
Terms for subject United Nations containing | all forms
中非人民解运动Movement for the Liberation of the Central African People ruling party
主要化验和射科设备essential laboratory and radiography equipment
亚洲最低成本温室气体排计划Least-Cost Greenhouse Gas Emission Plan in Asia
低排量材料materials with low emissions
全面的射探查能力,包括超声波extended investigative radiological capabilities, including ultrasound
关于各种排预测的特别报告Special Report on Emission Scenarios
关于蓄意把转基因生物释到环境中的指令Directive on the Deliberate Release into the Environment of Genetically Modified Organisms
净排net emissions
切尔诺贝利事故十周年国际会议:总结事故的射性后果International Conference One Decade after Chernobyl: Summing up the Radiological Consequences of the Accident
刚 果 解 运 动movement for the liberation of the Congo
刚果解阵线Front de libération du Congo
北基伍解阵线Front pour la libération du Nord-Kivu
卡纳克解联合阵线Front uni de libération kanak New Caledonia
卢民主力量 = 解卢旺达民主力量Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda
可以转让的排tradable emission rights
可拍卖的排权利auctionable emission rights
国际排额交易international emissions trading
基本射诊断basic diagnostic radiography
大气排咨询能力Atmospheric Release Advisory Capability
大西部解阵线Front de Liberation du Grand Ouest
安全运输射性物质常设咨询小组Standing Advisory Group on the Safe Transport of Radioactive Materials
安哥拉民族解阵线解阵Frente Nacional para a Libertação de Angola
地理信息系统联盟Open GIS Consortium
天空条约Open Skies Treaty
强迫forced relocation
强迫forced deportation
放射性物质意外释到环境中accidental release of radioactive substances to the environment
削减单位emission reduction unit
情形同时间的关系emission-time pattern
权交易bubble trade
标准discharge standard
源采样emission source sampling
的时间特性emission-time pattern
监测discharge monitoring
速度rate of emission
速度rate of discharge
速度emission rate
速度discharge rate
速率emission rate
速率rate of emission
速率rate of discharge
速率discharge rate
射室radiography room
射性/古生物/古地磁年龄数据测定radiometric/palaeontological/palaeomagnetic age dating
射性废物radioactive wastes
射性废物国际交易业务守则Code of Practice for International Transactions Involving Radioactive Wastes
射性核素监测站radionuclide monitoring station
射性武器radiological weapon
射性测定年代radiometric age dating
弃特权和豁免waiver of privileges and immunities
弃目标De-target nuclear weapons
敌对环境/被迫弃系数,不超过湿租赁中所包括自我维持和备件构成部分费偿还费率的5%hostile action/forced abandonment factor not to exceed 5 per cent of the reimbursement rates for self-sustainment and the spare parts element or half of the maintenance rate included in the wet lease rate (或维持费率的1/2)
敌对行动/被迫弃因数hostile action/forced abandonment factor
敌对行动/被迫弃因数hostile action/abandonment factor
敌对行动/被迫hostile action/forced abandonment
易散性排fugitive emission
武器存夹和/或弹药储藏盒weapons stowage clamps and/or ammunition box storage
民主力量同盟/乌民族军=民主力量同盟/解乌干达民族军Allied Democratic Forces/National Army for the Liberation of Uganda
民族解力量Forces for National Liberation
民族解力量鲁瓦萨FNL Rwasa
民族解委员会National Liberation Council
污染物释和转移登记册pollutant release and transfer register
热启动排warm start emissions
生活污水排domestic discharge
用来存外加燃料的容器或类似装置jerry can or equivalent mounts for extra fuel
由执政的安哥拉人民解运动人运MPLA Movimento Popular para a Libertação de Angola ruling party
电信会议和映影视能力teleconferencing and video-presentation capacity
短时排fugitive emission
碳排交易carbon trading
空气中的排airborne emissions
经证明的排削减certified emissions reduction
联合国气候变化框架公约减少温室气体排议定书Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change on Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction
胡图人民解党——民族解放力量穆加巴拉博纳PALIPEHUTU-FNL Mugabarabona
苏丹人民解Sudan People’s Liberation Army
苏丹人民解运动/解放军Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army
苏丹解Sudan Liberation Army
萨基亚阿姆拉和里奥德奥罗人民解阵线Frente Popular para la Liberación de Saguía el-Hamra y de Río de Oro
萨基亚阿姆拉和里奥德奥罗人民解阵线Frente POLISARIO Western Sahara
蓄意把转基因生物释到环境deliberate release into the environment of genetically modified organisms
刚果扎伊尔民主力量同盟alliance of democratic forces for the liberation of Congo/Zaire: led by Kabila
胡图人民党PALIPEHUTU-FNL Party for the Liberation of the Hutu People
转基因生物自愿行为守则Voluntary Code of Conduct for the Release of Genetically Modified Organisms
阿富汗民族解阵线Afghan National Liberation Front
零排准则zero emission norm