
Terms for subject Economy containing 收 税 | all forms | in specified order only
享有同等税收待遇enjoy the same tax treatment
付息 、纳税、折旧和摊销前收益earnings before interest taxes, depreciation and amortization
付息和纳税前收益earnings before interest and taxes
付息的税前收益earnings before interest and taxes
以双重税收作保证的市政公债double-barreled bond
优惠税收待遇favourable tax treatment
估计当期税收损失estimated uncollectible current taxes
允许地方政府保留国家限额以外的所有剩余税收allowing local governments to retain all the surplus revenue above the state quotas
免税收入the non-taxable income
免税收入a tax-free income
全球收入的税收管辖权the world-wide tax jurisdiction
全面收税工作overall tax effort
公司的部分收入用于支付税款和工资等A portion of the company's revenue is used to pay taxes, wages, etc
共同承担的税收shared tax
关税收人revenue duty
再投资收益免税exemption for reinvested earnings
农业税收政策agricultural taxation policy
减除税款及贷款利息后的业务收入equity income
分等税收是按收入逐级增加的税Graded tax is the one rising according to income
单一征收环节税收single-stage tax
印花税收入stamp revenue
双边税收协定bilateral tax agreement
反对滥用税收协定规定的预提税率protection against abuse of treaty with holding rates
向…征收捐税levy toll on
吸收重税soak up heavy taxes
周转税的目的地征收原则destination principle of turnover taxes
国内税收internal revenue (指个人和公司所得税、消费税、就业税、遗产税和馈赠税等国内赋税收入)
国内税收inland revenue
国内税收基金internal revenue fund
!国内税收服务处internal revenue service
国民收入的税收弹性the elasticity of tax national income
土地收入税tax on land revenue
在税收方面的一整套措施tax package
地税收税farm general
均匀分配收入赋税法案uniform division of income for tax purposes act
外国税收抵免的分国限额per country limitation
外国税收抵免的分项限额per item limitation
外国遗产税的税收抵免credit for foreign death taxes
多阶段征收的交易税a cascading transaction tax
多阶段征收的税收a cascaded tax
实行税收优惠preference in taxation
对交易往来额课征的税收tax based on transactions
对产品征收的一切税款都是制造商承担的All levies imposed upon the output were borne by the manufacturer
对再投资的非税收性增大non-tax incentives for reinvestment
对减免的税收给予抵免grant credit for tax spread
对国际抵制收入的外国税收foreign taxes imposed on international boycott income
对…征收附加税surtax (或超额累进所得税)
对生产要素征收的税收factor tax
对税收抵免的外国收入限额foreign income limitation on tax credit
居住国独占税收管辖权exclusive jurisdiction in the residence country
居民收入税income levy
工资减去所得税、保险费等以后的净收入the spendable income
已付税的投资收入franked investment income
年应付税收益annual taxable income
美国1986 年税收改革法案Tax Reform Act of 1986
应付税收金额amount of tax to be paid
应扣缴预提税的收入income subject to withholding
应收摊派税捐the assessment receivable
应税收入taxable income
应税收入the assessable income
应税收入表tax schedules
应税收益taxable income
所得levy tax on (income)
征收提高所得税raise income tax
征收企业资源差别费税levy a raw materials differential tax on enterprises
征收关税collection of custom duty
征收关税customs collection
征收地产税charge on real estate
征收所得税the progressive taxation
征收所得税the income taxation
征收酒税tax wine
征税收入revenues from the levy
总收入税gross receipts taxes
总的可征税收人total taxable income
总的可征税收入total taxable income
总额课税性收入lump sum income tax
扣除税收后的净额编制财务报表net-of-tax reporting
抚养费的税收优惠减免credit for child and dependent
按单位征收的税收unit tax
按差别税率征收的税graded tax
捐税收入tax return
捐税收入tax yield
捐税收入tax proceeds
推断税收the presumption of taxation
摊派税款收入assessment of receipt
撤销一项税收repeat a tax
收入调节税regulatory income tax
收益税tax on produce
收税一览表taxation schedules
收税an excise-man
收通行税卡门toll gate
收通行税地区a toll area
政府已征收5%的盐税The government has imposed a 5% tax on salt
政府应对进口汽车征收关税The government should impose tariffs on imported motorcars
政府征收的预和赋税不应包括在本协议规定的价格之内Withholding tax imposed by the government shall not be included in the prices set forth in this agreement
"断路器"税收减免法circuit breaker tax receipt (即财产超过低收入家庭负担能力时的减免办法)
新雇员税收减免neutral credit
无资格按资本收益课税的股票购买权a non-qualified stock option
早期资产转移税的税收抵免credit for tax on prior transfer
最低征税收入minimum taxable income
最佳线性税收计算技术computation of optimum linear taxation
有关你的税收问题你最好与你的会计商量You'd better consult your accountant about your tax
有关税收的规定tax related provisions
未扣税金的账目收益the pretax accounting income
本国税收domestic tax
杂项收入税sundry revenue
根据《中华人民共和国个人所得税法》,公民的收入超出规定水平时需向政府支付一定的税款According to The Individual Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China, a citizen should pay certain tax to the government if his income is above the stated level
根据税法要求,你应将50%的额外收入缴纳给税务机关The law requires you to submit 50% of your extra income to the tax authorities
残疾人费用的税收优惠减免credit for handicapped person
没收性税赋confiscatory taxation
油气收益税petroleum and gas revenue tax
潜在的未收倾销税potential uncollected dumping duty
版税收入income from royalties
用来偿付抵押贷款利息的收入免予交税There is full tax relief om mortgage interest payments
由纳税人选定的税收预提款tax withheld on taxpayer's option
英国石油收益税petroleum revenue tax
租税的征收levy of tax
税前收益pre-tax earnings
税前账目收益the pretax accounting income
税后收入after-tax income
税后收益income after taxes
税收revenue receipt
税收tax receipts
税收代理店fiscal agent
税收优惠的最低额minimum tax on tax preferences
税收信息交换协定Tax Information Exchange Agreement
税收储备金tax reserves
税收分享tax sharing
税收利益tax benefit
税收制度tax structure
税收制度的调整the readjustment of taxation system
税收包征farming of taxes
税收协定优惠待遇treaty benefits
税收协调tax coordination
税收参考价格tax reference prices
税收及政府课征tax and public imposition
税收受益规则tax benefit rule
税收审定人员tax assessor
税收对国民收入之弹性elasticity of tax revenues to national income
税收对国民收入的弹性the elasticity of tax national income
税收已交投资收入franked investment income
税收影响the repercussion of tax
税收扩散理论diffusion theory of taxation
税收抵免合格性the eligibility for tax credit
税收抵免法credit method
税收抵免的超额限制excess limitation on tax credit
税收抵兑the matching credit
税收指数化tax indexation
税收推动因素tax motivation
税收提前使用票据revenue anticipation note (一种由市政当局发行的短期债券,其还款来源为预期今后可征收的某项税收)
税收收益tax yield
美国税收改革法案Tax Reform Act
税收更正the reassessment of taxes
税收条约a taxation convention
税收条约tax convention
税收消转the transformation to tax transit
税收激励措施tax incentive
税收牺牲说sacrifice tax theory
税收理论taxation theories and principle
税收的分配效应distributional effects of taxes
税收的受益人负担原则compensation principle of taxation
税收的可接受性the acceptability of taxes
税收直接抵兑direct tax credit
税收稽征清册the assessment roll
税收稽征清册assessment rolls
税收立法tax legislation
税收自然减少natural decrease in tax revenue
税收自然增加natural increase in tax revenue
税收补征tax supplements
税收裁决the adjudication of taxes
税收裁定the adjudication of taxes
税收计算基础的确认confirmation of the tax computation basis
税收豁免tax exclusions
税收负tax burden
税收负担tax bearing
税收费用方式revenue cost model
税收起征限度tax threshold
税收转让抵免tax sparing credit
税收过重heavy taxation
税收预提证明tax withholding certificate
税收预期票据tax anticipation note
税收预期票据revenue anticipation note
税收额tax yield
税款收据duty receipt
税表收入tax table income
符合税收抵免条件the eligibility for tax credit
纳税前净收益net income before tax (指所得税)
纳税前收入pretax income
纳税后个人可用收人disposable income
纳税后收人disposable income
纳税后的净收入net of tax income
纳税差别的非收入基准the non-income base for tax discrimination
给工资收入者的减免税优待earned income credits
缴税前净收入net income before tax
美元税收抵兑的金额限制dollar limit on the amount creditable
美国州政府征收的所得税state income tax
美国的领地税收抵免possession tax credit
美国税法中规定的外国公司国外收入的纳税递延deferral of the tax on foreign-source income of foreign corporation
老年人税收优惠减免credit for the elderly
老年人税收减免old person allowance
联邦政府给予州政府发行的证券收入的税款减免federal tax credit against state income
联邦税收federal taxation
联邦税收缴存制度federal tax deposit system
股息的税收抵免credit for dividends
育儿费支出的税收优惠减免credit for child care expense
自然灾害造成的税收减少casualty-loss deduction
英国对住宅征收的地方税domestic rates
该国所征收的各种税款和关税不包括在上面所报的价格内The taxes and duties which may be levied in the country are not included in the price quoted above
财政收入税revenue duty
资本变价收益税capital-gain levy
资本收益税capital yield tax
资本收益税capital gains tax
赚得收益免税额earned income relief
赠与税的税收抵免credit for gift taxes
过早的税收冲销the premature tax write-off
过早的税收冲销premature tax write-off
遇有政府向承包商征收税款,关税等情况时,雇主应向承包商补偿全部金额When the government imposes on the contractor taxes, levies and duties, the employer shall reimburse the contractor the full amount
除税前净收入net income before tax
除税后公两之利润与收入比率ratio of profit after taxes to income, corporate
除税后净收入net income after tax
随经济周转而增减的税收cycle elastic tax
非征税收入the non-taxable income
非捐税收人nontax revenue
非税收收入non-revenue receipts
非税收益nontaxable income
非课税收入a non-taxable receiving
非课税收入the non-taxable income
须纳税的收入taxable income
预期税收国存券tax anticipation
预期税收国库券tax anticipation