
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing 收 税 | all forms | in specified order only
专用税收earmarked tax
以税收为基础的收入政策tax-based incomes policy
以税收为基础的收入政策tax-based income policy
单一征收环节的税收single-stage tax
国际税收协定International Tax Compact
在指定的圈子内减免税收的制度ring system indirect taxation
外国税收抵免foreign tax credit
对不动产征收的经常性税收recurrent taxes on immovable property
对净财富征收的经常性税收recurrent taxes on net wealth
收税revenue collection
投资税收抵免investment tax credit
收入分割性税制split system
收入分割性税制income-split tax system
收入性关税revenue tariff
收入性关税fiscal tariff customs
税基对收入的弹性base-to-income elasticity
税收代理tax agent
税收优惠tax benefit
税收优惠tax concession
税收减免tax benefit
税收减免tax break
税收减免tax relief
税收减免tax deduction
税收减免tax concession
税收分享tax revenue sharing
税收分享tax sharing arrangement
税收分享revenue sharing
税收分成tax revenue sharing
税收分成tax sharing arrangement
税收分成revenue sharing
税收努力tax effort
税收努力fiscal effort
税收套利tax arbitrage
税收平稳tax smoothing
税收弹性tax elasticity
税收当局tax authority
税收征管tax administration function
税收抵免credit against a tax
税收抵免tax credit
税收挡避tax shield
税收支出tax expenditure
税收收入tax receipts
税收收入tax yield
税收收入tax revenue
税收政策处Tax Policy Division
税收最优化tax optimization
税收楔子fiscal wedge
税收楔子tax wedge
税收比率tax ratio
税收漏洞tax loophole
税收特惠tax privilege
税收申报file a tax return
税收的受益原则benefit principle of taxation
税收的归属attribution of taxes
税收稽征tax collection
税收稽征清册assessment list
税收稽征清册assessment roll taxation
税收稽查tax inspection
税收稽核tax audit
税收竞争tax competition
税收竞争tax war
税收系数tax ratio
税收节减tax saving
税收负担tax burden
税收赦免tax amnesty
税收转嫁shifting of tax
税收转嫁shifting of tax burden tax policy
税收转嫁pass-through taxation
税收逃避tax dodge
税收预扣withholding at source
税收预扣tax withholding
税收饶让tax sparing
税收饶让tax sparing credit
税收饶让抵免tax sparing
税收饶让抵免tax sparing credit
税收鼓励tax incentive
税款收入tax yield
税款收入tax receipts
税款收入tax revenue
经合组织全球税收透明度与信息交换论坛Global Forum on Tax Transparency and Exchange of Information
经合组织全球税收透明度与信息交换论坛Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes
经常性税收recurrent tax
绿色税收green tax
绿色税收environmental tax
财税收缴revenue collection
边境税收调整border tax adjustment
隐含的税收和补贴implicit taxes and subsidies
非税收收入nontax revenue