
Terms for subject Wind Energy containing | all forms
上吹upwind effect
下洗downwash effect
中性点有接地系统system with effectively earthed neutral
中性点非有接地系统system with non-effectively earthed neutral
二次secondary effect
互作用interaction effect
传动装置gear efficiency
位移displacement effect
运行状态fall-back state
停机park efficiency
冷却cooling effect
冷却cooling efficiency
净平均有压力net mean effective pressure
减风wind reduction efficiency
分集diversity effect
利用utilization efficiency
制动braking efficiency
制动brake efficiency
制动braking efficiency
前轮外倾camber effect
剪切shear effect
功率传输power train efficiency
功率场应晶体管power MOSFET
功率金属氧化物半导体应晶体管power MOSFET
加速加速speed up effect
动力dynamic effect
动态kinetic effect
动态dynamic effect
升力lift effect
压缩性compressibility effect
参差diversity effect
发电机electrical generator efficiency
同步synchronization effect
后体after body effect
吸附adsorption effect
周转turn around efficient
喷射应风jet effect wind
喷流应风jet effect wind
噪音noise effect
圆锥二面角coning dihedral effect
地形topographic effect
城市urban effect
堆积piling up effect
堵塞chocking effect
塔影tower shadowing effect
塔影响influence by the tower shadow
塔影响塔架造成的气流涡区对风力机产生的影响influence by the tower shadow
壅塞choking effect
声阻尼acoustic damping effect
安全fail safe
fail point
失去out of action
夹带entrainment effect
夹道channeling effect
实际actual efficiency
容量volumetric efficiency
尺度应修正correction for scale effect
尾流wake effects
尾流应损失wake effect losses
工作task performance
干扰interaction effect
平均有负荷mean effective load
年有风能annual available wind energy
应变时脆性strain aged embrittlement
建筑物尾流building wake effect
弯度camber effect
弹性失elastic failure
急流应风jet effect wind
总有功率effective summed horsepower
总有马力effective summed horsepower
惯性inertial effect
感应inductive effect
成本cost effectiveness
抑制inhibiting effect
抽吸stack effect
抽吸chimney effect
拐角corner effect
捕获capture efficient
损伤等载荷damage equivalent load
排列array effect
风轮coefficient of performance
率指标efficiency indication
率特性efficiency characteristic
文丘里Venturi effect
方向direction effect
风压wind pressure out service
早期early effect
行为ageing behaviour
昼夜day-night effect
暖房glasshouse effect
最佳optimum efficiency
最大maximum effectiveness
最大有maximum effectiveness
最大有工作时间maximum available time
最大有载荷比maximum payload ratio
最大运转maximum operating efficiency
上层建筑effective superstructure
下洗effective downwash
传热available heat transfer
传热系数available heat transfer coefficient
估计efficiency estimation
伸长effective elongation
使用寿命acceptable life
real value
冷却表面积actual cooling surface
冷却表面积active cooling surface
净化effective decontamination
剂量effective dose
active force
real work
useful work
effective work
功率available power
功率effective output
功率effective power
功率useful power
功率useful output
功率available horsepower
功率因数effective power factor
功率损耗available power loss
功率效率available power efficiency
功率曲线available power curve
功率输出effective power output
升力disposal lift
压力effective pressure
喉道截面effective passage throat
喉部截面effective passage throat
地形高度effective terrain height
地面高度effective ground level
夹带系数effective entrainment coefficient
寿命effective lifetime
寿命effective life
寿命useful time
寿命available life
展弦比effective aspect ratio
工作时间available time
弦长effective chord length
弯度effective camber
截面effective cross section
截面effective section
截面clear area
扩散时间available diffusion time
扩散系数effective diffusion coefficient
抗剪刚度effective shearing rigidity
控制effective control
期限activity duration
气动下洗effective aerodynamic downwash
沉积速度effective deposition velocity
沉积速度available deposition velocity
流动阻力effective flow resistance
流量effective flow
浮力effective buoyancy
混合层effective mixing layer
源强effective source strength
源面积effective source area
源高effective source height
烟囱高度effective height of stack
烟囱高度effective stack height
烟囱高度effective chimney height
有功电流energy current
电流energy current
直径effective diameter
硬化层深度effective case depth
羽流effective plume
羽流抬升effective plume rise
羽流高度effective plume height
useful energy
范围useful range
测量范围effective range
表面effective surface
表面积effective surface
衰减常数effective decay constant
负荷useful load
负荷effective load
负荷real load
负荷available load
距离effective range
距离effective distance
载荷load ratio
载荷部分payload fraction
输入功率available input power
输出effective output
输出useful output
输出available output
输出功率useful output power
迎角effective angle of attack
速度effective speed
速度available velocity
间隙effective clearance
防护距离effective prevention distance
面积available cross section
available wind
风能available wind power
风能harnessable power
风能available wind energy
风速effective wind speed
高度effective height
高度active height
齿高working depth
有利风beneficial wind effect
有限展长finite span effect
机械mechanical efficient
机械machine efficiency
机组efficiency of WTGS
柯恩达Coanda effect
模型阻塞model blocking effect
次级风secondary wind flow effect
死区dead zone effect
死区dead-time effect
气候climatic effect
气功aerodynamic efficiency
气动aerodynamic efficiency
气动率比aerodynamic efficiency
气动力aerodynamic effect
气动力aerodynamic effectiveness
气动力端部aerodynamic end effect
气动弹性aeroelastic effect
气动阴影blanketing effect
污染物下洗pollutant downwash effect
沉降precipitation efficiency
沟道channeling effect
风洞洞壁boundary effect
风洞洞壁boundary effect
流体记忆fluid memory effect
流线streamlining effect
流线密集effect of streaming squeezing
流线弯曲streamline curvature effect
流线汇集streamline squeezing effect
湍流turbulence effect
满负荷full load efficiency
漏斗funnelling effect
烟囱stack effect
烟囱chimney effect
heat efficiency
热岛heat island effect
焊缝有厚度effective throat
理想ideal efficiency
理论theoretical efficiency
理论ideal efficiency
理论空气动力theoretical aerodynamic efficiency
瓦时能量效率watt hour efficiency
电动机motor efficiency
电场field effect
电容capacitance effect
电晕放电corona effect
瞬时short term effect
短时short term effect
碰撞collision efficiency
科里奥利Coriolis effect
空化cavitation effect
空气动力aerodynamic effectiveness
突变失catastrophic failure
端部end effect
应力equivalent stress
应变effective strain
截面representative section
扩散速度equivalent diffusion velocity
时间equivalent time
满负荷小时数full-load equivalent hours
烟囱高度equivalent stack height
负荷equivalent loading
质量equivalent mass
连续声级equivalent continuous A-weighted sound pressure level (A计权声级)
面源equivalent surface source
风速equivalent wind speed
算数平均arithmetic average efficiency
系统system efficiency
约束constraint effect
缩尺应修正correction for scale effect
翼展率因数span efficiency factor
energy efficiency ratio
duty ratio
能源率比值energy efficiency ratio
虚弯度virtual camber effect
视觉visual impact
设计有载荷design pay load
诱导inductive effect
诱导应指数inductive effect index
质量定律mass law effect
转子rotor efficiency
风洞边界constraint effect
运行operating efficiency
近期short term effect
遮蔽shielding effect
遮蔽sheltering effect
重力gravity effect
金属氧化物半导体场应晶体管metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor
锁定lock in effect
长期long term effect
阵风gust/gustiness effect
阵风gustiness effect
阵风gust effect
阵风应因子gust-effect factor
阻塞blocking effect
阻塞blockage effect
附壁Coanda effect
降水precipitation efficiency
雷诺数Reynolds number effect
ground effect
频率frequency effect
wind effect
风力应现象wind effected phenomena
风力发电机组efficiency of WTGS
风洞wind tunnel efficiency
风洞工作段有面积effective throat
风洞洞壁wind tunnel wall effect
风电机组的经济wind turbine cost effectiveness
风能转换wind conversion efficiency
风轮rotor efficiency
飞掷物撞击missile impact effect
飞轮flywheel action
饱和saturation effect
饱和effects of saturation
马格努斯Magnus effect
马格努斯应转子Magnus effect rotor
马赫数Mach number effect
襟翼high efficiency flap
过滤器high efficiency filter
高度effect of altitude
黏性viscosity effect
龙卷风tornado effect