
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
一个实盘只能在它失时才可撤回A firm-offer can only be revoked when it becomes invalid
不顾经济be careless of about the economic results
专利自动失automatic lapse of patent
主要primary function
举债经营effects of financial leverage
五月二十日寄出的价目表依然有The price list sent on May 20 still holds good
他认为该发盘已经失The offerer has promptly informed the acceptor that he considers the offer as lapsed
以我方确认为有的报盘offer subject to our confirmation
以收到货款为有银行代收票据sauf bonne fin
以最少劳动取得最高achieve the maximum of efficiency with the minimum labour
以未售出为有的报盘offer subject to prior sale
仲裁条款通常并不失An arbitration clause is usually not invalidated when a party maintains that the contract is frustrated
价值value effect
仿性定价imitative pricing
企业规模size effect
率高的专家efficient expert T
使用occupation coefficient
技术保证未达规定failure of guarantee
保险单有policy period
保险生insurance in-force
保险责任开始生attachment of risk
信用证有expiration date of L/C
信用证有期为三个月The L/C is available for three months
借款impact of loan
具有巨大市场have a great effect on the market
具有法律have a legal binding force
再争论下去也无It would be idle to argue further
再分配redistribution effect
凯恩斯应理论Keynes effect theory
列岀益指标formulate performance indicators
剂量应评估effects assessment dose-response assessment
测定performance rating
协议有duration of the agreement
协议有period of the agreement
协议有the duration of an agreement
单据status of documents
原材料的有validity of raw materials
双方对合同的有性产生纠纷Differences have arisen between the two parties with respect to the effectiveness of the contract
反馈feedback effects
取得最大经济achieve the maximum economic results
取得最大经济gain maximum economic result
受害一方可宣布合同无In case of a fundamental breach the party who suffers it may declare the contract as avoided
美国只限当年有的预算拨款授权one year authority
合同effect of contract
合同仍然有the contract still holds
合同依旧有The contract still holds
合同有期限the currency of a contract
合同生日期effective date of a contract
合约validity of treaty
同等力的文本equally authentic text
团体group efficiency
国际货物买卖时公约Convention on the Limitation Period in the International Sales of Goods
在租赁有期内within the term of validity of lease
均等equalization effect
大力提咼经济greatly improve economic performance
折扣missed discount
折扣discount lapsed
法律laws fallen into abeyance
的专利lapsed patent
的保险单lapsed insurance policy
的合同lapsed contract
的许可证lapsed licence
股票forfeited stock
失去时债权bar red claim
失去时权利bar red right
如系重大违约,受害一方可宣告合同无If a breach is of fundamental nature, the party who suffers it may declare the contract avoided
存款生日期value date
实际practical purposes
宣布决定无declare a decision invalid
宣布租让合约无annul a concession contract
宣布违背法律的协议无annul the agreement offending against the law
分析与管理performance analysis and control
差量differential benefit
已失去时的合同outlawed contract
延长信用证有extend the expiration date of L/C
延长报盘的有extend the period of validity of an offer
延长有extend prolong the period of validity
当日有委托书day order
微观micro effect
忽视经济neglect of economic performance
gross utility
总体general efficiency
总体经济overall economic benefits
总有载荷gross payload
总重与有载重比率gross weight-to-payload
标准performance standards
成本果分析cost-effectiveness analysis (投资)
我方相信你方的巨大努力将产生预期We believe your great efforts will yield the desired results
扩张expansionary effect
扩张expansion effect
投标有validity of tenders
投资effects of investment
投资果系数investment effect coefficient
投资effect of investment
投资乘数investment multiplier effect
投资有effectiveness of investment
报盘有duration of an offer
报盘的有validity of offer
抵押effect of mortgage
押汇有negotiating date
支票的有validity of check
果评估effects assessment dose-response assessment
亦缩为 effcy.efficiency
Y Y-efficiency
美国埃默森率+二原则twelve principles of efficiency (管理人员有明确目标 (managerial personnel having definite targets), 有丰富常识 (having rich common knowledge), 提供优质咨询 (offering first-rate advisory services), 有严格纪律 (observing strict disciplines), 经营交易公平 (doing business fairly), 作业有可靠及时记录 (having reliable and timely job records), 按计划安排工作(scheduling organization of the work), 作业标准化 (carrying out job standardization), 有日历进度表 (having calendar progress schedules), 保持工作环境良好 (keeping a good working environment), 使用书面工作任务单 (using written work sheets), 实行效率奖励 (implementing the efficiency premium system))
率估价efficiency estimation
率目标efficiency objective
率考核efficiency rating
用最大化utility maximization
用等级utility grade
能指标performance indicator
能问题产品performance problem products (指买主关心产品的预期效能)
新佣金率从下一份合同起生The new rate of commission is to take effect from the next contract. It is not to be backdated to any previous ones
新出口贸易规定已经生The new regulations governing export trade have come into effect
新协议从十二月一日起生The new agreement becomes effective from December
新规章已于八月一日生The new regulation became operative on 1st August
估计量inefficient estimator
凭证invalid voucher
海上救助果无报酬no cure, no pay
的合同bad contract
裁决invalid umpirage
period of limitation
中止lapse of time
期限length of limitation period
调整收益率time adjusted rate of return (指内部收益率 (internal rate of return))
时间-费用effects of time-costs
最佳optimal efficiency
最小贸易扭曲minimal trade effect
最小贸易扭曲minimal trade-distorting effect
最终terminal utility
最终利用end-use effect
in operation
交换价值valid exchange value
价值useful value
估价effective valuation
统计位数水平significance level
信用支票valid check
合同executory contract
安全措施effective safety measures
寿命service life
工作寿命useful working life
工作年限useful working year
承诺firm commitment
技术证明valid technical certification
援助率effective rate of assistance
效率used efficiency
数位significant figure
方法efficient methods
日期date of availability
expiring date
期限expiration date
期限估计useful life estimation
检验方法valid method of testing
测定范围useful range
舱位efficient cargo space
作用荷载used load
作用荷载used load
行动effective action
补救措施effective remedy
负载pay load
负载net load
有保障guaranteed efficiency
有用useful efficiency
未来有租契executory lease
本信用证有期至十二月三十一日止This letter of credit is valid until December 31
本公约已由许多国家采用生The convention has been given effect by many countries
本协议将于十二月二十五日生The agreement will take effect on December 25
本协议用中英文写成,两种文本具有同等This agreement is drawn up in Chinese and English, both versions of equal effect
本协议须经批准方可生The agreement is subject to ratification
本合同一个月后失The contract shall expire a month hence
本合同自十二月一日起生The contract will come into effect from the first of December
本周有good this week
本实盘于4月30日或其前回复到达有This is a firm offer, please reply here on or before 30th April
本报盘以经确认为有The offer is subject to confirmation
本报盘六月三十日前有,过期无效The offer will remain valid until June 30, after which date it becomes null and void
本报盘有期为一周This offer is firm for a week
本报盘须经卖方最后确认方生This offer is subject to the seller's final confirmation
本月有good this month
本盘有期为七天This offer is valid for seven days from the date
杠杆leverage effect
条文有effectiveness of the provision
标准工standard rating
检查的有validity of check
正常工normal rating
此报盘有期为一周This offer is open for a week
此报盘有期为五天The offer is good for five days
此盘有期为七天We'll keep the offer in force for seven days
每年有工作日数effective working days per year
比较comparative effectiveness
法定时statute of limitation
法律validity of law
法律statutory effect
法律上无的证据incompetent evidence
注销前有good till cancelled
物资消耗果核算calculation of the effect of materials consumed
become effective (与失效(become invalid) 相对)
直接产出direct output effect
短期short-run effects
短期失short duration failure
确实成tangible results
社会social efficiency
积极positive effect
第二轮second-round effect
管理率比management rate
索赔必须有证明文件方为有Documentary evidence is required to validate the claim
紧缩deflating effect
紧缩deflation effect
组装volumetrical efficiency
组装volumetric efficiency
经济益差poor economic performance
经济管理management efficiency
经济运行efficiency of economic operation
经营operational efficiency
经营成result of operation
参数performance parameter
差异performance variance
报告制performance reporting
检查报告performance report
水平标准performance level standards
目标performance goal
目标performance target
评价实施performance of evaluation
综合性经济益指标general indicator of economic performance
联合国销售货物时公约United Nations Convention on the Limitation Period in the International Sale of Goods
股权ownership utility
节约economical efficiency
若买方发现所供货物有缺陷,则索赔时从货物交付买方之日起计算When the buyer find a defect in the goods supplied, the limitation period starts from the date when the goods are handed over to him
要求宣告契约无的诉讼action for annulment of contract
要求宣告契约无的诉讼action of nullity
要求延长信用证有request extension of credit validity
要约有期限term of validity of offer
规定已生The regulations have come into operation (force)
规定的仲裁时prescribed period of arbitration
规模advantages of scales
设备综合overall equipment efficiency
诉讼时规定prescription of period for litigation
该合同再继续有一年The contract stands good for another year
该条款半年后失The clause shall cease to run 6 months later
该证明书一经法院或仲裁庭宣布无The certificate ceases to be binding if it is set aside by a court or arbitration tribunal
negative effects
货抵装运港有的发盘offer subject to arrival of goods at port of shipment
质量quality performance
资本投资efficiency of capital investment
资金占用果核算calculation of the effect of funds used
这一证书一经证明人撤销即告无The certificate ceases to be binding if it is revoked by the certifier
这合同再继续有一年the contract stands good for another year
这项法规仍然有This regulation is still in effect
选择权有option period
通货紧缩不是解决国家财政混乱的有对策Deflation is not an effective cure for the financial chaos in the country
那样,合约将无In that case, the contract will become null and void
销售能五点评价法美国菲利普・科特勒提出,包括:哲学、组织、情 报、策略与效率philosophy, organization, information, strategy, efficiency
间接indirect effect
间接产出indirect output effect
集装箱化被视为更为有的一种装运方式Containerization is regarded as a mode for more efficient shipment
本实盘须于当天中午前复到有reply here before noon
预测有forecasting validity
预测有forecast validity
率使用资金efficient use of capital
率市场efficient market
率生产efficient production
高生产high-cycle efficiency