
Terms for subject Economy containing 政府 的 | all forms | in specified order only
不直接交与政府的税叫间接税Taxes which are not paid direct to the government are called indirect taxation
为吸引游资等不限量发行而随时可购买的政府债券the tap bond
主要工业的国有化有助于政府统筹规划The nationalization of key industries helps the government make an overall planning
他们的政府已经禁止进口武器Their government has forbidden the importation of arms
他将自己一半的积蓄投资购买了政府债券He invested half of his savings in government securities
促进新能源和可再生能源的发展和利用政府间委员会Inter-Governmental Committee on the Development and Utilization of New and Renewable Sources of Energy
借债国的政府机构public body in the borrowing country
允许地方政府保留国家限额以外的所有剩余税收allowing local governments to retain all the surplus revenue above the state quotas
公司应该遵守政府颁布的商业法令Companies should abide by the commercial decrees enacted by the government
地方政府自留的盈余预备金surplus reserve funds kept by local government
城市政府的资金筹措financing of urban government
如果爆发任何一种流行病,我们应该遵守由政府或卫生部门制订的一切规章、命令和要求In case of the outbreak of an epidemic disease, we should observe all the regulations, orders and requirements, made by the government or the sanitary authorities
州政府用于地方公共事业的补助费state aid
市政府已答应承担该工程的费用The city government has underwritten the costs of the project
当我们从我国政府获得一切必要的出口许可证时,本合同即行生效This contract will be valid when we get all necessary export licenses from our government
慈善基金的政府信托official trustees of charitable fund
我市的商店必须遵守政府的一切条例Businesses in our city must comply with all the rules of the government
房屋的租金是按政府公布的费用标准支付的The rent of the house was paid at the published rate by the government
拨给州和地方政府的补助金grant-in-aid to state and local government
按政府清算基础计算的国际收支差额balance on official settlement basis
政府不加干涉的经济no-government economy
政府债券的利率约为 12%Government stocks yield about 12%
政府债务的整理consolidation of public loans
政府决定采用反通货膨胀的手段来控制局势The government has decided to take anti-inflationary measures to control the situation
政府发放的补给品government issue
美国政府发给的补给品government issue
政府发行的定息债券government stock
政府发行的纸币government notes
政府对个人的转移支付government transfer payments to persons
政府对企业的管制the government regulation of business
政府对民间的往来账treasury accounts with the public
政府对贷款利息偿还的补助State assistance in the payment of loan interest
政府将剩余的机器售往国外The government sells surplus machinery abroad
政府已征收5%的盐税The government has imposed a 5% tax on salt
政府已批准改善运输情况的建议The government has ratified the proposal to improve transportation
政府已解除不许从该国进口的禁令The government has lifted the ban on imports from that country
政府当局的授权aid of governmental authority
政府征收的预和赋税不应包括在本协议规定的价格之内Withholding tax imposed by the government shall not be included in the prices set forth in this agreement
政府打算在年度预算案中提岀一些紧缩通货的措施The government is going to introduce some deflationary measures in the annual budget
政府担保的私人债务publicly guaranteed private-debt
政府拥有的信用社government-owned credit corporation
政府控制目前的通货膨胀是非常重要的It is very important for the government to curb the current inflation
政府支付的劳务报酬government payment for services
政府检査员应监督该项目的完成The government inspector should supervise the completion and fulfilment of the project
政府的企业法规the government regulation of business
政府的对应现金捐款government counterpart cash contribution
政府的扣押restraint of princes
政府的有价证券government papers
政府的资源消费government resource absorption
政府签发的有关出口的证件governmental export authorization
政府购买的货物和劳务government purchases of goods and services
政府资助的企业government-sponsored enterprises
政府赞助的机构government-sponsored agency
政府赞助的贸易展览a government sponsored trade exhibition
政府采购的优先原则priority in government procurement
政府间交易的原油government-to-~ crude oil
有偿还日期的政府债券dated stock
根据《中华人民共和国个人所得税法》,公民的收入超出规定水平时需向政府支付一定的税款According to The Individual Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China, a citizen should pay certain tax to the government if his income is above the stated level
生产的无政府状态the anarchy of production
生产的无政府状态anarchy of production
由政府提供的私人货物和劳务publicly provided private goods and services
由政府支持的发展工作government-supported development
社会生产的无政府状态the anarchic state of social production
签订合同后,双方中任何一方不得违犯政府的任何政策,成文法或不成文法After signing the contract, neither of the two parties shall violate any public policy, statutory or common laws
美国给合作政府代理人的运输普通许可证general license GCG
给合作政府代理人的运输通用许可证general license GCG
美国政府的小企业管理局Small Business Administration
美国州政府对地方政府不指定用途的财政补贴unconditional state grants
美国州政府征收的所得税state income tax
美国的政府保证债务contingent debt
联邦与州政府之间的财政协调federal-state fiscal co-ordination
联邦、州及地方政府之间的三级财政职责划分federal and state-local diversion of fiscal responsibility
联邦政府批准的商业银行federal chartered banks
联邦政府给予州政府发行的证券收入的税款减免federal tax credit against state income
英国政府通过英格兰银行直接发行的债券tap stocks
英国政府提出的财政拨款需求crown's demand for supplies
计划经济是政府对一切商业活动实行计划管理的体系The planned economy is a system where the government plans all business activity
该公司对于任何政府禁运所造成的损失不负任何责任The company has no liability for damages from embargoes on freight of any government
这笔交易的完成不会违反政府的任何法令The consummation of the said business will not be in violation of any decrees of the government
银行存款的政府保险government insurance of bank deposit
非歧视的政府采购the non-discriminatory government procurement