
Terms for subject Business containing | all forms
一体化福利welfare effect of integration
一次修理single repair capability
一次有对策one-shot game
一致性最大功检验uniformly most powerful test
一般有general availability
上凹用曲线concave upward utility curve
不受时限制的权力imprescriptible right
不变用指数constant utility index
不生协议nonvalidating agreement
不生合同nonvalidating contract
不生图章nonvalidating stamp
不生图章non-validating stamp
不生租约nonvalidating lease
不能生的债券invalidated bond
专业化检修specialized repair activity
专利有term of a patent
专利权期满失准备reserve for expiration of patents
业务rate of service
丧失时lapse of time
中位数有efficiency of median
中止时suspension of prescription
中止时行为act of interruption
串联有排列series functional configuration
临界edge effect
临近应加热heating by proximity effect
主观用理论subjective utility theory
举债营业effect of financial leverage
企业firm effect
企业business efficiency
优先次序effect of priorities
估计有efficiency of estimate
估计量有estimator efficiency
估计量有efficiency of estimator
债务延缓偿付有debt moratorium
债的effect of obligation
初期生initial failure
判决宣告合同无ruling that the contract is void
利息刺激interest incentive effect
制造费用factory expense efficiency
制造费用率差factory expense efficiency variation
制造费用率差异账factory expense efficiency variation account
外贸对国民经济刺激spread effect
合同契约nullification of contract
合同协议treaty valid
合同失invalidity of a contract
合同有period of the contract
合同有effective period of the contract
合同有term of validity of contract
合同有period of contract
合同有life of contract
合同生日期effective date of contract
合同的法律legal effect of contract
合同继续有条件condition subsequent
合法有的会议valid formal meeting
同等both authentic
同等用原理principle of equal advantage
after working
几率probability after effect
过程process with after-effect
否认契约有repudiate a contract
商业率展览会Business Efficiency Exhibition
商业劳动commercial labour efficiency
商品宣传demonstration effect
商品流通commodity distribution efficiency
商品流通commodity circulation efficiency
在…生效operative on...
在一定速率时失fail at a rate
在有期中in force
在油田有期内摊提amortize over life of field
地点place utility
均匀最大功uniformly most powerful
处理用均值分析analysis of means for treatment effects
外溢spill over
外部neighborhood effects
外部external effect
外部经济反external diseconomy
多元应分析multivariate effect analysis
多属性multi-attribute utility
多期间用函数multi-period utility function
多重共线性multicollinearity effect
lose effectiveness
out of run
lose efficacy
产权bad title
元件failed element
元件更换replacement on failure
单证invalid document
原因cause of failure
合同dead contract
堤单stale bill of lading
成本failure cost
支票dead cheque
支票invalid check
文件或法令dead mail
文件或法令dead letter
时负载load at failure
期限lapsed option
概率the probability of failure
次数分布distribution of number of failures
法令dead letter
法律expiring law
率过载系数failure rate acceleration factor
out of date
的报价offer which has lapsed
程度degree of fault
股票lapsed share
记录log of failure
证券dead security
连续性succession of failure
通货invalid currency
部件分析failure parts analysis
plane of failure
失去时be no longer effective
失去时债权barred claim
失时债务outlawed debt
将来有权益executory interest
将来生的信托executory trust
将来生的租约executory lease
就业创造employment creating effects
因数tail efficiency factor
市场创造market-creating effect
市场破坏market-destroying effect
开始生become effective
强度volume effect
性能impact of performance
total effect
aggregate utility
用可能线grand utility-possibility frontier
总价格作用aggregate-price effect
总体overall effectiveness
总体经济overall economic effect
总体经济overall economic efficiency
总时overall limitation period
总杠杆total leverage effect
总重与有载重比率gross weight-to-payload ratio
会计successful-efforts accounting
分析与控制performance analysis and control
标志performance indicator
管理management by result
成本efficiency of cost
成本cost efficient
成本率价格cost-efficient price
成本率分折cost effectiveness analysis
成本率分析cost-efficiency analysis
成本率分析法cost-efficiency analysis method
成本率比cost effectiveness ratio
成本率衡量cost-effectiveness measure
成本用分析cost versus effectiveness analysis
成本—益估价cost-benefit evaluation
成本—益估计cost-benefit estimation
成本益低即投入高于效益cost ineffective
成本益关系cost benefit relationship
成本—益分析cost-effectiveness analysis
成本—益分析法cost-effectiveness analysis method
成本益分析法cost-benefit analysis method
成本益基准cost-effective basis
成本益比率cost effectiveness ratio
成本—益比率cost-benefit ratio
成本—益比较cost-benefit comparisons
成本益法cost-effective method
成本益法cost-effectiveness method
成本—益法cost-benefit approach
成本—益研究cost-benefit research
成本—益经济分析economic cost-benefit analysis
成本益计划cost-effectiveness program
成本益贡献cost-effective contribution
成本与cost and benefit
我们的信用证有期需要为多长时间?How long should our L/C be valid?
战略性strategic effect
凯恩斯所得乘数指当消费支出,投资支出或政府支出等增加一单位,国民所得会以倍数增加,此倍数即为乘数multiplier effect
所得税规定的告示announcement effects of income tax
所签合同的有effective term of a signed contract
按照有as expiry
支票有expiration date of check
收入revenue effect
收入用递减律law of diminishing utility of income
收入时timing of receipts
收益创出income creating effect
收益的边际用弹性elasticity of the marginal utility of income
收益边际marginal utility of income
改善经营管理率评价evaluation of improving managing effectiveness
故障、果欠佳或排除报告failure, unsatisfactory removal (report)
用与货币亏损比较utility versus money loss
用值cardinal utility
用成本分析utility cost analysis
用指数的独特性uniqueness of utility index
用指标宜取变换admissible transformation of utility index
用数学期望原则principle of mathematical expectation for utility
用期望值与货币期望值expected value of utility and money
用极大化原理principle of utility maximization
用标准utility criterion
用概率函数utility possibility function
用概率曲线utility possibility curve
用等级degree utility
用范数utility norm
用衡量utility measures
用表utility table
用选择utility preference
商品或劳务用递减diminishing utility
用递减规律law of diminishing utility
明显marked result
显著significant effect
最佳化efficiency of optimization
最后生final effective
最大最大用准则maximax utility criterion
最大最小maximin utility
最大最小用准则maximin utility criterion
最大有作业时间maximum usable operating time
最大有工作时间maximum usable working time
最大有工时maximum usable labor time
最大有阅读时间maximum usable reading time
最小有字符least significant character
最小有流动速率minimum effective liquid rate
最有估计most efficient estimation
最有估计式most efficient estimator
最终用度final degree of utility
最终用说final utility theory
月有工作日数effective working days per month
hold good
in force
be available
事件operative event
事实operative fact
交流意见中人的因素human side of successful communication
人工effective labor
人工real labor
人工available labour
价格efficiency price
传播量effective circulation
估计efficient estimate
估计式efficiency estimator
使用期useful economic life
保护系数effective protection coefficient
保险金额amount of insurance in force
保险额amount of insurance in force
修理时间active repair time
假设available hypothesis
储蓄utility saving
公式valid formulation
几率available probability
分配available for distribution
判据utility criterion
利用efficient use
刺激effective stimulus
功率available power efficiency
功率比work ratio
劳动effective work
劳动力active labour force
劳动力供给effective labor supply
劳动力需求effective labor demand
劳动时间available labour time
协议subsisting agreement
反复实验次数effective number of replications
变量useful variable
合同binding contract
合同subsisting contract
合同authentic contract
周转时间available cycle time
因素availability factor
因素operative factor
土地所有权sound title to land
外汇率effective exchange rate
契据authentic deed
存储active memory
存货available stock
存量available inventory
存量availability of inventory
学习法active learning
定单firm order
容量net holding volume
寿命分配useful life apportionment
寿命期useful life period
工时real labor hour
干预active intervention
年限useful life
库存Virtual Storage
库存active stock
level of significance
degree of efficiency
度费用分配availability cost arrangement
开发信贷偿还期日期表maturity structure of effective development credit
弹性effective elasticity
性假设availability hypothesis
性判据validity criterion
性因子availability factor
性域domain of validity
性成本availability cost
性指标effectiveness indicator
性条款availability clause
性检验test of validity
性检验significant test
性预测predictive validity
执照licence in place
执行effective implementation
控制good control
控制active control
推断valid inference
措施utility measures
搜索宽度effective search width
数据disposal data
数据live data
数据active data
方格effective deficiency
方法efficient method
时间usable time
时间real time
time of validity
available date
effective term
time of effect
effect time
period of the validity
期最高和最低价格lifetime high and low
期满expiry of the availability
期限time of validity
期限availability period
机器时间available machine time
条件condition of validity
检验validity test
模型valid model
比数efficient score
比率available ratio
沟通阻滞block to effective communication
法律减免effective relief
活期证书valid and current certificate
流动性水平effective liquidity level
测量范围effective measuring range
状态字码efficient state descriptor
available rate
active rate
率等级effective rate peg
生产能力effective capacity
生产调整概率表efficient production oriented chance specification
界限efficient frontier
的分部制efficient departmentalization
的可用于购买的收入effective buy income
的护照valid passport
的豁免effective relief
的长期业务规划effective long range business planning
的长期营业计划effective long-range business planning
车、船valid ticket
税票valid tax token
管理active management
系数significant coefficient
系数operation factor
系统helpful system
经营business administration
结果validity of the result
统计量efficient statistics
肥料化肥available fertilizer
至…止valid till
花费availability for spending
范围limits of validity
行为available act
装载量useful load
计划步骤effective planning procedure
计算性effective calculability
负荷used load
负荷resistance load
货币effective money
贷款偿还期到期表maturity structure of effective loan
贷款偿还期构成表maturity structure of effective loan
资源available resources
赤字virtuous deficit
边缘测定exploration of efficient frontier
运载量effective shipload
近似值valid approximation
追索effective recourse
重量effective weight
金本位effective gold standard
金额amount in force
长度serviceable length
防卫solid defense
预期价格effective expected price
领导effective leadership
高级管理者effective executive
有成的成本核算successful costing
有时statute barred
有时的息票statute barred coupon
有条件援助boomerang effect
有条件时conditional limitation
有法律力的文件legally valid document
服务service advantage
期望用最大化expected utility maximization
未注销前有good till cancelled
未生合同non-validating contract
未经声明的无avoidance without declaration
末尾有数字last significant figure
机器mechanical efficiency
机构mechanical advantage
机械modulus of machine
权利生日期vesting date
标准化失standardized mortality ratio
标准化经济果计算实例an example of calculation of Economic Effector standardization
标准化经济economic benefit of standardization
标准失standard failure rate
样品确定后生的报盘offer subject to sample approval
模型预测forecasting performance of a model
模糊逻辑公式有validity of formula in fuzzy logic
次级second-order efficiency
水上岸上同样有afloat and ashore
派生用函数derived utility function
浅水shoaling effect
清偿因时已完成的债权fulfillment of barred claims
渐进asymptotic efficiency
渐进最大功检验asymptotically most powerful test
渐进有估计asymptotically efficient estimate
渐进相对asymptotic relative efficiency
理论theoretical result
take into effect
with effect
honour a signature
come into effect (force)
be available
日期available date
validation period
贷款effective loan
通知advice of execution
生产productivity effect
生产率productivity effect
用外国货币支付有的约定stipulation for effective payment in a foreign currency
电路失circuit malfunction
省力有法则stinginess rule
税收的集中concentration effect of tax
稳定性失stability fault
索赔有validity of a claim
索赔有the time of validity of claim
索赔有time of a claim
累计cumulative utilization
缺乏率的成本cost of inefficiency
调查力分布distribution of searching effect
调配allocation effect
negative effect
negative effect
财务financial efficiency
财务financial results
货币monetary effect
货币用函数utility of money function
货币有性条款currency availability clause
货币边际marginal utility of money
货物装卸efficiency of cargo-handling
贷款有loan effective period
贷款有commitment available period
费用与能综合准则cost and effectiveness trade off criteria
资本capital efficiency
资本边际率曲线marginal efficiency curve of capital
资本边际率表marginal efficiency of capital schedule
资本边际用表schedule of the marginal efficiency of capital
资源resource impact
资源不同使用的相对relative efficiency of different uses of resources
资源有利用utilization of resources
资金占用果核算calculation of the effect of fund used
资金占用fund usage efficiency rate
资金运用fund operation efficiency
资金运用efficiency of fund operation
资金运用率测定measurement of effectiveness of the use of fund
逆流backsetting effect
逆流back setting effect
逆调节counterregulatory effect
递减diminishing efficiency
递减decreasing efficiency
递减diminishing utility
递减边际diminishing marginal utility
递增incremental effect
通用有利率current effective interest rate
通知有period of notice
通知生日期advise effective date
通货紧缩deflationary effect
通货膨胀调整有汇率指数"inflation adjusted" effective index
通道channel effect
锁住locking-in effect
锁住lock-in effect
需求工业industry effect in demand
震动vibration effect
霍尔应磁场计Hall effect magnetometer
霍桑Hawthorne effect
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