
Terms for subject Securities containing 收盘价 | all forms | in specified order only
交易所当天收盘价last sale
收盘价卖出sell at the close
分列收盘价split close
收盘价previous closing price
收盘价的调整previous closing price adjustment
前一天相关证券收盘价closing price of underlying securities of the precious day
前一天认购权证收盘价closing price of warrant of the precious day
收盘价at the close
操纵股票收盘价marking the closing price of a stock
收盘价closing quotation
收盘价买进buy on close
收盘价区间closing range
收盘价closing range
收盘价差异split close
收盘价报价on the close order
收盘价格范围closing range
收盘价的计算closing price calculation
收盘价浮动偏差deviation of daily closing price fluctuation
日历年收盘价calendar year closing price
未调整的收盘价ex unadjusted close