
Terms for subject Project management containing | all forms
一次付公式single payment formulas
一次付现值系数single payment present worth factor
一次付的复本利和因子single payment compound amount factor
一次性lump sum cost
一次性lump sum cost
一般开general expenses
付期票dishonour bill
付期票dishonor a bill
不合规格背书的irregularly endorsed cheque
不定数额透fluctuating overdraft
不必要开unnecessary expenses
不必要开nugatory expenditure
不能分配的开unallocable expenditure
与员工有关联的开personnel-related expenses
与员工有关联的开分目personnel-related expenses subhead
与员工相关联的开staff-related expenses
个人进修开扣除额deduction for expenses of self-education
临时temporary strutting
临时款授权书vote on account warrant
临时性收non-recurring incomes and expens
付进行的计量measurement for payment
乐意willingness to pay
交换clearing cheque
从政府一般收人中拨款charge upon general revenue
他还不能付得起一台电脑和互联网连接的费用、但是他表示这至少也是一个开始He still cannot afford the price of a computer or an Internet connection, but, he says, at least it is a start
付讫canceled check
代理机构的开agency expenses
以分期付款方式payable by instalments
以开为计算基础的本地生产总值expenditure-based gross domestic product
以开为计算基础的本地生产总值估计数字expenditure-based gross domestic product estimate
以非经常收人付非经常开支的结算capital financing
优惠ex gratia payment
估计开estimated expenditure
住户开household expenditure
作废的voided check
你基本上要计算出一个至少能长期收平衡的公式、不论你的对手怎么做You basically compute a formula that can at least break-even in the long run, no matter what your opponent does
修葺及出方面的免税额allowance for repairs and outgoings
修订开预算revised estimates of expenditure
倒填日期antedated check
倒填日期ante-dated cheque
停业后的post-cessation payment
兑付honour a cheque
公众消费开public consumption expenditure
公共工程经常开public works recurrent expenditure
公共工程非经常开public works non-recurrent expenditure
公共投资开public investment expenditure
公营部门开public sector expenditure
公营部门综合开consolidated public sector expenditure
其他非经常开新分目new other non-recurrent subhead
凭中国银行票据pay to the order of Bank of China
凭借着市场富有竞争力的价格、灵活的付手法和一流的服务、我们期待着美好的未来With the most competitive price, promptly delivery and first-level service, we wish for a prospective and brilliant future
凭银行票据pay to the order of bank
驻外机构branch office
路线sub-main circuit
道路diversion road
分期拨付开phasing of expenditure
划线cross crossed check (cheque)
初步开preliminary expenses
到期payment in due course
双向并行端口、 持设备和计算机之间的双向并行通信的接口bidirectional parallel port
受托人的收撮要summary of receipts and payments as trustee
配的收人disposable income
可扣税的allowable expenses
可自由配收人discretionary income
可自由配的基金discretionary funds
可补偿开reimbursable expense
合同付担保contract payment bond
合同超contract overrun
后台持部门back office
向外国银行同业透overdraft on banks in foreign countries
向外埠银行同业透overdraft on outport banks
向本港银行同业透overdraft on local banks
向海外银行同业透overdraft on banks abroad
向银行同业透overdraft on banks
国际收差额的变动inflow and outflow of balance of payments
国际收平衡表balance of payments
在2000年、青海省城市和农村年家庭平均可配收入分别是多少元?In 2000, what was the per capita annual disposable income of urban and rural households in Qinghai?
在我们的例子中、不允许有人拥有的票账户余额为负数In our case, we do not allow someone to have a negative checking account balance
在讨论远高于我如今被削减了的透额度的金额时、 布朗先生似乎遇到了同样的不直率Mr. Brawn seems to have encountered the same lack of candour in his discussions about rather larger sums than my now-reduced overdraft
基本工程外的非经常开non-works capital expenditure
基线开baseline expenditure
基线开及额外开支预测baseline-plus forecast
基金付令fund warrant
基金开fund expenditure
外国银行同业透overdraft by banks in foreign countries
外埠银行同业透overdraft by outport banks
外币资产减少、 主要是已发行的钞票数量减少、 引致持资产亦相对减少The decrease in foreign currency assets was mainly due to a decline in backing assets resulting from a drop in currency notes outstanding
失效out of date check
如果您要访问某安全站点、请确保您的安全设置能够If you are trying to reach a secure site, make sure your security settings can support it
如果负责这个项目的国有企业打算在如此巨大的投入下有所回报、那么消费者的出不得不涨And if the new state-owned enterprise is to get a return on the huge investment required, broadband charges for consumers will have to rise
持通用域和国家代码域It support both generic domains and country code domains
定期regular payment
实物付债券payment in kind bond
实际开absolute expenditure
实际开低于原预算shortfall in expenditure
实际开成本out-of-pocket cost
家庭储蓄率下降与国际收经常项目顺差似乎有某种联系The decline in the household saving rate and the current-account surplus would seem to be connected
家庭开domestic expenses
家庭生活开family living expenses
对咨询人的payment to the consultant
对咨询工程师的payment to the consultant
对外贸易中的货款付是非常复杂的Payment in foreign trade is often complicated
对承包商的payments to contractor
对雇 主的payment to employer
尚未付且未化作本金的利息outstanding uncapitalized interest
尚未付的存款unclaimed deposit
尚未付的承担额outstanding commitment
工程师的期中付证书engineer's interim certificate
已知的开承担known spending commitment
市场决策持系统marketing-decision support system
平均开模式average expenditure pattern
平均消费开average consumer expenditure
年度付额annual disbursements
年等值分期uniform annual series
年等值分期付公式uniform annual series formulas
年等值分期付复利和因子uniform annual series compound amount factor
年等值分期付现值因子uniform annual series present worth factor
年等值分期付资本回收因子uniform annual series capital recovery factor
付的金额amount due
应急款授权书contingencies warrant
延误的delayed payment
亏损expense loss
亏损索赔claim for loss and expense
分目subhead of expenditure
剩余额residue of expenditure
基线expenditure baseline
幅度expenditure range
总目head of expenditure
总额total gross expenditure
总额gross expenses
总额gross expenditure
承担expenditure commitment
指引spending guideline
指引expenditure guideline
支出expense disbursement
权限spending authority
模式spending pattern
模式expenditure pattern
比率expense ratio
fill a cheque
组成部分component of expenditure
结算expenditure outturn
范围expenditure range
计算法expenditure approach
账户expense account
项目expenditure component
预算estimates of expenditure
预算准则budgetary criterion
预算的指引spending guideline
预算草案draft estimates of expenditure
开具付证书certify the payment
当地开local expenditures
必须重启计算机后本地 BIOS 才能打开To enable native BIOS support you must restart the computer
快速付计划quick disbursing programme
gross expenditure
总开total expenditure
总开gross expenses
总开毛额total gross expenditure
意 夕卜开unforeseen expenses
意 夕卜开unexpected expenses
意外开contingent expenses
意外开准备金contingency sum
户口透overdraft of an account
所有由政府一般收入账目付并记入开支预算内经营账项下任何一个分目的开支all expenditure from general revenue account charged to any of the subheads listed in the estimates under the operating account
手腕撑架wrist support
扣发付款payment withheld
投标价格是指应按一定比例以不同货币向投标者付的款额The tender price is the sum of all payments stated or expressed as a percentage in various currencies required to be made to the tenderer
抵补付款cover of payments
按服务分类的预算开estimated expenditure by service
按薪级中点估计的年薪开notional annual salary cost at mid-point
按要求随时付的款项money payable on demand
损失与开索赔claim for loss and expenses
提存drawing cheque
de fray
付催缴股款pay call
付利息协议agreement for the payment of interest
付宽限grace of payment
付意愿wish to pay
付担保payment bond
付期票honour bill
付条款payment provisions
付次数frequency of payment
付申请application for payment
付百分比disbursement percentage
付计划payment schedule
付证书certificate of payment
付赡养费payment of maintenance
付进度表payment schedule
付通知notice of payment
付里程碑payment milestone
出净额net payment
出及开支outgoings and expenses
出控制pay-off control
出计算法expenditure approach
助费用back stopping cost
持函supporting letter
持型领导supportive leadership
票兑现cash a cheque
票户口current account
票结算clearing cheque
incomes and outgoings
两讫account balanced
国际差额balance of payment (BOP)
平衡on the balance
平衡点break even point (EEP)
报告statement of income and expenditure
结算表income and expenditure account
账户receipts and payments account
国际逆差balance of payments deficit
国际顺差balance of payments surplus
政府服务开expenditure for the services of the government
政府消费开government consumption expenditure
数百年来、英国央行 Bank of England一直持着黄金市场的发展、最早于1717年确立了金本位制The Bank of England had for centuries supported the development of the bullion market; the first gold standard was set in 1717
旅行traveling check
日常开overhead expenses
账目advance account
暂定金额的payment against provisional sums
暂定预算开上限provisionally acceptable levels of expenditure
暂时来说、不包括票结算的功能、但日后若有足够需要、我们仍可考虑增设For the moment there will be no cheque clearing capability, but this is something which could be added later if there -was sufficient demand
暂时透temporary overdraft facility
最低付限额minimum amount of payment
按合同最后的complete payment
最终付证书certificate of final payment
最终消费开final consumption expenditure
最适当出率optimum rate of expenditure
有些 PCI 网卡具有相同的 PCI 标识、但却由不同的驱动程序There are various PCI network cards that have the same PCI identification, but are supported by related, but different drivers
有现金出限额的分目cash-limited subhead
用的结余款项unexpended balance
未来开future expenses
未经划线的uncrossed cheque
未经背书的unendorsed cheque
未获免税的开unallowed expenditure
本地生产总值开expenditure on the gross domestic product
本港银行同业透overdraft by local banks
本金principal payment
杂项开sundry expenses
杂项开incidental expenses
来年的开预算草案何时公布?When will the Draft Estimates of Expenditure for the coming year be published?
核准开预算approved estimates of expenditure
核准开预算的变动change to the approved estimates of expenditure
模板form support
横线cross crossed check (cheque)
正常开normal expenditure
每日开记录册daily expenditure record book
汇票付日期maturity of a draft
汇费remittance fee paid
没有现金出限额的分目non-cash-limited subhead
注销的canceled check
海外银行同业透overdraft by banks abroad
消费开consumer expenditure
特别款授权书special warrant
特别划线special crossed cheque
特别开special expenditure
特别开新分目new special expenditure subhead
独特设计的方向舵控制系统提供了舒适的操作持、 以及高转向效率The ingenious rudder control system allows for comfortable support as well as strong steering efficiency
现金付开支out of pocket expense
现金出单cash disbursement slip
现金出限额cash limit
现金收cash deposit and withdrawal
生产开production expenses
用本国货币付的费用expensive in local currency
用本国货币付的费用expenses in local currency
由市场力量配的经济market-disciplined economy
监督开合同contract of cost and expense
研究开发R&D expenditure
社会福利开social welfare expenditure
私人投资开private investment expenditure
私人消费开private consumption expenditure
科学研究开expenditure on scientific research
索赔的payment for claims
终止时的合同的payment on termination
经营收operating statement
经银行证明可兑现的certified cheque
综合账目开consolidated account expenditure
联行利息interest paid to inter-branches
股利或分发dividend payout ratio
股息付率dividend payout ratio
般消费开average consumer expenditure
节省开净额net savings
营业operating expenditure
营运开operating expenses
营运开operating expenditure
营销决策持系统marketing decision support systems
虚报营业开false claim of business expenses
因存款不足被银行退回的bounced cheque
裁员redundancy payment
要使用 Secur Disc 的全部功能、您需要一台能够持 SecurDisc 的光驱To take full advantage of Secur Disc's features, you need a Secur Disc enabled optical drive
要求付拖欠金额recovery of late payment
记名signed check
设计-建造最终付证书final payment certificate design-build
财务持协议financial support agreement
财政收平衡balance of revenue and expenditure
费用超cost overrun
资本总开total capital expenditure
资源分resource fork
资金expenditure of fund
赊账payment on account
转账payment by transfer
转账款传票transfer debit voucher
运营服务最终付证书final payment certificate operation service
运费由提货人freight forward
运费由提货人freight collect
这个索引按开总目、 列出每个政策范围下的个别纲领详情This index further provides details by head of expenditure of individual programmes which contribute to a policy area
这将为系统持和运营促成一个共同平台、从而提高效率并保持一个安全可靠的系统This will facilitate a common platform for system support and operations, thus improving efficiency and maintaining a reliable and secure system
这种汇编语言输出表是持调试的有用工具This assembly language output listing is useful as a debugging aid
远程系统不持传输协议The remote system does not support the transport protocol
追加款授权书vote on supplementary warrant
保函overdraft guarantee
道义上的ex gratia payment
部门开departmental expenses
部门特另开departmental special expenditure
采用 计量payment by measurement
重新订定分期拨付开的时间rephasing of expenditure
steel support frame
间接开indirect expenses
附带开incidental outlay
集中预算及付制度centralized budgetary and payments system
非法illicit payment
非经常开capital spending
非经常开nonrecurring charge
非经常开capital expenditure
非经常开新承担额new non-recurrent commitment
非经常开项目capital project
非经常总开total capital expenditure
面值payable at par
pay in advance
以待日后付还advance pending reimbursement
预付款的payment of advance
预算内budgeted expenses
预算开estimated expenditure
预计的合同estimated contract payment
额外开extra charges