
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
上市型开式基金listed open-ended fund
上海银行同业拆利率Shanghai inter-bank offered rate
不动产抵押loan on actual estate
与股利发有关的财务政策financial policy with respect to dividends
东京银行同业拆利率Tokyo inter-bank offered rate
中国改革开进程process of China's reform and opening up
中央登记存系统central registration depositary (由美国证券交易商协会 (DASD) 开发的一个电脑系统)
中期贷款medium term loans
中证开式基金指数CSI Open-end Fund Index
互利共赢的开战略win-win strategy of opening up
款项loan made on behalf of customers or other banks
代顾客loan made on behalf of customers
价格price liberalization
伦敦同业银行拆利率London interbank offered rate
促进更加开的全球贸易与投资foster more open trade and investment globally
保持对投资开remain open to investment
保证cash cr. (credit)
信托outside loan
信用credit relaxation
信用unsecured loan
信贷credit easing
信贷credit easy
信贷credit ease
信贷增长大幅substantial slowdown in credit growth
借款与款之间的差额spread between borrowing and lending
借款与款率的差幅spread between borrowing cost and lending rates
倡导开贸易champion open trade
债券限制发股利的方法bond restrictions on dividends
做岀实行改革开的历史性决策make the historic decision of reform and opening up
储蓄部门loaning by savings department
全方位对外开格局all-round opening-up pattern
全球经济global economic slow-down
全部完成或弃买卖盘all-or-none order
全面推进改革开和现代化建设comprehensively advance reform, opening up and modernization
公平、开的投资环境fair and open investment environments
共同participation loan
凭担保品发的信用证guaranteed letter of credit
分行款日报单daily report on loan from branch offices
加快推进改革开accelerate the reform and opening up
日期date of payment
次贷的出贷方subprime lender
的工资额pay roll
股利专款cash with agent for divident
股息pay dividends
贷款issue loans
发展开型经济develop an open economy
同业inter-bank loan
同业due from banks
向世界释合作谋共贏的强有力信号send a strong signal of pursuing win-win cooperation to the world
向海外资金开国内资本市场open up domestic capital markets to foreign inflows
向经济释出更多的现金release far more cash into the economy
启动新一轮货币政策kick off a new round of monetary loosening
国内domestic loan
国外foreign loan
在外款额outstanding loans
坚定不移扩大对外开remain devoted to greater opening-up
城市款公司city loan company
培育开、公平和透明的投资环境foster open, fair, and transparent investment environments
基线与排权交易baseline and credit
增加increase in lending
增长moderating growth
增长缓的前景prospect of slower growth
大幅缓贷款增长slow loan growth sharply
天津排权交易所Tianjin Climate Exchange
奉行互利共赢的开战略pursue a win-win opening strategy
中央银行款项deposit in the central bank
国外同业总帐nostro ledger
国外的同业账户nostro account
外国银行账款due from foreign banks
期为...on deposit for periods of...
比率deposit loan ratio
存款-款边际比率marginal deposit-loan ratio
定期time money
定期term time loan
定期信用无抵押fixed loans unsecured
定期担保time loan secured
实施互利共赢的开战略follow a strategy of mutual benefit with other countries
实行平等互利、合作共赢的对外开政策implement equality and mutual benefit, cooperation and win-win opening -up policy
实行更加积极主动的开战略implement a more proactive strategy of opening up
宣布发date of declaration
对外开open to the outside world
对外开open wider to the outside world
对外开的广度breadth of opening up
对外开的深度depth of opening up
对政府直接款能力capacity direct lending to the government
对附属商店loans to subsidiaries
对附属商店loan to subsidiaries
小额存业务retail banking
局部松资本管制partial easing of capital controls
工厂发的工资额factory payroll
工资发核准缩写为PYRL, 财务系统payroll authorization
应收储蓄passbook loans receivable
建立开自由的全球贸易体制establish an open and free global trading system
产品市场open up product markets
国内资本市场liberalize domestic capital markets
型世界经济open world economy
型投资公司open-end investment corporation
型经济水平level of the open economy
市场open markets
市场liberalize markets
式互惠基金open-end mutual fund
式信贷额度open-end credit
式公司open corporation
式公司open company
式回购协议open repurchase agreement
式回购协议open repo
式基金流动性风险open-end fund liquidity risk
式抵押open-end mortgage
式管理公司open-end management company
式证券投资基金open-end securities investment fund
政府采购市场open government procurement markets
的发展opening development
的投资open investment
的投资环境open environments for investment
的资本账户open capital account
自由的全球贸易体制open and free global trading regime
贸易体系open trading system
贸易和投资open trade and investment
资本账户open the capital account
资本账户liberalize the capital account
资本账户free up the capital account
形成优势互补、分工协作、均衡协调的区域开新格局form a complementary, coordinated, balanced and coordinated regional opening a new pattern
形成开型经济新格局form a new pattern of open economy
形成统一开、竞争有序的全国大市场form a unified, open, competitive and orderly market nationwide
打包packing finance (指出口商用境外开来的信用证作为抵押,向银行申请本、外币流动资金贷款,以弥补在出口货物加工、包装及运输过程中出现的资金缺口)
扩大服务业开expand services industry liberalization
把稳定价格总水平在更加突岀的位置prioritize overall price stability
抑制银行rein in bank lending
抵押loan on collateral security
抵押loan on security
抵押款金额sum lent on a mortgage
抵押贷款发机构mortgage distributor
担保against security
利率offered rate
同业call loan to banks
按揭贷款发mortgage loan originator
按日day-to-day advance
按规定须存的保证金数额amount of margin required to be deposited
振兴正在缓的经济revitalize the slowing economy
损害开贸易体系undermine the open trading system
推迟postpone loans
提振不断缓的经济boost slowing economy
支持为金融服务和跨境证券投资领域营造开的投资环境support open environments for investment in financial services and cross-border portfolio investment
支持开的全球经济support an open global economy
改革开reform and opening to the outside world
lend money on usury
宽信贷额度relaxing credit quotas
宽偏紧的货币政策loosen tight monetary policy
宽利率管制deregulation of interest rates
宽抵押品要求broaden the collateral requirements
宽货币政策loosen monetary policy
宽贷款条件liberalization the conditons of loan
宽资本管制relax capital restrictions
宽针对资本流人的限制relax restrictions on capital inflows
开人民币在港流动liberalize the flow of renminbi in Hong Kong
开劳动力市场liberalize labor markets
开市场准人open market access
开本国资本账户open up the country's capital account
开汇率管制liberalize the exchange rat
开资本管制lift capital controls
开金融业liberalization of the financial sector
开金融体系liberalize financial system
开银行贷款利率liberalize bank lending rates
开银行贷款利率free bank lending rates
开香港人民币市场liberalization of the renminbi in Hong Kong
弃人民币事实上钉住美元的汇率cut the renminbi's de facto peg to the US dollar
弃外汇管制abandon exchange controls
弃实施人民币钉住美元汇率政策cut the renminbi's peg to the dollar
弃强硬的财政立场abandon tough fiscal position
弃期权option to abandon
弃股利waiver of dividend
弃钉住美元政策drop the dollar peg
弃钉住美元的汇率政策abandon dollar peg
慢经济增速slow growth
慢经济增速slow economic growth
慢经济增长步伐slow growth
慢货币和信贷的扩张slow the expansion of money and credit
松严格的资本管制relaxation in strict capital controls
松信贷easy credit
松信贷配额relax lending quotas
松对汇率的严密管制relax one's grip on the exchange rate
松对银行的严密管制relax one's grip on banks
松管制loosen one's grip
松货币政策ease monetary policy
松银根fiscal loosening
松银根政策ease monetary policy
松银根政策cheap money policy
松高新技术产品对中国出口的管制relax controls on Chinese exports high -tech products
loan account
lend (invest money)
款与借款lending and borrowing
款业务advance business
款之根据basis of credit
款利息interest on loan capital
款对存款比率ratio of loans to deposits
款部advance department
缓大宗商品进口slow down commodity imports
贷热潮credit binge
量买climax buying
量卖climax selling
高利贷者loan shark
政策policy easing
的钱loose cash
新加坡银行同业拆利率Singapore inter-bank offered rate
新加坡银行间同业拆利率Singapore inter-bank offered rate
无优先权款人subordinated lender
无担保unsecured loan
无担保私人unguaranteed private lending
无法抢救而abandon as unsalvageable
月末ultimo loan
有限开抵押limited open-end mortgage
期末气式偿还balloon maturity
权力下会计结构decentralized account structure
欧元银行同业拆利率Euro inter-bank offered rate (欧元的货币市场基准利率)
欧元银行同业拆利率EURIBOR (欧元的货币市场基准利率)
欧洲美元Eurodollar lending
欧盟排权交易计划European Union Emission Trading Scheme
欧盟排配额European Union allowance
活期call money
活期信货cash cr. (credit)
活期抵押call loan secured
流转资金working capital loan
深化改革开deepen reform and opening up
直接发direct payment
着力推进改革开和自主创新press ahead with reform and opening up and with independent innovation
短期money on call
短期short-term lending
短期贷市场short-term lending market
短期发贷款short-term loan granted
确保市场开ensure open markets
碳排carbon credit
碳排权金融工具carbon financial instrument
票据贷款bill loan
私人private lending
科威特银行同业拆利率Kuwait inter-bank offered rate
稳步有序地开存款利率liberalize deposit rates steadily and orderly
紧缩货币政策的relaxation of the monetary tightening
经济economy's slowdown
经济增速slower growth rate
经济增速大幅sharp slowdown in economic growth
经济增长economic slowdown
经济急剧sharp slowdown
经纪broker loan
结帐日account day’s loan
维护开的贸易体系preserve the open trading system
股利发比率payout ratio
自偿性self-liquidating loans
自动展期revolving Ioan
自由开、公平公正的全球贸易环境free, open, equitable and just global trading environment
营造便利、安全、心的消费环境create a convenient, safe and worry-free environment for consumers
营造自由开、公平、公正的全球贸易环境foster a free, open, equitable and just global trading environment
财务政策与股利发financial policy with respect to dividends
货币投putting currency into circulation
作业loaning operation
基金loan funds
方针lending policy
贷款发loan teller
资本账户开opening of the capital account
资本账户开capital account liberalization
款项funds received for participation in loans made through us
边界的开borders opening
过期债务overdue debt
过期款帐目debt overdue account
进一步宽民间投资市场准人further relax controls over market access for non-governmental investment
进一步开利率further liberalize interest rates
进一步松对跨境人民币流动的控制relax more of controls on cross-border renminbi flows
进一步开市场greater market access
迟付doubtful loan
逐日day-to-day loan
逐步开资本管制gradual dismantling of capital controls
逐渐松对人民币用于国际交易的管制gradually relax controls on the use of the renminbi in international transactions
通知款恐慌call-loan panic
通知抵押call secured loan
通知贷款拆市场call-money market
通知贷款拆市场证券call-money market instrument
通知贷款拆往来call-loan transaction
国内需求unleash domestic demand
改革红利release the reform dividend
金融开financial openness
金融监管financial deregulation
银行款与贴现之比较analysis of loan and discount of banks
银行bank lending
银行贷政策banks' lending policies
银行贷规模scale of bank lending
银行贷贴现分析analysis of loan and discount of banks
银行优惠款利率bank prime rate
银行同业存inter-bank placement
银行同业存due to placements with banks and other financial institutions
银行同业存市场inter-bank placement market
银行同业存inter-bank deposit and lending
银行同业市场拆利率inter-bank market offered rate
银行同业拆inter-bank lending
银行同业拆inter-bank offer
银行同业拆bank's call loan
银行同业拆利率inter-bank rate
银行同业拆市场inter-bank lending market
银行同业拆市场inter-bank market
银行存款及deposit and loan of all bank
银行定期bank term loan
附属机关loan to subsidiaries
限制lending limits
限制银行基本贷能力limit the fundamental ability of banks to lend
预计会出现大幅expect a dramatic slowdown
额外additional lending
香港银行同业拆利率Hong Kong inter-bank offered rate (香港银行间互相拆放港元资金所收取的银行息率)
香港银行同业隔夜拆利率overnight Hong Kong Inter-bank Offered Rate
马德里银行同业拆利率Maderial inter-bank offered rate