
Terms containing 政府税收 | all forms | in specified order only
econ.允许地方政府保留国家限额以外的所有剩余税收allowing local governments to retain all the surplus revenue above the state quotas
busin.地方政府税收分成partial tax transfer to local government
busin.州政府征收的所得税state income tax
proj.manag.开征物业税将有助于降低房价、 并为地方政府提供可持续的收入来源A property tax -would help bring down prices and provide local governments with a sustainable revenue stream
econ.政府已征收5%的盐税The government has imposed a 5% tax on salt
econ.政府应对进口汽车征收关税The government should impose tariffs on imported motorcars
textile政府征收的所得税state income tax
econ.政府征收的预和赋税不应包括在本协议规定的价格之内Withholding tax imposed by the government shall not be included in the prices set forth in this agreement
interntl.trade.政府税收government revenue
interntl.trade.政府税收government tax revenues
busin.政府税收government tax revenue
busin.政府税收机构government revenue collecting office
China, polit.政府非税收入体系a non-tax government revenue system
econ.根据《中华人民共和国个人所得税法》,公民的收入超出规定水平时需向政府支付一定的税款According to The Individual Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China, a citizen should pay certain tax to the government if his income is above the stated level
econ.税收及政府课征tax and public imposition
econ.美国州政府征收的所得税state income tax
econ.联邦政府给予州政府发行的证券收入的税款减免federal tax credit against state income
econ.遇有政府向承包商征收税款,关税等情况时,雇主应向承包商补偿全部金额When the government imposes on the contractor taxes, levies and duties, the employer shall reimburse the contractor the full amount