-form efficient market hypothesis
协同integration synergy
协同益价值synergy value
卖方撤回前有要价offer good until withdrawn by seller
卖方确认后有报价offer subject to seller's confirmation
卢萨冻结效应Roosa effect
即日有指令good-for-day order
反向过度炒作会使行情出现逆向变化reversal effect
反向计息reverse coupon effect
反复亏损由于价格波动,使交易次数多的投资者交易成本过重,造成投资业绩不佳whipsaw effect
反竞争anticompetitive effect
发行issuance efficiency
发行当日有valid on date of issue
只在发行当日有的报价ticker available on day of issue only
合同失contract expiration date
期货合同有life of contract
合同生spot day
合并增作用产生的价值value of synergy
合成synergistic effect
合法投资者最多可从股利中拿出750美元购买股票从而可以延迟纳税,此为合法效用qualifying utility
合约股数成contract size
名义合同nominal contract effects
向内生条款flip-in provision
向外生条款flip-out provision
向外生毒丸flip-over poison pill
向外生要素flip-over element
吞食python effect
周日周一股价低于其他交易日day-of-week effect
周末股市在周末时段的反应表现weekend effect
回拉pullback effect
回落pullback effect
团队team effects
国家country efficiency
国际市场efficiency of international markets
国际菲舍尔international Fisher Effect
在证件的有期内within the validity of that certificate
外币foreign currency effects (外币的变化对外资投资的影响)
多米诺骨牌一家大企业倒闭,会引起其他企业如骨牌般倒闭domino effect
多阶段cascade effect
天气weather effects
out of date
债务stale debt
期权lapsed option
期权knock-out option
特点knock-out features
的交易failed transaction
的期权out option
的股票forfeited share/stock
失去时的债务barred debt/obligation
契约有hold good
委托书持久durable power of attorney
定价pricing efficiency
定价股价应按其实际价值定price fixing efficiency
定价有pricing efficiency
定时有指令order good until a specified time
实际余额real balance effect
客户企业不同的股利政策会吸引不同需求投资者的政策clientele effect
对于上市公司有透明的监管机制effective transparent regulatory mechanism for listed companies.
导向directional effect
小企业小公司业绩优于股票市场的趋势small firm effect
已无no longer valid
银行持有的已生贷款effective loans (held by bank)
市场率测试market efficiency test
市场低market inefficiency
市场低inefficiency in the market
市场定价marketplace pricing efficiency
市盈率P/E effect
幅度magnitude effect
平均方差有组合mean variance efficient portfolio
平均有期收益yield to average life
庇古Pigou effect
弱势weak form effect
弱型weak form efficiency
弱型率模型weak form efficiency model
弱型市场weak form market efficiency
强劲率市场strong efficient market
强势市场有strong-form of market efficiency
强势有市场strong form market
强势有市场strong-form efficiency market
强势有strong-form efficiency
强度intensity effect
当天有good for the day
当日有订单good-for-day order
当月有指令month order
总的有需求aggregate effective demand
恢复时已结束的债权revive a barred right
成本益分析cost benefit analysis (CBA)
成本益比率cost benefit ratios
成本低cost inefficiency
成本绩cost performance
所有权向内生计划毒丸反收购措施作为翻转计划的一部分ownership flip-in plan
执照有范围ambit of licensing
执行委托之前有good-till-executed order
执行时已完成债权enforcement of claims barred by limitation
技术性后拉technical pull back
投机speculative effect
投机speculative efficiency
投标的有validity of tender
投资investment effect
投资乘数investment multiplier effect
投资期限investment horizon effect
投资的双dual effect of investment
抗摊薄antidilutive effect
拉动process effect
持久有信用证evergreen clause credit
持有ownership utility
持续有的客户指示standing client instruction
挤压crowding out effect
排挤政府增加投资造成私人减少投资crowding out effect
摊薄effect of dilution
摊薄dilution effect
撤销前有good till canceled
撤销前有指令good till cancelled order
收人和最大股本的时prescribed right to income and maximum equity
收购的effect on acquisition
收购要约有effective term of takeover offer
率收益efficiency earning
用价值value of utility
益一成本比率benefit-cost ratio method
益基金performance fund
益好的投资good investment
益指数performance index
益指数票据performance index paper
益边界以图反映单一或一揽子资产风险及回报efficient frontier
新功new efficacy
产权bad title
债券invalidated bonds
凭据void voucher
合约void contract
和作废null and void
率的市场inefficient market
认购股票non-valid subscription
证书表certificate revocation list
成本timing cost
prescription period
prescriptive right
股市星期一Monday effect
最低要求threshold effect
最后转移有good to the last drop (清算所成员有责任向当日未完成债务转移的其他成员提供帮助(交易规则))
最短要约有minimum duration (收购中)
交易eligible transaction
关联收人effectively connected income
分公司注册证valid branch registration certificate
利率real rate of interest
利率real interest rate
利率成本effective interest cost
制裁effective sanction
前沿efficient frontier
及现有的汇票valid and subsisting bill
双边净额结算协议valid bilateral netting arrangement
发行when distributed
商业注册证valid business registration certificate
存续期effective duration
影响新股发行对市场上股价所造成的影响effective spread
待收款eligible receivables
总收人effective gross income
扩散effective spread
投票权effective voting power
报价standing offer
披露efficient disclosure
控制仓量,股份持有量working control
控制权effective control
收人revenue outturn
收益effective yield
方式virtual way
effective life
期指令good through
杠杆比率effective gearing
正式会议valid formal meeting
汇率real exchange rate
汇率指数effective exchange rate index
浮动availability float
特点knock-in features
申购人efficient applicant
申购户数efficient applicant
的信息披露effective information disclosure
的定价机制effective price-setting mechanism
的投资组合efficient portfolio
的组合effective portfolio
的经济权益effective economic interest
的董事评估机制effective director assessment mechanism
股东大会、董事会投票valid ballot
纳税投资tax efficient investing
背书valid endorsement
要约standing offer
规避hedge effectiveness
货币资本virtual money-capital
购进good buying
资本市场efficient capital market
转换溢价effective conversion premium
避险hedge effectiveness
配置efficient allocation
集合efficient set
集合协议valid pooling agreement
面值effective par
有追溯力的ex post facto
期限内有委托good through
未售时有报价offer subject to being unsold
本周有委托good-this-week order
本周有指令good-this-week order
证券交易本周有指令good-this-week order
本月有委托good-this-month order
本月有指令good-this-month order
权益有period of benefit
权证定价warrant pricing efficiency
极化分形率指标polarized fractal efficiency
某时间后有指令good after time order
格林斯潘Greenspan Effect (因格林斯潘讲话而对金融市场产生的影响)
棘轮ratchet effect (在经济衰退的初期,消费者和投资者试图保持同以前一样的消费和投资水平)
每日平均交割daily average settlement efficiency
每日资金净额平均daily average funds netting efficiency
比价effect of relative price
法定无legal defeasance
法律上有的解释authentic interpretation
法律有和确定的文本authentic and definite text
涂改无do not cash if altered
清洗effect of white wash
瀑布cascade effect
现值计算discounting effect (证券价格)
hold good
in full force & effect
effective on or about
合同treaty valid
日期operative date
期权与down-and in option 意思相同knock-in option
条款operative clause
监管regulatory teeth
监管regulatory benefits
监管有手段regulatory teeth
直至卖方取消前要价一直有offer good until withdrawn by seller
短期有证券short-lived securities
破产的effect of bankruptcy
稀释dilutive effect
稀释应转移证券受债转股稀释效应影响的证券if converted security
稀释effect of dilution
稀释dilution effect
程序process effect
税收tax effect
穿透趋势线的有validity of trendline penetration
立即回复才有subject to immediate reply
立法legislative effect
原理principle of equal effect
约束binding effect
约瑟夫解释市场周期性特点的一种理论Joseph effect
组合投资portfolio efficiency
经济有economic efficiency
经营有的市场operationally efficient market
结转carryover effect
绝对无absolute invalidity
performance fee
证券performance securities
评价performance appraisal
羊群herding effect
股价下跌失期权down and out option
自……起生效valid as from
节日holiday effect
菲舍尔一威尔有期限Fisher-Weil duration
董事会运作的efficiency of directorate operation
衡平法债务的有转让equitable assignment of debt
被忽视的公司neglected firm effect
被认为失的市场market deemed to fail
要约失lapsed offer
规则/法律生日期effective date of regulation
触发远期合约生trigger forward contract
计划生日期scheme effective date
计算computation efficiency
证券投资综合portfolio effect
诉讼时法规美国《证券法》规定,大多数证券纠纷在3年之后失去国内诉讼法律效力statute of limitations
财富转移wealth transfer effects
资本组合有前沿efficient frontier of asset portfolio
资本边际益递减理论declining-marginal-efficiency-of-capital theory
资本配置的有场所efficient place for capital allocation
资源低率配置inefficient allocation of resources
赔偿继续有survival of indemnification
趋势trend effect
跟风bandwagon effect
跨年turn-of-year effect
住房抵押转手pass-through effect
转移pass-through effect
远期生forward start
远期生互换forward start swap
远期生期权forward start option
连带process effect
追风herding effect
递减边际decreasing utility
部分有指市场并非完全有效somewhat efficient
金融危机的溢出spillover effect from financial turmoil
金融风暴传导contagion effect
锁住lock in effect
门坎threshold effect
限制有期的期权restricted life option
随大流bandwagon effect
风险分散risk split effect
风险有投资组合risk efficient portfolio
风险调整后绩管理risk based performance management
马科威茨有组合Markowitz efficient portfolio
马科威茨有组合集Markowitz efficient set of portfolios
马科威茨有边界Markowitz efficient frontier
马车竞争对手海外业绩好,其他厂商随大流争相投资bandwagon effect
马车应假说随大流、跟风的理论bandwagon hypothesis
交易平台highly efficient trading platform
市场strong efficient market
市场假说hypothesis of highly effective market
技术平台high-efficient technology platform
high yield
资本市场efficient capital market
高杠杆应投资high leveraged investment