
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing 收听M | all forms
不回收探测器数据采集系统expendable probe data acquisition system
不混溶液体能量回收装置immiscible fluid energy recovery device
中央接收机central receiver
中子吸收〔作用〕neutron absorption
中心样品回收率Centre Sample Recovery
中等收入medium income
付息和纳税前收益earning before interest and taxes
以色列卫星地面接收站Earth Station-Israel
价值收益value gain
价格-收益比率price earning ratio
伊朗卫星地面接收站Earth Station-Iran
休斯卫星地面接收站Hughes Satellite Earth Station
保护和回收能源示范协定加拿大conservation and renewable energy demonstration agreement
保护、回收和再利用conservation, recycling, and reuse
保证收入合同guaranteed income contract
允收水准acceptable quality level
光学吸收光谱学optical absorption spectroscopy
光电收率photoelectric yield
全国资源回收中心National Center for Resource Recovery
全国资源回收协会National Resource Recovery Association
共接收点道集common receiver gathers
内部回收率internal rate of return
内部收益率interior revenue rate
冷水汽原子吸收光谱测定法cold-vapor atomic absorption spectrometry
净收益现值net benefit in present value
刚果卫星地区接收站Earth Station-Congo
利比亚卫星地面接收站Earth Station-Libya
制造和验收总体方案elaboration and approval general program
加利福尼亚州资源回收协会California Resource Recovery Association
包括延迟收到货款应计利息在内的到岸价格cost insurance freight interest
区域数据收集平台regional data collection platform
单纯回收率simple payback
南斯拉夫卫星地面接收站Earth Station-Yugoslavia
南非卫星地面接收站Earth Station-South Africa
卫星地面接收站ground station
卫星地面接收站Satellite Earth station
卫星地面接收站ground receiving station
卫星收集的浮标观测数据satellite collection of buoy observations data
卫星数据接收与处理中心Satellite Data Receiving and Processing Center
卫星数据接收与处理系统satellite data receiving and processing system
厄瓜多尔卫星地面接收站Earth Station-Ecuador
原子吸收光谱测定法atomic absorption spectrometry
原子吸收火焰分光计atomic absorption flame spectrometer
原油采收率producible oil index
发方-收方计量差shipper/receiver difference
受控定向接收controllable direction reception
只接收监测器receiving only monitor
可回收地球轨道生物卫星Earth orbiting recoverable biological satellite
可持续收入sustainable income
可支付固定费用收入income available for fixed charges
可移式卫星地面接收站transportable satellite Earth station
吸收光合有效辐射absorbed photosynthetically active radiation
吸收单位absorbance unit
吸收器的反冲游离部分recoil-free fraction of absorber
吸收热发光absorption thermoluminescence
吸收物〔体,剂〕absorbing material
吸收率absorbing power
吸收率absorptive capacity
吸收能energy absorbed
哥伦比亚卫星地面接收站Earth Station-Colombia
回收气体洗涤塔process gas scrubber
国内收入inland revenue
国有土地使用权收回【土】retrieval of use-right of state-owned land
国有土地使用权收回【土】escheat of use-right of state-owned land
国际收支的资本项目capital account
国际数据收集平台International Data Collection Platform
国际数据收集系统International Data Collection System
国际海洋能源回收会议International Conference on Ocean Energy Recovery
图表接收机graphic recorder
土地产权收益【土】interests in landed property
土地征收land expropriation
土地收益【土】land profit
土地收购储备制度【土】land purchase and reserve system
土地没收【土】forfeiture of land
土地没收【土】confiscation of land
土地税收【土】land taxation
土耳其卫星地面接收站Earth Station-Turkey
地球辐射收支传感系统Earth radiation budget sensing system
地球辐射收支卫星系统Earth Radiation Budget Satellite System
地球辐射收支测量器Earth radiation budget instrument
地面回收子系统Earth Recovery Subsystem
地面悬浮声接收器surface suspended acoustic receiver
地面接收和指令站ground acquisition and command station
地面接收站receiving ground station
地面辐射收支surface radiation budget
埃及卫星地面接收站Earth Station-Egypt
塞内加尔卫星地面接收站Earth Station-Senegal
塞曼原子吸收法Zeeman Atomic Absorption
墨西哥卫星地面接收站Earth Station-Mexico
外国收购及接收法规foreign acquisition and takeover act
外延 X 射线吸收精细结构extended X-ray absorption fine structure
外延 X 射线吸收精细结构光谱学extended X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy
奇异收缩有限元法finite elements by singular contraction
委内瑞拉卫星地面接收站Earth Station-Venezuela
实时接收机true time receiver
实际收益率effective rate
X 射线吸收谱学X-ray absorption spectroscopy
X 射线吸收近吸收限结构X-ray absorption near-edge structure
X 射线吸收近吸收限结构谱学X-ray absorption near-edge structure spectroscopy
射线收集器〔收注栅〕beam trap
X-射线荧光吸收X-ray fluorescence absorption
X 射线荧光和原子吸收X-ray fluorescence and atomic absorption
小额现金收入〔或支出〕petty cash
工厂验收试验规范factory acceptance test specification
工程井设计和验收technical well project and approval
工程井设计验收Approval of Technical Well Project
工程验收engineering research inspection
差动吸收激光雷达differential absorption lidar
巴西卫星地面接收站Earth Station-Brazil
巷道验收测量footage measurement of workings
希腊卫星地面接收站Earth Station-Greece
平均收入mean return
平均收尾概率mean termination probability
废水回收厂water reclamation plant
微分吸收和散射differential absorption and scattering
微粒物质拦截收集器particle interceptor trap
总体钻进计划验收{钻}general drilling program approval
总吸收total absorption
总吸收率颜色total absorbance colour
总吸收率颜色total absorbance color
总收入税gross receipts tax
成本收益比cost benefit ratio
房地产总收入aggregate income of the estate
投资税收抵免investment credit
按合同预收款项advance received on contract
按总收益提成折旧法depreciation-gross earnings method
按营业收入折旧法depreciation-revenue method
按钮式自动拔号数据收集系统automated tone dial data collection system
振幅吸收系数amplitude absorption coefficient
接收口径collecting aperture
接收换能器receiver transducer
接收机自动完善监视receiver autonomous integrity monitoring
接收站设备receiving site equipment
接收自愿willingness to accept
控制和接收分系统control & receiving subsystem
控制定向接收controlled directional reception
提高原油采收率enhanced oil recovery
提高石油回收量enhanced oil recovery
摩洛哥卫星地面接收站Earth Station-Morocco
收入分成出租percentage lease
收入和投入费用报告income and expense report
收入资本化income capitalization
收入递增律law of increasing returns
收入需求现值present worth of revenue requirement
收支平衡balance of payment
收益价格比earnings price ratio
收益成本分析benefit-cost analysis
收益成本率benefit-cost ratio
收益损失loss of income
收益法【土】profits method
收益率cash flow rate
收益率法rate of return method
收益的资本化价值earnings capitalized value
收益税yield tax
收益资产商业不动产income property
收益资本化法income-capitalization approach
收益资本化法【土】income capitalization approach
收益还原法【土】income approach
收益递增律law of increasing returns
收货付款payable on receipt
收集与处理地球资源数据技术计划信息处理系统TERRA information processing system
数字地形数据收集系统digital topographic data collection system
数字式不回收温深记录仪digital recording expendable bathythermograph
数字转换接收器digital conversion receivers
数据接收机单元data receiver unit
数据接收、记录与传输系统data receive, record and transmit system
数据收集与控制器data collection and control unit
数据收集平台数据处理站data collection and platform processing station
数据收集装置data collecting unit
数据收集询问系统data collection interrogation system
数据汇集平台无线电接收机data collection platform radio set
数据汇集系统接收站设备data collection system/ receiving site equipment
文件回收系统document retrieval system
斯堪的纳维亚卫星地面接收站Earth Station-Scandinavia
无火焰原子吸收flameless atomic absorption
无火焰原子吸收光谱法{化}flameless atomic absorption spectrometry
无线电电传打字电报接收机radio teletype receiver
智利卫星地面接收站Earth Station-Chile
最低期望收益率minimum attractive rate of return
最大有效采收率maximum efficient rate of production
最大有效采收率maximum efficient rate
最终回收ultimate recovery
最经济采收率most economical rating
最经济采收率maximum economic rating of production
最经济采收率maximum economic recovery
最高收益值income maximization
月球接收实验室Lunar Receiving Laboratory
月球样品接收实验室Lunar Sample Receiving Laboratory
有担保的年收入guaranteed annual income
有效毛收入effective gross income
有限自动遥控收集器limited automatic remote collector
本船收货ship's receipt
机构间荒野水文气象数据收集委员会Interagency Committee on Wilderness Hydrometeorological Data Collection
机载不回收深水温深仪deep-water airborne expendable bathythermograph
极冠吸收〔作用〕polar cap absorption
极盖〔电离层〕吸收polar cap absorption
核伽马射线共振吸收即穆斯鲍尔效应nuclear gamma-ray resonance absorption
横发射和横向接收horizontal-transmit and horizontal-receive
比吸收率specific absorption rate
比能吸收率specific energy absorption
毛收入税gross receipts tax
气相氢化物原子吸收分光光度法gas hydride atomic absorption spectrophotometry
气象卫星资料地面接收站meteorological satellite data receiving ground station
水化体积收缩胶凝矢重pressure decrease due to hydrated volume shrinkage-gelation
沥滤液收集系统leachate collection systems
油回收率oil recovery rate
泰国国家参考文献资料收藏中心Centre for Thai National Reference Collection
海岸区域资料收集计划Coastal Field Data Collection Program US
海岸卫星地面接收站Coast Earth station
海洋探测装置与回收器nautical exploration device and recoverer
海洋数据收集计划ocean data gathering program
液固吸收色谱〔法〕liquid-solid adsorption chromatography
深海目标定位与回收系统deep ocean object location and recovery system
温深仪数据收集和处理装置Bathythermograph Data Collecting and Processing Facility
游动矢量接收器roving vector receiver
满刻度吸收度单位absorbance unit full scale
激光吸收光谱仪laser absorption spectrometer
激光顺磁共振吸收laser paramagnetic resonance absorption
激发极化接收机induced polarization receiver
火焰原子吸收{化}flame atomic absorption
火焰原子吸收光谱法{化}flame atomic absorption spectrometry
热量收支测量仪器heat budget instrument
物理数据收集系统physical data collection system
特定资料收集系统special data collection system
特罗姆索卫星地面接收站Tromso Satellite Station
环境数据收集和处理设备Environmental Data Collection and Processing Facility
环流-天气/气候-收获年circulation-weather/climate harvest years
现行税收existing taxes
现金收支清单cash operating statement
现金收益cash earnings
现金流转贴现收益率discounted cash flow rate of return
现金流量折现收益discounted cash flow return
甚高分辨率辐射仪地面接收站very high resolution radiometer ground station
生物模型吸收辐射当量radiation equivalent manikin absorption
电场感生红外吸收光谱学electric field induced infrared absorption spectroscopy
电子吸收谱法electronic absorption spectroscopy
电子收〔聚〕 集electron collection
电热原子化原子吸收光谱测定法electrothermal atomization atomic absorption spectrometry
电热-汽化原子吸收光谱测定法electrothermal-vaporization atomic absorption spectroscopy
直接接收和处理终端direct reception and processing terminal
石墨炉原子吸收光谱仪graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometer
石墨炉原子吸收光谱学graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy
石墨炉原子吸收光谱测定法graphite furnace atomic adsorption spectrometry
石墨炉原子吸收光谱测定法graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry
石墨炉原子吸收分光光度测定法〔化〕furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry
石油和天然气收入税petroleum and gas revenue tax
石油收入税petroleum revenue tax
碳吸收方法carbon absorption method
科特迪瓦卫星地区接收站Earth Station-Ivory Coast
税后收益earnings after tax
税收地籍【土】fiscal cadastre
空间态吸收模型State-Space Absorption Model
紫外差动吸收光雷达ultraviolet differential absorption lidar
紫外线吸收ultraviolet absorption
红外线吸收infrared absorption
约旦卫星地面接收站Earth Station-Jordan
线下收支payments and receipts
经济内部回收率economic internal rate of return
缆控地下水回收潜水器cable-controlled underwater recovery vehicle
美国资源回收公司American Resource Recovery Coip.
肯尼亚卫星地面接收站Earth Station-Kenya
能量回收参数energy recovery parameter
能量收支模式energy budget model
自动数据收集器automatic data collector
自动遥测数据收集中心central for automatic remote data collection
自动遥测数据收集装置device for automatic remote data collection
苏丹卫星地面接收站Earth Station-Sudan
营业收入税revenue duty
表面外延 X 射线吸收精细结构光谱学surface extended x-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy
设计、运行和验收design, operation and inspection
贴现收益率discount yield
资产收益比率assets income ratio
资产收益率rate of return on assets
资料收集装置data collecting unit
资本回收率rate of return of capital
资本回收费用capital recovery factor
资本总收益total earning
资源保护和回收条例resource conservation and recovery act
超额收益yield advantage
跟踪接收系统tracking and receiving system
边际收入marginal yield
边际收益marginal revenue
运输容器/接收容器计量差shipper/receiver difference
通用接收机阵列common receiver array
遥测数据收集remote data-collection
邻域收缩核neighbourhood retract
邻域收缩核neighborhood retract
钠吸收率sodium adsorption ratio
钾吸收率potassium-adsorption ratio
铀比吸收specific absorption ratio for uranium
铀比吸收率specific absorption ratio for uranium
银回收系统silver recovery system
锰结核研究和采收联合会Association for Study and Recovery of Manganese Nodules
闪光光解谐振吸收-荧光性flash photolysis resonance absorption/fluorescence
防污染物质传输和收集系统anti-pollution transfer and storage system
阿拉伯卫星地面接收站Earth Station-Arabia
附加投资收益率rate of return on incremental investment
陨石观察和回收计划Meteorite Observation and Recovery Project
隐蔽式水下收发报机covert submarine transmitter and receiver
预收收入unearned income (revenue <->)
预期收益expected return
预期收益expected benefits
预示收益率indicated yield
预计收入estimated revenue
香港卫星地面接收站Earth Station-Hong Kong
验收测试程序acceptance test procedure