
Terms containing 政府机关 | all forms | in specified order only
commer.向政府主管机关申请进口许可证apply to the competent government authorities for import licence
busin.政府征税机关government revenue collecting offices
manag.政府有关机关government agency concerned
tech.政府机关government body
busin.政府机关government facility
adv.政府机关government organ
busin.政府机关government offices
econ., int. law.政府机关government agency
busin.政府机关government activity
textile政府机关mechanism of government
tech.政府机关governmental agency
libr.政府机关图书馆government library
fin.政府机关存款deposit held by government agency
UN, afghan.波恩协定=《关于在阿富汗重建永久政府机构之前的临时安排的协定》Bonn Agreement Agreement on provisional arrangements in Afghanistan pending the re-establishment of permanent government institutions
China, polit.涉及政府机关及其工作人员的大案要案major cases involving government offices and their employees
gen.政府机关供给之物Government Issue
tech.政府机关拆屋wrecking by government authorities
tax.美国政府机关官员Federal officers