
Terms containing 收入 总 额 | all forms | in specified order only
commer.个人收入总额individual gross income
proj.manag.保费收入总额gross premium income
tech.可支配收入总额total disposable income
busin.可税收入总额total taxable income
textile国民收入总额gross national income
econ.国民收入总额national income
busin.国民收入总额aggregate national income
econ.国民收入总额,按分配份额分组national income, by distribution share
econ.国民收入总额,按部门分组national income, by industry
econ.国民收入使用总额amount of national income spent
econ.国民收入分配总额national income
econ.国民收入生产总额amount of national income produced
fin.外汇收入总额total foreign exchange
busin.应税收入总额total taxable income
textile总收入额gross revenue
busin.总收入额total earnings
econ.总额课税性收入lump sum income tax
tech.收入总额计算的营业费用率operating ratio based upon revenues
econ.收入总额gross received
busin.收入总额total amount of gains
fin.收入总额total income
busin.收入总额total amount of income
interntl.trade.收入总额gross revenue
textile收入总额gross receipts
textile收入总额total receipts
busin.收入总额aggregate income
econ.收入总额gross receipt
tech.收入总额gross income
busin.收入总额分成share total revenues
interntl.trade.政府财政收入总额government receipts
tech.营业收入总额total revenue
manag.财政收入总额government receipts