
Terms for subject Gymnastics containing | all forms
一手在两腿间的astride arm rest
上杠成分腿直角mount to straddle L support
上杠成分腿直角型mount to straddle "L" support
不用撑的跳跃free vault
不用撑跳过器械free jump
不用撑跳过器械free jump over apparatus
不等高uneven support
鞍马动作不等高uneven support
依次撑前手翻双脚落Radwende inwards
侧十字Olympic cross
倒十字inverted crucifix
倒十字front inverted vertical lever
倒十字inverted cross
倒十字cross-hang handstand
先后alternate support
分腿stride support
分腿astride arm rest
分腿撑前回环Stalder circle forward
分腿撑回环split straddle circle
分腿撑回环straddle seat circle
分腿下落成撑至站立lower the body straddled to support to stand
分腿前上成臂外分腿straddle upstart
分腿向前摆越成直角forward swing to straddle out and "L" support
分腿在外撑向后回环seat circle straddled backward
分腿摆越成straddle mount to cross rest
分腿摆越成直角straddle round the hands to L support
分腿摆越成直角straddle cut L
分腿直角straddle L support
分腿直角straddle L (support)
分腿直角L support straddled
分腿直角撑后摆成悬垂from straddle " L" support backward swing to hang
前摆转体180° 成front twist
前水平front support lever
前水平撑接屈臂直体推倒立planche-hold-hollowback press
前滚翻成短暂直角forward roll to momentary "L" support
区域zone support
十字Roman cross
十字iron cross
十字cross rest
十字front vertical lever
十字vertical lever
十字cross balance
十字cross hang
半水平half lever
半水平L support
半水平十字cross half lever
单杠uprights of the horizontal bar
单纯simple support
单肩support on one shoulder
单腿single-leg support
单臂撑侧手翻cartwheel on far arm
单臂撑手倒立handstand with sidehold
单臂撑环外向后直角下鞍马动作false double rear vault
单臂水平one-arm planche
双肘水平double-elbow planche
双肘水平double elbow horizontal lever
双脚蹬低杠成高杠uprise with leg support
双臂向前移动forward travelling
双臂向前移动forward traveling
吊环架柱子supporting tubes
吊环架柱子supporting legs
后摆上分腿前摆成直角back upstart forward straddled to " L" support
后摆上分腿摆越成直角back uprise and straddle under hands to "L" support
后摆上分腿摆越成直角back uprise and straddle under hands to L support
后摆上接分腿转体180° 成分腿back up circle straddle
后滚翻成撑前摆roll backwards with grasp
后滚翻成撑前摆roll backward with grasp
向前一步双脚撑转体180°step turn
向后慢反上成back up slowly to support
向后慢翻上成back up slowly to support back
头踝撑扯旗flag on head and ankle
屈臂撑接后摆bent arm support and swing backwards
屈臂撑接后摆bent-arm support and swing backwards
弧形上成shoot up to support
快拉上成vertical fast pull-up
arrive in support
arriving in support
成分腿straddle in
成分腿straddling in
拉上成vertical pull-up
吊环动作拉上成vertical pull-up
挂臂撑后摆上转体180°成upper arm cross hang up with ¹⁄₂ turn to support
挺身摆越转体180° 成两手同时握Swiss double
持平衡balance support
front support
撑两腿向前摆越成支撑support overswing forward with two legs to the original position
撑分腿向前摆越成支撑support straddle leg overswing forward to the original position
撑前或后回环hip circle from front rest (forward or backward)
撑前摆forward swing in support
撑前摆同时臂屈伸dip swing to the front
撑前摆向内转体180° 下support overswing forward with inside ¹⁄₂ turn dismount
撑前摆直角下support overswing forward to rear dismount
撑前摆转体180° 成支撑support overswing forward to ¹⁄₂ turn to the original position
撑区grip zone
撑区support zone
撑区support area
撑区point of support
撑区area of support
撑区裁判员grip judges
撑单腿同侧全旋single-leg circle outward (front support)
撑单腿向前摆越成支撑support overswing forward with the single leg to the original position
撑单腿异侧全旋single-leg circle inward (front support)
撑后倒support falling backward
撑后倒屈伸上short upstart
撑后倒屈伸上support kip
撑后倒屈伸上drop-back short upstart
撑后倒弧形上成挂臂撑support falling backward arch mount to upper arm hang
撑后倒弧形上成支撑support falling backward arch mount to the original position
撑后倒弧形下support falling backward underswing dismount
撑后倒弧形摆support falling backward with arch of a swing
撑后倒弧形摆成悬垂吊环动作long underswing backward from upper arm hang to straight hang
撑后倒弧形短振屈伸上drop-back short underswing upstart
撑后倒成挂臂撑屈伸上top kip
撑后倒成挂臂撑屈伸上kick upstart
撑后倒挂臂屈伸上drop-back upstart from upper arms
撑后回环吊环动作backward roll
撑后回环felge backward from support
撑后回环back hip circle
撑后摆rearward swing in support
撑后摆下front vault dismount
撑后摆侧下side vault dismount
撑后摆后倒成挂臂撑from cross rest swing backward to upper arm cross hang
撑后摆屈体下stoop dismount
撑后摆屈腿下squat dismount
撑后摆屈腿摆越两杠转体180° 下front vault with ¹⁄₂ turn in tuck position to stand
撑后摆屈腿绕越两杠转体180° 下support overswing backward bent leg circling over the two bar with ¹⁄₂ turn dismount
撑后摆挺身下side vault dismount forward
撑后摆腱子转体180° 下support overswing backward with round-off ¹⁄₂ turn dismount
撑后摆至手倒立support overswing backward to handstand
撑后摆至肩倒立support overswing backward to shoulder stand
撑后摆转体180° 成分腿坐support overswing backward with ¹⁄₂ turn to straddle leg sitting position
撑回环back hip circle
撑回环hip swing-up
撑回环trunk circling
撑回环body circle
撑回环hip circle
撑回环belly grind
撑屈体摆越成后撑stoop through to rear support
撑平衡balance support
撑式比赛场地upholstered space for competition
撑摆动swing in the cross rest
撑摆动swing in the rest
撑摆动中转体180°rest change with half turn
撑时停顿stop in a support
撑点support zone
撑点support point
撑点point of support
撑点grip zone
撑点area of support
双杠撑臂屈伸推起dip swing
撑跨越stride vault
撑跨越astride vault
撑跳跃第二腾空vault with support
撑跳跃vault with support
撑跳跃vaulting over the buck
撑跳跃动作类型vault classification
撑近端鞍马support on the croup
鞍马撑近端support on the croup
撑远端鞍马support on the neck
鞍马撑远端support on the neck
撑部位point of support
撑部位support zone
撑部位grip zone
撑部位area of support
without support
杠外正撑后摆挺身摆越转体90° 成front vault to forward swing
正掏回环成腾身Stalder forward to clear support
正的直角front half lever
正面front prop-up
水平free front support scale
水平 十字吊环动作free support scale
水平front rest horizontal lever
水平high top lever
水平support lever
水平support scale
水平planche cross
水平upper lever
水平free support scale
混合mixed support
环外骑撑单腿向后摆越成spread one leg backward
环外骑撑单腿向后摆越成spreading one leg backward
用力慢上成直角muscle up- "L"
由直角撑慢起肩倒立from half lever lift to cross shoulder balance
监视撑区的裁判员grip judge
直体stretched support
直体后空翻成straight body backward somersault to support
直臂水平撑后起成倒立straight arm planche-press
直臂水平自由horizontal and straight arms
直臂水平自由free front scale
直角双杠动作cross-support in "L" position
直角half lever
直角pike support
直角L support
双杠动作直角half lever
直角分腿straddle support L sideways
直角分腿L support straddled
直角十字cross with legs raised horizontally forward
直角十字front vertical lever with legs held in horizontal position
直角十字cross in "L" position
直角十字L cross
直角十字cross half lever
短促momentary clear support
短振成shoot to support
翻上成撑并沿身体纵轴转体360° 跳下felge forward to support and ¹⁄₁ turn around longitudinal axis of body to dismount
foot support
腾身free front support
腾身free support
腾身clear support
腾身直角free "L" support
跳上成jump to support
跳起后上成jump uprise backward to rest
跳马撑区记录器zone recorder
身体下落成lower the body to support
身体下落成lowering the body to support
转体180° 成 L 型分腿¹⁄₂ turn to L support straddled
跳马近端撑跳跃vault with support on near end of the horse
跳马近端撑跳跃跳vault with support on near end of the horse
锐角free pointed angle support
附加extra support
附加added support
撑腿free leg
骑撑单腿异侧摆越成undercut inward backward
骑撑屈单腿摆越成squat through with one leg backward
高举腿pointed angle support
高腾身high free front support
高锐角V-sit with legs horizontal