
Terms for subject Environment containing | all forms
交通废气排traffic emission Exhaust gases and vapours emitted by motorvehicles (机动车排放的废气和水蒸气。)
企业平均废气有害物排corporate average emission figure
低排汽车计划Low Emission Vehicle Program
低排low emission vehicles
低排low emission vehicle
余热释waste heat charge The release of heat generated as a byproduct from industrial or power generation processes (作为工业或发电过程中的副产品而产生的热量释放。)
农业排agricultural effluent Any solid, liquid or gas that enters the environment as a by-product of agricultural activities (作为农业活动的副产品而被排入环境中的任何固体、液体或气体。)
净化排组织Discharge Cleanup Organization
可达到的最低排lowest achievable emission rate
噪声排noise emission The release of noise into the environment from various sources that can be grouped in: transportation activities, industrial activities and daily normal activities (从不同来源释放到环境中的噪音,这些来源可分为:交通运输活动、工业活动和日常的正常活动。)
噪声排noise emission levy A mandatory sum of money levied by government upon producers of disturbing, harmful or unwanted sounds, frequently in the transportation or construction industries, to encourage reduction of sound levels (政府对产生令人不安的、有害的或不需要的声音的生产者强制征收的款项,常发生在运输或建造业,以鼓励声音水平下降。)
国家污染物排处置系统制度National Pollution Discharge Elimination System
大气atmospheric emission Suspended pollutants -- solid particles, liquid aerosols, etc. -- or toxic gases released into the atmosphere from a polluting source, or type of source (从一个或者一类污染源中释放到大气中的悬浮的污染物——固体微粒,液态气溶胶等——或者有毒气体。)
天然射性natural radioactivity Radiation stemming mainly from uranium, present in small amounts in many rocks, soils, building material, etc. (辐射主要归因于铀,其少量出现在一些岩石、土壤,建筑材料等里面。)
settling tank A tank into which a two-phase mixture is fed and the entrained solids settle by gravity during storage (装有两种混合物的槽,在存储中通过引力装入固体。)
工业部门间排物控制inter-industry emission control
废气排waste gas emission The direct or indirect discharge of exhaust gas into the atmosphere (将废气直接或间接地排放到大气中。)
废水排waste water discharge The flow of treated effluent from any wastewater treatment process (来自任何废水处理过程中的已处理过的流出物。)
草坪open lawn Any relatively unobstructed field of cultivated and mown grass, especially near a house or in a park (任何相对通畅的栽植和已割的草地区域,特别是靠近居民住房或者在一个公园里。)
射性废物high level waste
挥发性排监测系统fugitive emissions monitoring system
emission A discharge of particulate gaseous, or soluble waste material/pollution into the air from a polluting source (气态、可溶性废弃物质或污染物的微粒子从污染源排放到空气中。)
减量emission reduction The act or process of limiting or restricting the discharge of pollutants or contaminants, such as by setting emission limits or by modifying the emission source (对污染物的排放进行减量或限制的过程或行动,例如设立排放限制,改善排放源等。)
减量交易emission reduction banking a system for recording qualified air emission reductions for later use in bubble, offset or netting transactions (emission trading); A system for recording qualified air emission reductions for later use in bubble, offset, or netting transactions. Plant complexes that reduce emissions substantially may "bank" their "credits" or sell them to other industries (记录未来使用于污染计划、排放抵消或交易网中合格空气排放减量的系统。工厂因减少排放量而"配额"可被"存储"起来或者出售给其他工业。)
因素emission factor
数据emission data Data concerning pollutants released into the environment from a permanent or mobile installation or from products (有关固定污染源、移动装置或产品中释放到环境中的污染物的数据。)
标准emission standard The maximum amount of discharge legally allowed from a single source, mobile or stationary (单一固定或移动污染源法定容许的最大排放量。)
drainage water Incidental surface waters from diverse sources such as rainfall, snow melt or permafrost melt (来自不同源头,如雨水径流,溶雪或冻土层融解的非常态性地表水。)
法规discharge legislation
注册emission register A listing, by source, of the amounts of air pollutants discharged in the atmosphere of a community daily (依照污染源的类别,将每日排入社区大气中的空气污染物排放量进行列表记录。)
emission source A chemical process, building, furnace, plant or other entity responsible for the discharge of pollutants or contaminants into the environment (向环境中排放污染物的化学过程、建筑物、燃烧炉、工厂或者其他排放实体。)
美国环保署物限制指南effluent-limitation guidelines
状况emission situation
emission rate
管制emission control Procedures aiming at reducing or preventing the harm caused by atmospheric emissions (旨在降低或防止大气排放而造成危害的程序。)
系数emission factor The relationship between the amount of pollutants produced to the amount of raw materials processed, or fuel consumed, in any polluting process (污染产生的过程中,污染物的数量与原料的使用量或者燃料的消耗量之间的关系。)
预测emission forecast The final step in a clean air plan is to predict future air quality to demonstrate that we can (if we can) meet the health standards by implementing the measures proposed in the plan. This is done by first projecting the emission inventory into the future, taking into account changes in population, housing, employment in specific business sectors, and vehicle miles traveled. These data are obtained from various sources and the resulting emissions are adjusted to account for regulations and control measures scheduled for implementation during the same time period. Additional adjustments are made to reflect large facilities that are expected to start up, modify, or shut down. The resulting inventory is an emission forecast, and is usually expressed in tons per day of particular pollutants for a given year. Additional steps may be required to determine how the forecasted quantities of air pollution will affect the overall air quality. One way to accomplish this is through computermodeling. A computer model simulates how pollutants disperse, react, and move in the air. The inputs to such a computer model are complex. They include weather patterns, terrain, and the chemical nature of air pollutants (空气清洁计划的最后一个步骤是去预测未来空气质量以证明通过执行计划中提出的检测措施,我们可以符合健康的标准。首先从预测未来的排放清单开始,考虑人口、居住、每一商业部门的工作雇用情形以及车行里程的变化。这些资料是由不同的渠道获得,最终的排放量计算必须根据法令和相同时段中控制方法的执行情况做调整。大型工厂的增设、变更或关闭必须进行额外调整。最终的排放清单是一个排放量的预测结果,通常以一年中每天排放若干吨来表示。另外,必须确定空气污染的预测量对于整体空气质量的影响,可利用计算机模型达成这一目标。计算机模型可模拟污染物如何在空气中扩散、反应及运动,但所需输入的资料相当复杂,包含气候型态、地形、和空气污染物的化学性质。)
sound emission
irradiation To subject to or treat with light or other electromagnetic radiation or with beams of particles (用光、或其他电磁射线、或粒子束进行处理。)
射与污染控制radiation and contamination control
射性radioactivity The property possessed by some atomic nuclei of disintegrating spontaneously, with loss of energy through emission of a charged particle and/or gamma radiation (产生于自然分解的原子核,伴随着带电粒子和/或伽马射线的释放而产生的能量衰减。)
射性元素radioelement An element that is naturally radioactive (具有天然放射性元素的物质。)
射性去污radioactive decontamination The removal of radioactive contamination which is deposited on surfaces or may have spread throughout a work area. Personnel decontamination is also included. Decontamination methods follow two broad avenues of attack, mechanical and chemical (去除附着在表面并可能在工作区扩散的放射性污染,也包括人员的去污。去污方法有机械方法和化学方法两种。)
射性发射radioactive emission The release of radioactive substances into the environment deriving from nuclear installations and from mining, purification and enrichment operations of radioactive elements (向环境中释放放射性物质,这些物质来源于核设备和矿产,以及对放射性物质的净化和浓缩操作。)
射性安全保健数据radioactive health data
射性尘降物radioactive fallout The material that descends to the earth or water well beyond the site of a surface or subsurface nuclear explosion (降落到地上或水井中的物质,可以由核爆发所引起,但一般超出了地表或地下的核爆发范围。)
射性废弃物radioactive dumping Waste generated by the emission of particulate or electromagnetic radiation resulting from the decay of the nuclei of unstable elements (由不稳定的原子核衰变导致的微粒或电磁辐射放射产生的废弃物。)
射性废料radioactive waste Any waste that emit radiation in excess of normal background level, including the toxic by-products of the nuclear energy industry (任何超过一般程度放射线的废料,包括核能源工业的有毒副产品。)
射性废料管理radioactive waste management The total supervision of the production, handling, processing, storage and transport of materials that contain radioactive nuclides and for which use, reuse or recovery are impractical (对包含放射性核且不能用、重用和回收的物质的生产、处理、存放和运输过程的管理。)
射性废物最后处理terminal disposal of radwaste
射性指示剂radioactive tracer A radioactive isotope which, when injected into a biological or physical system, can be traced by radiation detection devices, permitting determination of the distribution or location of the substance to which it is attached (一种放射性同位素,当把它注入到生物或物理系统时,能被辐射检测设备追踪,并能检测到它的分布情况或位置。)
射性指示剂技术radioactive tracer technique
射性核radionuclide A nuclide that exhibits radioactivity (有放射性的核物质。)
射性污染radioactive contamination Contamination of a substance, living organism or site caused by radioactive material (由放射性物质引起的对物品、生物体或场所的污染。)
射性污染物radioactive pollutant A substance undergoing spontaneous decay or disintegration of atomic nuclei and giving off radiant energy in the form of particles or waves, often associated with an explosion of a nuclear weapon or an accidental release from a nuclear power plant, holding facility or transporting container (物质的原子核自然分解并以粒子或微波的形式释放射线。这种污染多发生在核武器爆炸或核能工厂、收容所或运输容器的事故中。)
射性物质radioactive substance Any substance that contains one or more radionuclides of which the activity or the concentration cannot be disregarded as far as radiation protection is concerned (包含一到多种放射性核素的物质。这种放射性核素的活性和浓度是辐射保护时要注意的。)
射性物质滴落trickle of radioactive material
射显迹物radioactive tracer
整体排物毒性whole effluent toxicity
美国有害有机污染物国家排标准Hazardous Organic National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants
美国有害有机污染物国家排标准Hazardous Organic Neshap
有机体释release of organisms The release of organisms in the environment creates the risk that once released they may exhibit some previously unknown pathogenicity, might take over from some naturally occurring bacteria or pass on some unwanted trait to such indigenous bacteria (在环境中有机体的释放造成的风险。一旦释放,可能出现一些以前未知的致病性,可能会借助一些自然产生的细菌,或对原有的细菌增加某些不需要的特性。)
机动车辆排motor vehicle emission The formation and discharge of gaseous and particulate pollutants into the environment chiefly from car, truck and bus exhaust (进入环境的气态和颗粒污染物的排放主要来自汽车、卡车和公共汽车废气。)
核子射性试验"Nuclear" test
毒性排含量toxic release inventory
射性记录监测water monitor
水排emission to water The discharge of solid, liquid or gaseous pollutants or contaminants into a body of water (将固态、液态或气态污染物排放至水体中。)
污染排pollutant emission Release of polluting substances in the air, water and soil from a given source and measured at the immission point (污染物从特定的来源释放到空气、水和土壤中。)
点排point discharge
生物体的意外释accidental release of organisms Genetically engineered organisms that are released in the environment by mistake; once released they may exhibit some previously unknown pathogenicity, might take over from some naturally occurring bacteria (possibly having other positive functions which thus are lost) or pass on some unwanted trait to such indigenous bacteria. There is also concern that an uncontrolled genetic mutation could produce a form with hazardous consequences for the environment (由于失误而释放到环境中的基因工程生物体;一旦释放,可能会呈现一些未知的病原体,取代一些自然存在的微生物(也许由于具有其他积极作用而消失),或者将一些特性强加给本源微生物。同时需要关注,失控的基因突变可能会给环境造成灾难性的后果。)
电离射线ionising radiation Radiation that is capable of energizing atoms sufficiently to remove electrons from them. In this state atoms become more reactive, so that ionizing radiation increases chemical activity and in this way produces biological effects, including effects that involve alterations induced in DNA. X-rays and gamma-rays are the only electromagnetic waves that cause ionization in biological material (能够使原子充分通电并移除其电子的射线。在这种状态下原子的活性增强,因此电离射线可以增强化学反应性,通过这种方式可以产生生物效应,包括诱导DNA改变。X射线和伽玛射线是仅有的对生物材料造成电离的电磁波。)
直接排direct discharger Factories and industrial concerns which do not discharge their sewage directly into public sewers, but directly into a waterway (工厂企业没有将其制造的废(污)水排入公共废(污)水处理系统而直接排入水路。)
美国空气有害污染物国家排标准National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants
等效零排标准equivalent zero emission standard
肠道排enteric emission
航空器引擎排aircraft engine emission The formation and discharge of gaseous and particulate pollutants into the environment, especially the stratosphere, chiefly from airplanes, helicopters and other high-altitude aircrafts (形成气状与粒状污染物并将其排放至环境中,尤其是平流层中;主要来自飞机、直升飞机和其他高空航空器。)
emancipation The state of being free from social or political restraint or from the inhibition of moral or social conventions (从社会、政策的约束,道德或社会习俗禁止下获得自由的状态。)
让社交场地开leave on social grounds
过度overgrazing Intensive grazing by animals, for example cattle, sheep or goats, on an area of pasture. It has become a serious threat to the world's rangelands and grasslands. Several factors have led to overgrazing, which leads to the soil being degraded and becoming liable to erosion by wind and rain, and even to desertification. The main pressures leading to widespread overgrazing have been the need to increase the size and numbers of herds to produce more food for an increasing human population, and the transformation of traditional pasture land into plantations to grow cash crops. Throughout the dry tropics, where traditionally herds ranged over vast areas, intensive livestock-rearing schemes have taken over, mostly to provide meat for the export market. Well-digging operations have also led to heavy concentrations of animals in small areas (在牧场地区,由于动物例如牛、绵羊或山羊密集吃草造成。它成为对世界牧场和草原的一个严重威胁。几个因素导致了过度放牧,导致土壤退化,被风雨侵蚀,甚至沙漠化。导致普遍过度放牧的主要压力是需要增加牧群的大小和数量,生产更多食物以应对增长的人口,以及传统牧场的变革,如引入种植园种植商品作物。牧群传统上分布在广大的区域,密集的家畜驯养计划,为出口市场提供肉类。)
连续排物监测系统continuous emission monitoring systems
连续排监测器continuous emissions monitor
间接排indirect discharger A non-domestic source introducing pollutants into a publicly owned waste-treatment system. Indirect dischargers can be commercial or industrial facilities whose wastes enter local sewers (非住宅用的污染源将废弃物排入公共污水下水道系统。此间接排放者可能是商业或工业设备,它们把废水排到当地下水道。)
零排车辆zero emission vehicle
射性废物high-level radioactive waste