
Terms containing 收 费 率 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.公用事业收费率service rate of utilities
telecom.减额收费概率undercharging probability
proj.manag.划一收费率flat rate
tech.包裹收费率parcel rate
busin.电费单位定额收费率flat rate tariff
el.固定收费率flat fee
IMF.在基本收费率之上收取的附加费surcharge to the basic rate of charge
busin.电费在特定时间內按低费率收费restricted-hour tariff
IMF.基本收费率basic rate of charge
tech.安装机容量收费率demand charges rate
busin.平均收费率average rate
tech.废水收费率wastewater rate
tech.征收比规定费率高的保险费rate up
busin.保险征收超费率保险费rate up
busin.总费用与总收入比率ratio of total expenses to total revenues
busin.总费用与总收益比率ratio of total expenses to total revenues
busin.总费用与现收益比率ratio of total expense to current income
tech.按收入总额计算的营业费用率operating ratio based upon revenues
proj.manag.按百分率收取的费用percentage charges
tech.按距收费率distance rate (电话)
transp.收取最低费率航线charge by lowest rate route
IMF.收费率rate of charge IMF, SDR use
proj.manag.收费率scale of fees
telecom.收费率collection rate
securit.收费率rate of charge
interntl.trade.收费率schedule of terms and conditions
hydroel.st.收费率tariff schedule
econ.收费率schedule of terms and condition
gen.收费率schedule of tariff
tech.收费载重率payload ratio
hydroel.st.无功功率收费reactive power charges
econ.无折扣收费率one-time rate
proj.manag.标准收费率standard rate
tech.标准收费率standard billing rate
tech.水表收费率meter rate
securit.汇款收费率remittance rate
interntl.trade.流动收入与流动费用比率ratio of current income to current expense
busin.流动收入与流动费用比率ratio of current income of current expense
interntl.trade.用户收费率customer rates
busin.用户收费率customer rate
tech.电力收费率electricity tariff
interntl.trade.电力收费率研究electricity-tariff study
interntl.trade.收费率flat rate
econ.统一收费率the flat rate
IMF.统一收费率flat rate
busin.统一收费率flash rate
tech.续保收费率reissue rate
tech.装机容量收费率demand charges rate
econ.超其准收费率over pivot rate
busin.超基准收费率over pivot rate
interntl.trade.超基准量收费率over pivot rate
busin.通用运输收费率collection through rate
busin.银行对顾客收取的费率bank's rates for customers
econ.银行对顾客收取的费率或汇价bank's rates for customers
busin.高利率收费higher interest rate charge