
Terms for subject Securities containing 收益 | all forms | in specified order only
一年期销售额收益one year sales gain
七日收益seven day yield
上市收益净额承销经纪人net listing
不动产投资信托协会股息收益NAREIT dividend yields
不变币值收益constant dollar income
不寻常收益unusual return
不拥有收益信托no interest in possession
不真实收益distorted income
与股本收益率结合的相对强度relative strength combined with ROE
中等收益median return
买人股票收益buy earnings
证券买卖报价收益利差spread of the yields of ask and bid quotations
亚周期收益subperiod return
产牛收益的投资income-producing investment
企业价值与息税和折旧前的收益之比enterprise value/earning before interest tax, depreciation
企业债券均衡收益corporate equivalent yield
会计收益=平均净利4-增量投资额accountant's rate of return
会计收益= 平均净利 / 增量投资额accountant's rate of return
收益投资证券low coupon security
收益证券组合inefficient portfolio
低价收益比率效应low price earnings ratio effect
低市盈率股票的收益low ratio returns on stocks
低息收益债券flat income bond
住房抵押收益债券housing bond
债券收益yield rate of bonds
债券到期收益yield to maturity of a bond
债券到期收益bond yield to maturity
债券平均期限的收益yield to average rate
债券投资收益bond yield
债券等值收益corporate bond equivalent
偿债总收益gross yield to redemption
偿还库存股份收益gain on realization of treasury stock
充分稀释后每股收益fully diluted earnings per share
免税收益基金tax exempt income fund
全部收益total return
全部收益overall yield
全部应税等值收益fully taxable equivalent yield
全部股份收益total shares return
全部股票收益returns on all stocks
全部股票总收益summary return of all stocks
公司收益基金corporate income fund
公司收益复征税corporate gain recapture
公司债券等值收益corporate equivalent yield
公司内部债券收购损益gain or loss of intercompany bond purchases
共享升值收益的中期票据shared appreciation note
关联收益期权票据linked yield option notes
具有不规则收益记录的公司companies with uneven earnings records
再发行收益reoffering yield
分享升值收益的抵押贷款shared appreciation mortgage
分享升值收益的条款shared appreciation provision
分步式收益multiple-step form of income
分类收益multiple-step form of income
分配收益分配证券投资收益或雇员津贴cut a melon
创造收益revenue capture
利息、税收、折旧和摊还前的收益earning before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization
利率市场中的收益率曲线yield curve in interest rate market
到期收益maturity yield
到期实得复合收益realized compound yield to maturity
剥离收益stripped yield
加权平均净资产收益weighted average return on net assets
加权平均证券组合收益weighted average portfolio yield
劫掠收益looting gains
升值收益premium income
单期投资组合收益single-period portfolio return
卖股股东付税收益tax benefit to selling stockholder
占有收益vested interest
即期收益债券current income bond
即期收益current yield
历史收益historical yield
合并净收益net advantage to merging
合并净收益consolidated net earnings
名义收益nominal yield
名义收益nominal return
名义资产收益nominal return on an asset
向上收益曲线ascending yield curve
售出收益put yield
唯一的收益拥有者sole beneficial owner
商业收益commercial gain
土地收益land revenue
增长和收益型基金growth and income fund
增长和收益型投资者growth and income investor
处理固定资产收益income on disposal of fixed assets
复合收益按股利率分组后各组情况compound returns by dividend yield decile
复合收益按价格上扬幅度后分组各组情况compound returns by price appreciation decile
复合收益按组compound returns by decile
复合年度收益按利润率分组后各组情况compound returns by profit margin decile
复合年度收益按市盈率分组后各组情况by PE decile
夏普大盘股风险调整收益指数Sharpe risk-adjusted return ratio on Large Stocks
夏普风险调整收益Sharpe risk adjusted return
夏普风险调整收益Sharpe risk adjusted return ratio
多日收益seven day yield
多样化收益diversification benefits
多重收益multiple of earnings
大盘股总收益total return on large stocks
大盘股票收益returns on large stocks
大盘股票5年期滚动复合收益rolling 5-year compound returns for large stocks
大盘股票总收益summary return of large stocks
子周期收益subperiod return
安全净收益safety net return
完全稀释后的收益fully diluted earnings
完税收益franked income
定期收益债券fixed dollar obligations
实现收益realized yield
实现的收益realized rate of return
实际收益true yield
实际收益realized Income
实际收益dollar return
实际复合收益realized compound yield
实际的收益或亏损realized gain or loss
实际资本收益yield of real capital
实际资本收益/亏损realized capital gain/loss
居间收益intermediate income
市场先导股总收益summary return of market leaders
市场清算收益market clearing yield
市场超额收益market excess return
市场龙头股总收益summary return of market leaders
市盈率收益增长比率P/E growth yield ratio
证券分析平均收益mean return
平均收益average rate of return (ARR)
平均收益率期权average rate option
平均会计收益average accounting return
平均实现收益average realized rate of return
平均年限收益yield to average rate
平均有效期收益yield to average life
平均期限收益yield to average life
平均每股加权收益weighted average earning per share
平均股利收益average dividend yield
收益annual return
收益annual return
收益annual earnings
年化收益annualized yield
年度收益一项投资每年的利息或股息收人annual yield
年度可用收益annual disposable income
年度复合收益每 10 年compound annual rate of returns by decade
年期滚动收益本利合收益rolling 10-year returns 10
年期滚动复合收益本利和收益rolling 10-year compound returns 10
股东应得收益总额total attributable profit
应用收益互换applied proceeds swap
应税收益实额net chargeable income
应税等值收益taxable equivalent yield
开发收益development yields
当前收益current yield
当期收益current income
待分配收益right of accumulation
收益total gain
证券收益total return
收益gross return
收益投资total return investment
收益期权total return option
总资产收益return on total assets
总资产收益all capital earning rate
息票债券的到期收益yield to maturity for coupon bonds
息票等价收益coupon equivalent yield
息税前收益相对比率relative EBIT ratios
息、税、折旧前的收益earnings before interest, tax and depreciation
息、税、折旧和摊销前的收益earnings before interest, tax and depreciation and amortisation
意外收益contingent gains
所用资本收益return on capital employed
承诺到期收益promised yield to maturity
承诺的收益promised yield
承诺证券收益promised rate on security
承诺赎回收益promised yield to call
投人资本收益return in invested capital
投人资本收益rate of return on invested capital
投资收益investment yield
投资收益gain returns on investment
投资收益certificate of beneficial interest
投资保值的收益return on hedge
证券投资净收益net investment income
投资平均收益average rate of return on investment
投资年度收益investment year interest rate
投资应收权益interest receivable on investment
折扣收益discount yield
持有期收益holding period yield
持有证券收益income from holding
指定用途的留存收益appropriated retained earnings
收益标准差by standard deviation
按复合年度收益按分组by PE decile
按年计算关联中期收益把中期收益换算为复利年率annualized linked .median return
按时间调整收益time adjusted rate of return
按绝对收益by absolute return
按风险调整收益by risk adjusted return
损失与收益相抵balancing loss against gains
摊薄的收益diluted earnings
收人收益income yield
收取非金钱利益的做法soft dollar practice
收益不合预测earnings surprises
收益乘数earnings multiple
收益互换yield swap
收益人银行beneficiary's bank
收益余额balance of proceeds
收益债券performance bond
收益债券基金income-bond fund
收益偿债系数income coverage
收益储备金revenue reserve
上市公司收益公告earning announcement
收益公布月份上市公司通常每一季度公布一次公司业绩,一般为一、四、七和十月底公布earnings season
收益再分配redistribution of income
收益准则yield basis
收益凭证benefit certificate
收益分红排行榜earnings-dividend rank
收益分配return distribution
收益动量增长型管理人earnings momentum growth manager
收益协同作用revenue synergy
收益可观的职位lucrative post
收益合伙人income partner
收益后付股票deferred shares /stock
收益型不动产income property
收益型管理人yield manager
收益基础revenue base
收益基础earnout basis
收益增加return enhancement
收益安全持续定期的分配利息和股利safety of income
收益yield gap
收益差价yield spread
收益差价交易yield spread trading
收益差价套利yield spread arbitrage
收益差别yield gap
收益应计法level accrual
收益底线bottom line
收益异常earnings surprises
收益当量yield equivalence
收益总结summary return
收益情况公告earnings releases
收益或有支付earnout contingency payments
收益所有权yield possession
收益投资人income partner
收益投资公司income investment company
收益报表statement of income
收益拍卖法yield auction
收益拐点yield elbow
收益指数profitability index
收益控制yield curb
收益提留比率earnings retention ratio
收益曲线坡度变陡长短期国库券之间收益利差增加steepening of the yield curve
收益曲线套利yield curve arbitrage
收益曲线平行移动parallel shift in the yield curve
收益曲线期权定价模型yield curve option pricing model
收益曲线本票yield curve notes
收益曲线票据yield curve notes
收益曲线策略yield curve strategy
收益曲线趋于平缓flattening of the yield curve
收益曲线风险yield curve risk
收益有限合伙关系income limited partnership
收益earn-out period
收益income right
收益构成yield structure
收益标准差standard deviation of return
收益概括summary return
收益比例关系income gearing
收益比率yield ratio
收益比较yield comparisons
收益income approach
收益混合型基金income-mixed fund
收益profitability ratio
收益rate of returnROR
收益convenience yield
收益率准则yield basis
收益率利差策略yield spread strategy
收益率基准曲线benchmark yield curve
收益率敏感资本yield sensitive capital
收益率曲线期权yield curve option
收益率等价interest yield equivalent
收益的一贯性earning persistence
收益的季节差异seasonal differences in returns
收益的确认income recognition
收益的离散程度dispersion of returns
收益的连续性consistency of returns
收益盈余surplus income
收益积累投资权right of accumulation
收益稀释earnings dilution
收益等价yield equivalence
收益组合成分composition of earnings
收益结构yield structure
收益维护交割债券期货时调整价格维护收益yield maintenance
收益维持协议yield maintenance agreement
收益缺口分析income gap analysis
收益耗损yield burning
收益股本基金income equity fund
收益能力标准earning capacity standard
收益落差分析income gap analysis
收益证券revenue securities
收益证券income security
收益证券组合income portfolio
收益调控gain control
收益质量quality of earnings
收益贴现率方法discounted rate of return
收益资本化capitalization of earning
收益资本化评价法capitalization of income method of valuation
收益趋稳gain ground
收益转让assignment of income
收益运算平均值arithmetic average rate of return
收益递减法则law of decreasing return
收益递减法则diminishing returns law
收益预期return expectations
收益预期earnings estimates
收益风险risk of return
收缴违法收益takeover illegal incomes
收购收益acquisition yields
收购分拆的权益divestiture of acquisition
收购百分百权益acquisition of 100 % interest
收费收益债券toll revenue bond
放弃的收益foregone earnings/income
效率收益efficiency earning
显性收益explicit rate of return
普通股收益yield on common stock
普通股收益return on common equity
普通股净收益net gain for common stock
普通股净收益net for common stock
最低/最高预期收益minimum/maximum expected returns
最后收益outcome yield
最少收益yield to worst
最差收益yield to worst
最高收益top gain
收益的持有positive carry
收益的资产income earning assets
收益资产earning asset
有效收益effective yield
期权收益基金option income fund
期权调整收益option adjusted yield
期满保证收益maturity guarantee
未分派收益undistributed earnings
未分配的收益unallocated gain
未来收益prospective yield
未来收益增长证券future income growth securities
本期收益current returns
本期收益running yield
债券本期收益current yield
本期回购收益yield to current call
本期年收益running yield
标准收益standardized yield
标准化不可预测收益standardized unexpected earnings
标普每股收益估价S&P EPS estimate
根据收益曲线运动变化riding the yield curve
横截面收益研究cross sectional return study
收益曲线positive yield curve
正常收益normal return
正常收益曲线normal yield curve
正当收益legitimate earnings
水平收益率曲线flat yield curve
流动收益期权债券liquid yield option note (LYON)
流动收益期权票据liquid yield option notes
海外投资收益foreign income
消极收益passive income (因有限合伙和租赁活动而获得的收人)
清盘收益yield to workout
潜在收益potential return
潜在收益potential earnings
潜在的资金收益potential capital gain
版税收益income from royalty
用于再投资的收益plowback earnings
用于再投资的收益earnings reinvested
留作资本的收益earning retained as capital
留存收益earned surplus
留存收益信托的出让人grantor retained income trust
留存收益报表retained earnings statement
留存收益资本化retained earnings capitalization
看涨期权收益yield in call
看涨期权收益/损失call profit/loss
看跌期权收益put yield
真实收益true yield
破产边缘收益yield to crash
确定等值收益/回报certainty equivalent return
确认的收益或亏损recognized gain or loss
票据收益paper gain
票据高于债券收益利差notes over bonds spread
票据高于债券的收益利差notes over bonds
稀释的收益diluted earnings
税前收益或利润pretax earnings or profits
税后收益franked income
税后净收益net after tax gain
税后实际回报率或收益after-tax real rate of return
税收等值收益tax equivalent yield
穆迪债券收益Moody's bond yield
收益率互换交易even basis swap
等值债券收益equivalent bond yield
等值利息收益interest yield equivalent
简单到期收益simple yield to maturity
算术平均收益arithmetic mean return
索偿收益yield to put
累积平均收益残余cumulative average residual (CAR)
累积非正常回报/收益cumulative abnormal return
红利及分支机构收益dividends and branch earnings
收益pure profit
收益net avails
美元收益dollar return
美元加权收益dollar weighted rate of return
股东收益shareholders' income
股东净收益百分比percent of net income to stockholders
股东总收益total shareholder return
股东股本收益rate of return on stockholders' equity
股份收益equity yield
股份收益earnings of stock price
股利收益dividend yield
股利收益比率dividend yield ratio
股利收益率风险dividend yield risk
股利收益dividend-yielding stocks
股利贴现收益dividend discount return
股息收益yield of dividend
股本收益equity yield
股本收益和普通收人之间的区别distinction between capital gains and ordinary income
股本收益return of equity
股权收益基金equity income fund
股票收益Stock yield
股票价格与收益乘数price earnings multiple
股票低比率的收益low ratio returns on stocks
股票关联担保收益凭证equity linked GIC (GIC 是 quaranfeed investment certificate 的缩写)
股票出售收益gains on sale of stock
股票市价对每股年收益比率分析ratio analysis of market price to annual earnings per share
股票风险收益equity risk premium
营业收益报表earnings statement
营业总收益gross revenue
认可的收益income recognition
认沽期权收益yield to put
认股权到期收益yield to warrant expiration
认股权回购收益yield to warrant call
调度收益dispatch earning
调整后的收益adjusted rate of return
调整后的最短期限收益yield to adjusted minimum maturity
调整后的留存收益adjusted retained earnings
收益negative yield
收益minus yield
收益曲线negative yield curve
财政收益financial return
账面收益book yield
货币保本收益型存款currency linked deposit
货币转换收益/损失translation gain/loss
贴现债券的资本收益capital gain on discount bonds
贷款年收益annual percentage yield
资产收益return on assets
资产收益assets yield
资产收益征税capital gain levy
资产收益比率assets-income ratio
资产的预期收益expected return of asset
资产置换收益gain on exchange of assets
资本收益return on equity (ROE)
资本收益分红capital gain distribution
资本收益分配capital gain distribution
资本收益回报return on capital gains
资本收益处置capital gain treatment
资本收益最大化共同基金maximum capital gains mutual fund
资本收益capital gain rate
资本收益计算的原则principle of capital-income calculation
资本收益调整capital gain adjustment
资本偿还收益capital redemption yield
资本利得收益capital gains yield
资本化收益capitalized earning
资本增值收益capital gains yield
资本损益税收抵免特别限额special limitations on the tax credit for capital gains and losses
赎回收益yield on call
赎回收益yield to caU
赎回收益yield to call
赎回收益redemption proceeds
赎回净收益net yield to redemption
赎回总收益gross redemption yield
赎回调整收益call-adjusted yield
超常收益相关性correlation of abnormal returns
超额收益unusual return
超额收益excess return
超额收益yield advantage
轨迹收益trailing earnings
退税后净偿债收益grossed-up net redemption yield
逆向收益等级inverted scale
通知收益yield to caU
通知回购债券收益yield in call
速办收益dispatch earning
长期收益long term gain
长期异常收益long-term anomaly
阶梯跳跃式收益存款yield jump deposit
收益参与权的次级债务subordinated debt with revenue participation rights
随机投资平均收益率高于其他投资的假设random walk theory
隐形收益implied yield
隐形收益implicit rate of return
非正常收益曲线abnormal yield curve
非法收益illegal income
非经常收益occasional earnings
非金融类上市公司投资收益investment income of non-financial listed company
面值提前赎回收益yield to par call
预扣利息收益税的高质量股high quality stock withholding interest income tax
预期收益expected returns
预期收益增长prospective earnings growth
预期收益expected rates of return
预期收益率与实现的收益率expected vs. realized rate of return
预期净收益desired net income
预计收益pro forma earnings
预计到期收益return to maturity expectations
预计总收益estimated total return
额外收益additional return
首次提前赎回收益yield to first call
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