
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
上涨失期权up-and-away option (这是一种障碍期权,在股票价格低于某个障碍价格时就自动到期无效)
上涨失期权up-and-out option (这是一种障碍期权,在股票价格低于某个障碍价格时就自动到期无效)
上涨失期权up and out
上涨失看涨期权up-and-out call option
上涨失看跌期权up-and-out put option
上涨失看跌期权up-and-out put
上涨失障碍期权up-and-out barrier option
上涨生期权up and in
上涨生期权up-and-in option (这是一种触碰生效期权,在基础资产市价升至约定水平时才生效的期权)
上涨生期权pop-up option
上涨生看涨期权up-and-in call option
上涨生看跌期权up-and-in put option
上涨生看跌期权up-and-in put
上涨生障碍期权up-and-in barrier option
下跌失期权down-and-out option (这是一种障碍期权,在股票价格低于某个障碍价格时就自动到期无效)
下跌失看涨期权down-and-out call option
下跌失看涨期权down-and-out call
下跌失看跌期权down-and-out put option
下跌失看跌期权down-and-out put
下跌失障碍期权down-and-out barrier option
下跌生上涨失效看跌期权down-in-and-up-out put option
下跌生期权down-and-in option (这是一种触碰生效期权,在基础资产市价升至约定水平时才生效的期权)
下跌生看涨期权down-and-in call option
下跌生看涨期权down-and-in call
下跌生看跌期权down-and-in put option
下跌生看跌期权down-and-in put
下跌生障碍期权down-and-in barrier option
下跌触碰失期权down knock-out option
下跌触碰生期权down knock-in option
不完全有市场inefficient market
不完全有率投资组合inefficient portfolio
举债经营leverage effect
交易transactional efficiency
价格压力price pressure effect
传染contagion effect
估值valuation effect
私人投资支出inefficient private investment spending
使监管体系在经济发展周期中更加有make regulatory regimes more effective over the economic cycle
保险合同生year of policy acceptance
保险契约有term of an insurance policy
信用证有validity of credit
信用证有日期expiry date of L/c
假日holiday effect
元月January effect (又称"一月效应",这是从统计学角度分析股市走势的一种惯常现象,指1月份的回报率往往是"正数",而且会比其他月份为高)
全面、均衡、渐进、实的改革comprehensive, balanced, incremental and result-oriented reform
公平、公正、有的国际金融体系fair, just and effective international financial system
切实有步骤concrete and effective steps
利息变化interest-change effect
利率interest-rate effect
到期前有委托good-till-date order
制造间接费用率差异帐户factory expense efficiency variation account
制造费用率差异overhead efficiency variance
化解溢出address spill-over effects
半强式市场有semistrong-form market efficiency
半强式有市场semistrong-form efficient market
半强式有semistrong-form efficiency
卓有成地合作work productively together
单据的法律legal effect of documents
卖方撤回前有报价offer good until withdrawn by seller
即日有买卖盘good-for-day order
受到有监管的金融市场effectively regulated financial markets
吸收有劳动力供给absorb the available labor supply
周_day-of-week effect
周末weekend effect
回程return effect
基数base effect
增强有管理enhance sound regulation
等待期间reinstatement cooling-off period
外币foreign currency effects
多米诺骨牌domino effect (指在一个相互联系的系统中,由一个很小的初始能量引发的一系列连锁反应,这种效应被广泛应用于多领域中,用来解释一些具有关联性的现象)
债券nullified bond
凭单void voucher
失时的债务outlawed debt
契约有period of contract
套期有effectiveness of hedging
宏观经济macroeconomic effect
宏观经济macroeconomic benefit
宏观经济政策的有工具effective instrument of macroeconomic policy
定期绩报告periodic performance report
实际有汇率指数real effective exchange rate index
实际绩actual performance
审计证据的有validity of audit evidence
小公司small firm effect
庇古Pigou effect (指经济学家阿瑟•庇古 (Arthur Pigou)提出的理论:物价下跌能提高就业率,因为人们的商品消费增加了)
建立一道有的防火墙create an effective firewall
弱势市场有weak form of market efficiency
弱式weak-form effect
弱式市场有weak-form market efficiency
弱式有市场weak-form efficient market
弱式有weak-form efficiency
当周有委托week order
总杠杆total leverage effect
成本cost effective
成本-益分析cost-benefit analysis
成本协同cost synergy
成本有cost expiration
扩展diffusion effect
扩散spread effect
投标的有validity of tender
投资组合portfolio effect
投资组合绩portfolio performance
投资组合绩评估portfolio performance evaluation
报价有offer period
报价的有validity of offer
报告时report timing
提高经济增长质量和improve the quality and performance of economic growth
提高货币政策有make the monetary policy more effective
提高金融监管的针对性和有improve the relevance and effectiveness of financial supervision
撤销前有委托good-till-cancelled order
支付efficiency of making payment
支出边际marginal utility of expenditure
率成本effciency cost
用函数中的货币money in utility function
益成本增值计算法accrued benefit cost method
益成本比率benefit cost ratio
益比例efficiency ratio
.能之折减observed depreciation
能折旧functional depreciation
工时成羋idle time cost
投标invalid bid
支票dead cheque
的费用waste of money
invalid ballot
无失期基金/资金non-lapsing fund
无形intangible benefits
日历calendar effect
调整回收期time-adjusted payback period
调整投资额time-adjusted investment
调整报酬率time-adjusted rate of return
更有地使用财政资金use fiscal funds more efficiently
最低率规模minimum efficient scale
月份month-of-the-year effect
保险amount in force
债务valid obligation
利率effective interest rate
基金bank roll
工作预算effective working budget
市场efficient market
市场假说efficient market hypothesis
应对国际金融危机冲击effectively ward off the impact of the global financial crisis
应对挑战effectively respond to challenges
应对金融危机effectively deal with the financial crisis
开发信贷未拨款项undisbursed balance of effective development credit
投资组合efficient portfolio
日期validity date
期间period of availability
期限effective duration
期限expiry date
机制effective mechanism
测验validity test
的集体应对方案collective and effective response
税率effective tax rate
管理市场流动性effectively manage market liquidity
货币期权virtual currency option
边界efficient frontier
efficient set
有实的改革result-oriented reform
期权有option period
杠杆leverage effects
欧式上涨失看涨期权European up-and-out call option
欧式下跌失看涨期权European option of downtrend beat
positive effect
positive benefit
正财富positive wealth effect
正面溢岀positive spillovers
比价price comparison effect
泡沫bubble effect
流动性liquidity effect
消灭时已完成的债务obligation barred by prescription
消费边际marginal utility of consumption
涓滴trickle-down effect
潜在的通胀potential inflationary effects
现值present value benefit
现金流量cash flow effect
硬通货hard money effect
确实, междун.торг. 有validity
税法的时间time validity of tax law
空间创造create space effect
平衡active balance
经济用减低decline in economic usefulness
经济economic benefits
经济蠢贬值损耗loss of economic efficiency
经济和率审计economy and efficiency audit
经营绩results from operation
经营绩result from operation
之标准standard of performance
评估performance measurement
综合益指标overall efficiency indicator
羊群herding behavior
美式触碰失双障碍看跌期权American knock-out double-barrier put option
耦合coupling induction (互动效应,联动效应)
联合杠杆combined leverage effect
股市stock market efficiency
股票市场stock market efficiency
自即日起生take effect from day's date
营运控制|有控制}working control
融资financing efficiency
规模size effect
触碰失期权knock-out option (又译"障消期权",指基础资产的市价触及约定水准时即失效)
触碰失看涨期权knock-out call option (又译"障消看涨期权")
触碰失看跌期权knock-out put option (又译"障消看跌期权")
触碰生期权trigger option (指只有在基础资产的市价触及确定的水准时期权才生效)
触碰生期权knock-in option (又译"障生期权",指只有在基础资产的市价触及确定的水准时期权才生效)
触碰生看涨期权knock-in call option (又译"障生看涨期权")
触碰生看跌期权knock-in put option (又译"障生看跌期权")
计划率原则标准成本计算efficiency of plans
讲求lay emphasis on practical results
讲求社会pay attention to social effect
负财富negative wealth effect
负面negative side effects
负面外溢negative spillover effects
负面溢岀negative spillovers
财务报表的有validity of the financial statement
财富wealth effect (财富效应指人们的资产越多,消费意欲越强。这个理论的前提是人们的财富及可支配收人会随着股价上升而增加。因此,人们更愿意消费)
财富边际marginal utility of wealth
财政financial efficiency
贴现discounted benefit/cost ratio method (present value index)
贴现后益成本比率discounted benefit-cost ratio
贴现后净益成本比率discounted net benefit-cost ratio
贷款的impacts of loan
贷款的impact of loan
资产组合绩考核portfolio performance measurement
资本capital efficiency
资本市场capital market efficiency
资本积累有途径efficient paths of capital accumulation
资本边际率递减declining marginal efficiency of capital
资本边际marginal utility of capital
资金使用funds usage efficiency rate
资金营运fund operation efficiency
边际宏观经济marginal macroeconomic benefit
过渡经济transitional economic impact
逆向reversal effect
通缩deflationary effect
通货膨胀调整后有汇率指数inflation-adjusted effective index
造成溢出create spillover effects
金融financial efficiency
治理long-term governance
非有报价non-firm offer
预算budgetary effect
率会计学与簿记efficient accounting and record keeping
高杠杆应的投资high leveraged investment