
Terms containing 收 入账 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.一般账户收入receipts of general accounts
tech.临时收入账temporary receipts account
interntl.trade.以国民收入账为基础计算联邦部门账Federal Budget National Income Accounts Basis Federal Sector Account
econ.佣金、手续费收入账fee and commission received a/c
busin.入收款人账户account payee
busin.出口收入账export credit a/c
econ.利息和贴现收入账interest and discount income a/c
busin.利息贴现收入账interest and discount income account
IMF.对外原始收入账external account for primary income
busin.同一笔账编制的复式现金收入单据multiple cash receipts document prepared in one writing
interntl.trade.国民收入账national income accounts
busin.国民收入账national income account
interntl.trade.国民收入分配账户distribution account of national income
econ.国民收入分配账户distribution of national income accounts
interntl.trade.国民收入和国民生产核算账national income and product accounts
econ.国民收入和国民生产核算账户national income and product accounts
interntl.trade.国民收入基本账户basic account of national income
busin.国际转账收入传票international transfer receipt slip
busin.国际转账收入款项international transfer receipt
busin.多栏式现金收入日记账columnar cash receipt journal
busin.子公司收入分类账subsidiary revenue ledger
proj.manag.所有由政府一般收入账目支付并记入开支预算内经营账项下任何一个分目的开支all expenditure from general revenue account charged to any of the subheads listed in the estimates under the operating account
econ.拨款收入账debit transfer
busin.收入与收益账户revenue and income account
busin.收入与盈余账户income and surplus account
busin.收入再分配账户income redistributing account
commer.收入分类账revenue ledger
textile收入分类账receipt ledger
commer.收入分类账receipts ledger
tech.收入分配账户distribution of income account
textile收入列账recognition of income
econ.收入到账the recognition of income
econ.收入和成本账户revenue and income account
interntl.trade.收入和盈余账户income and surplus accounts
busin.收入和盈余账户income and surplus account
textile收入总账receipt ledger
busin.收入抵消账户contra-revenue account
busin.收入抵销账户contra-revenue account
econ.收入账revenue account
econ.收入账a receiving account
interntl.trade.收入账receipt on account
econ.收入账account of receipts
busin.收入账receiving account
busin.收入账account of receipt
met.收入账account of receipts
econ.收入账an account of receipts
textile收入账receiving account
textile收入账revenue account
econ.收入账dividends interest income account
busin.收入账account to receive
tech.收入账account of receipts
econ.收入账目说明debit and credit advices
busin.收回坏账收入income from recovery of bad debt
tech.收款入账account payee
econ.普通资金收入账general fund receipt accounts
tech.未入账收入unrecorded revenue
tech.未入账收入unrecorded income
busin.未入账的收入unrecorded revenue
econ.未列账收入the unrecorded income
busin.未列账收入unrecorded income
busin.未开账单营业收入unbilled revenue
busin.杂项收入账sundry income account
econ.特别基金收入账special fund receipt accounts
econ.特殊基金收入账special fund receipt accounts
tech.特种基金收入账special fund receipt accounts
interntl.trade.现金收入日记账cash receipts journal
busin.现金收入日记账cash receipt journal
textile租金收入账rent income accounts
commer.税前账面收入pretax accounting income
busin.经营收入账account dealing
textile营业收入账revenue account
busin.营业收入账科目revenue accounts
busin.账外收入invisible receipts
econ.账户式收入计算书account form of income statement
econ.转账收入传单transfer receipt slip
textile转账收入传票transfer receipt slip
commer.转账收入传票transfer receipts slip
econ.过期账收入delay income credits
tech.过期账收入delayed income credit
tech.进口收入账import credit account
busin.递延利息收入账deferred interest income account
busin.递延收入欠账deferred revenue obligations
econ.递延收入的欠账dividends revenue obligation
tech.预算收入账budgetary receipts account