
Terms for subject Economy containing 效果 | all forms | in specified order only
一定利益或效果之转轴pivoting on constant benefit or effectiveness
专业推销训练人员据以评价每一推销训练方案在一给定情况下所具有效果的四个方面aim, content, method, expectation (即目的、内容、方法、期望)
中央银行对银行危机的干预收到了良好效果The central bank's intervention in banking crisis proved effective
举债营业的效果effect of financial leverage
买方行为的效果effect of buyer conduct
买方行为的效果the effect of buyer's conduct
从价税效果effect of an ad valorem tax
从量税效果effect of specific duty
代用效果substitution effect
以最小的劳动耗费取得最大经济效果get the maximum economic results with a minimum expenditure of labour
价格效果price effect
价格变动的所得效果income effect of price change
优先次序的效果effect of priority
你们的计划收到了丰硕的效果Your schemes have bom rich fruit
侧面效果lateral effect
倒退效果backwash effects
储藏效果hoarding effect
效果net effect
分派效果allocational effect
分配效果distributional effect
创造有效需求的效果effect of creating effective demand
创造生产力的效果effect of creating productive capacity
初步财务效果印象initial financial impression
剂量效果关系dose/response relationship
前向联锁效果forward linkage effect
原因和效果cause and effect
效果negative effects
反响效果feedback effect
反溅效果"backwash" effect
发挥投资效果make the investment yield result
合格评定结果的等效equivalence of conformity assessment results
后弯供给曲线之从量税效果effects of a specific commodity tax with backward bending supply curve
向前连锁效果forward linkage effect
向后连锁效果backward linkage effects
启示效果demonstration effect
均衡效果portfolio effect
垂直的供给曲线之从量税效果effects of a specific commodity tax with vertical supply curve
基本建设投资效果returns in capital construction investment
基本建设投资效果effectiveness of capital construction investment
基本建设投资效果return in capital construction investment
增加投资所产生的效果multiplier effect
外差因素外溢因素或相邻效应,外部效果externality (spillovers or neighborhood effects)
外溢效果spillover (因某种商品不足而引起对其他有关商品的需求)
外部经济效果external economy
外部经济负效果external diseconomies
如果此货有效期内仍未装船,此定单将被撤销This order will be cancelled if the goods remain shipped within the expiration
宏观经济效果effect of macro-economy
宏观经济效果effects of macro economy
实际余额效果real balance effect
实验变数效果effect of experimental variables
实验变数效果effect of experimental variable
对…有效果react upon
对…有效果react on
对经济效果的估计economy test (或评价)
就业效果employment effect
展示效果the band wagon effect
工资变动的所得效果income effect of wage change
庇古效果Pigou effect
循环效果cyclical effect
微观经济效果effect of micro-economy
微观经济效果effects of micro economy
效果total effect
成本-效果分析cost effectiveness analysis
成本-效果分析cost-effective analysis
成本-效果分析方法cost-effectiveness-analysis method
所得效果与代替效果income effect and substitution effect
扩展效果spread effect
扩张效果expansion effect
扭曲效果distorting effect
投资效果effectiveness of investment
投资效果results from investment
投资效果result from investment
投资效果investment effectiveness
投资效果poor return on investment
投资经济效果the economic return from investment
投资经济效果分析investment analysis
掺水的效果watered effectiveness
提高经济效果raise the economic efficiency
提高经济效果increase-economic results
基本建设投资效果returns in (capital construction investment)
效果固定分析法fixed-effectiveness approach
效果审计effectiveness auditing
效果差异effectiveness variance
效果模型effectiveness model
效果的衡量measure of effectiveness
效率与效果efficiency and effectiveness
效用依存效果utility interdependency effects
效果no pay
"无效果无报酬"为条件的救助合同"no adj.-cure-no adj.-pay" salvage contract
"无效果无报酬"为条件的救助合同"no -cure-no -pay" salvage contract
最佳效果optimum efficiency
最佳效果maximum effectiveness
最终效果final results
有效的结果validity of the result
有条件援助的效果the boomerang effect
期满后效果post-expiration effect
李嘉图效果Ricardo effect
比较效果comparative effectiveness
消极效果negative effects
涓滴效果trickling down effect
溢撒效果spillover effect
溢注效果spillover effect
生产效果productivity effect
生产的经济效果productions efficiency
用价值来核算对外贸易的经济效果use value to measure the economic effects of foreign trade
用最少的劳动消耗获得最大经济效果achieve the maximum economic results through consumption of least labour
电气化的经济效果economy of electrification
直接的经济效果direct economic impact
相对效果relative effectiveness
真实余额效果real balance effect
短期效果the short-run effect
破坏稳定的效果destabilizing effect
示例效果demonstration effect
社会主义经济效果effects of socialist economy
积极的效果positive effect
管理效果management efficiency
管理效果分析regulatory impact analysis
经济效果economical efficiency
经济效果economic effects
经济效果economic results
经济效果economic effectiveness
经济效果economic effect
经济效果二重性duality of economic effect
经济效果分析cost-effectiveness analysis
经济效果计算economic effectiveness calculation
经济效果计算economic calculations involving effectiveness
经营效果operating effectiveness
绝对效果absolute effectiveness
讲究经济效果raising economic effectiveness
许可证限制的效果effects of licensing
效果negative effects
负所得效果negative income effect
财政再分配效果redistributive effect
贸易转向效果trade-diverting effect
费用-效果分祈cost-effectiveness analysis
资源不同使用的相对效果relative efficiency of different uses of resources
进出口贸易经济economic results in import and export trade
连锁效果linkage effect
配置效果an allocative effect
配置效果allocative effect
配置效果allocational effect
随大流效果band wagon effect
非零效果non-zero effect
预期效果expectation effect
预期效果expected results
预期效果intended effect
预期资产效果expected wealth effect