
Terms for subject Finances containing 收 税 | all forms | in specified order only
关税收人revenue tax (duty)
内含税收implicit tax
再投资收益免税exemption for reinvestment earnings
减轻企业税收负担ease the corporate tax burdens
削减税收cut taxes
加强税收征管strengthen tax collection
印花税收入revenue tax (duty)
可征税的收入assessable income
各种资金应收税款滞纳数合并明细表combined schedule of delinquent taxes receivable by funds
国内税收总署Internal Revenue Service (美国负责税收的联邦机构)
《国内税收法规》Internal Revenue Code
国际税收international tax
外国税收抵免总限额overall limitation on the foreign tax credit
威克塞尔税收原则Wicksell principle of taxation
对从中国进口的商品征收报复性关税impose retaliatory tariffs on imports from China
工资、物价、税收的螺旋上升wage-price-tax spiral
收税捐一滞纳数taxes receivable-delinquent
应收摊派税捐assessment receivable
应收欠税利息及罚款interest and penalties receivable on tax
应税收入assessable income
应课税收益taxable gain
当期税收损失uncollectible current tax
息前税后收益earnings before interest after tax
息税前收益income before interest and tax
息税前收益earnings before interest and tax
扣缴所得税后的净收益net income after income taxes
扣除利息及税项前收益earnings before interest and tax
扣除利息、所得税、折旧、摊销及重组成本前收益earnings before interest, income tax, depreciation,amortization and restructuring costs
扣除利息、税项及折旧前收益earnings before interest, tax and depreciation
扣除利息、税项、折旧及摊销前收益earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization
扣除利息、税项、折旧、摊销及租赁成本前收益earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, amortization and rent cost
扣除利息、税项、折旧、摊销及重组成本前收益earnings before interest, tax, depreciation,amortization and restructuring costs
扣除利息、税项、摊销及例外项目费用前收益earnings before interest, tax, amortization and exceptional items
扣除所得税前净收益net income before income tax
扣除所得税前的净收益net income before income taxes
扣除所得税后净收益net income after income tax
投资收益附加税investment income surcharge
捐税收入簿register of collections
摊派税捐收入assessment receipts
收入之输出税revenue export duty
收入税源分类法classification of income by sources
无法征收的滞纳税款uncollectible delinquent taxes
有针对性的税收政策targeted tax measures
收税uncollected tax
消除税收漏洞eliminate tax loopholes
版税收益income from royalties
税前收益earnings before tax
税前收益income before taxes
税前收益减去税捐income before taxes less taxes
税后净收益指所得税net income after tax
税后收益after-tax yield
税后营运收人after tax operating income (一家公司除税后的总营运收人。计算方法为总营运收人减去税项)
税捐收入tax receipts
税收乘数tax multiplier
税收代理基金tax agency fund
税收减免tax credits
税收和收人不平等tax and income inequality
税收收入tax revenues
税收流失tax erosion
税收预期票据或供付证tax-anticipation note (or warrant)
纳税前净收益指所得税net income before tax
统一税收制度unified tax system
统一税收抵免额unified tax credit
《美国国内税收法规》United States Internal Revenue Code
《美国税收协会期刊》Journal of the American Taxation Association (美国会计学会 (AAA)主办的刊物之一)
股息税收抵免credit for dividend
课税外收入non-revenue receipts
财政部税收和借款账户treasury tax and loan account
资本收益替换税alternative tax on capital gains
资本收益税tax on capital profit
转入税收平衡基金Transfer to Tax Equalization Fund
通行税收人债券toll revenue bond
非税收入non-tax revenue
非税金收入non-tax revenue
非课税收入non-revenue receipts