
Terms for subject China containing | all forms
不对国外人开closed to aliens
中国人民解Chinese People's Liberation Army
中国人民解the Peopled Liberation Army
中国改革开以来since the policies of reform and opening-up were introduced
中国改革开以来since China introduced the policy of reform and opening up
为中国改革开和现代化建设创造良好的国际环境creat a favorable international environment for China's reform and opening up and its modernization drive
争取和平统一的努力决不will never give up our efforts to achieve peaceful reunification
以改革开为动力推进各项工作make reform and opening up the driving force behind all our work
优先give priority to the release
伴生射性矿accompanying radioactive mine
依赖天然草地graze depending solely on natural grasslands
免费开open free of charge
全面提高对外开水平make China more open to the outside world in all respects
准确把握改革开和社会主义现代化建设的客观规律have a good understanding of the objective laws governing reform, opening up and socialist modernization
出证issue certificate to release commodity
分开存keep in separate place
刑满释人员person released after serving his or her sentence
贷款grant a loan
向关系人发贷款grant loans to his or her connection
向海域排有害物质discharge of harmful substances into the sea
噪声排noise emission
噪声排标准noise emission standards
噪声排标准limits for noise emission
国家大气污染物排标准national standards for the discharge of atmospheric pollutant
国家环境噪声排标准national limits for environmental noise emission
坚持实行对外开persist in the policy of opening-up
坚持改革开adhere to the reform and opening up policy
坚持改革开persevere in reform and opening to the outside world
坚持改革开adhere to reforms and opening to the outside world
坚持解思想、实事求是的思想路线adhere to the ideological guideline of emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts
pile of objects
物品pile things up
声明declared to be abandoned
安全存safe storage
实施set fire
实行改革开政策the adoption of the reform and opening-up policy
实行改革开政策introduce the policy of reform and opening up
实行改革开政策adoption of the reform and opening-up policy
审核发be issued after examination
对外国人开open to foreigners
对外开open up to the outside world
2006 年主要污染物排总量减少2%reduce the emission of major pollutants by 2 percent in 2006
废旧射源disused radioactive sources
统一、竞争有序openness, uniformity and orderly competition
射性物质low-level radioactive matter
射性物质high-level radioactive matter
当庭释be released by court
扩大开open wider to the rest of the world
扩大开open further to the outside world
扬言实施threaten to set fire
把.... 在首位give high priority to (doing)
把中国国内发展与对外开统一起来unify domestic development with opening to the outside world
把发展生产在更加突出的位置put greater emphasis on expanding production
把思想政治建设在首位give high priority to raising the overall ideological and political standards (of)
把教育在优先发展的战略地位make education strategic priority
把节约在首位give priority to conservation
把节约在首位first place is given to conservation
市场put on the market
毒害性物质spread poisonous substances
虚假的恐怖信息spread hoax of fabricate terrorist information
报关验手续procedures of declaration
含油污水discharge of oil-polluted water
有害物质discharge of harmful substances
条件conditions of emission
标准discharge standards
污物discharge pollutants
环境噪声的单位unit that emit environmental noise
volume of emission
改革开reform and open to the outside world
改革开reform and opening up
改革开以来since the policy of reform and opening up was first instituted
改革开以来since the initiation of reform and opening to the outside world
改革开以来since the reform and opening up
任动物恐吓他人let an animal scare another person
养牲畜herding of livestock
relax and extend
射性固体废物solid radioactive waste
α 射性固体废物solid alpha-radioactive waste
射性安全教育education in safety from radiation
射性废气gaseous radioactive waste
射性废液liquid radioactive waste
射性废物管理control of radioactive waste
射性标志mark of radiation
射性标识radiation label
射性核素总量total quantity of the radioactive nuclides
射性核素控制标准standards for the control of radioactive nuclides
射性污染危害radioactive pollution hazard
射性污染监测monitoring radioactive pollution
射性污染防治prevention and control of radioactive pollution
射性污染防治标准standards for prevention and control of radioactive pollution
射性药品radioactive medicines
射源丢失missing of radioactive sources
射防护radioactive protection
弃债权relinquish creditor's right
弃受益权waive the beneficiary right
弃对保险标的的权利waive the right to the subject matter insured
弃投票abstain from voting
弃担保物权waive the security interest
弃撤销权waive cancellation right
弃撤销权waive the right to rescind
弃物的担保waive the property security
弃监护职责discard the duty of guardianship
弃继承renounce the inheritance
弃继承权give up the right of inheritance
弃表决abstain from voting
弃诉讼权利waive the right to litigate
弃诉讼请求waiver of claim
弃质权waive the interest to the pledge
映权right of projection
relax controls over
set fire
纵走私connive at smuggling
置障碍物place obstacles
无罪释be acquitted of a charge
有关扩大对外开的法律laws for opening wider to the outside world
未开档案archive that are not yet open to the public
查验examine and release
民主、开的原则principle of democracy and openness
民族解liberation of nationality
污染物排pollutants discharge
烟花爆竹set off firecrackers
烟花爆竹set off fireworks
环境噪声排environmental noise emission
生活费发标准living expense standard
着力推进改革开和自主创新advance the reform and opening up policy and independent innovation
俘虏set free a prisoner of war without authorization
在押的犯罪嫌疑人without authorization, release a criminal suspect held in custody
立即释immediately release
签印release upon the endorsement
型经济增长方式an inefficient pattern of economic growth
组织播淫秽音像制品arrange for show of pornographic audiovisual products
统筹国内发展和对外开ensure coordinated development of domestic development and opening-up
统筹国内发展和对外开coordinate domestic development and opening-up
统筹国内发展和对外开balance domestic development and opening wider to the outside world
统筹国内发展和对外开ensure proper balance in domestic development and opening-up
妇女liberate women
思想free our minds
思想emancipate the mind
思想、实事求是的思想路线the ideological guideline of emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts
社会生产力emancipate the social productive forces
转地move to another place for bee-keeping
达标排discharged measure up to standards
适当handled flexibly
后就业employment after one's release
证明书certificate of release
check and release