
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
一张大金额票解入他的账户A large check was paid into his account
一次付的补贴lump-sum subsidy
一次付的费用lump-sum expenses
一百美元的check for US $100
一般地说,我们不接受承兑交单托收的付条件Generally speaking, we do not accept the payment terms by D/A
一般性服务持估计值简写为GSSEgeneral services support estimate
不作付的货币clearing sterling
不合法illegal payment
不履行付义务default of payment
不得已的forced payment
不透stay within the budget
业务现金operating outlay
业务operational expenditure
业务开operation expense
付的费用current accounting period
中国银行照付的cheque on the Bank of China
中现金current accounting period
为工业发展提供足够provide enough support for industrial growth
买方应承担付保险费的义务The buyer should assume the duty to pay the premium
买方有义务付进口税The buyer is liable to pay import duties
付给…不得转让pay only to... not transferable
付给…不得转让pay only to... not negotiable
仅向…支付pay only to
从流动资金开的各项费用cost item to be financed from working capital
从银行存款中取5,000美元draw US $5,000 from the deposit in the bank
他们在对付条款进行争论They are haggling over terms of payment
他将要为这一笔交易付20,000美兀For this transaction he will disburse US $20,000
他把票日期填早三日He predated the check by three days
付款时连同付印花税payable with stamps
付款时连同付银行费用payable with banker's charge
价格price support
价格起落受许多因素所The ups and downs of prices are governed by many factors
伦敦兑现的London cheque
何款时连同付议付行费用payable with negotiating bank's charges
你方信用证必须标明取贷款时可有百分之五的增减幅度Your L/C must reflect 5% more or less in drawings
你方在这一方面的进一步援将使我方不胜感激Your further support in this respect will be much appreciated
你方建议在付条款上是行不通的Your proposal is impracticable in terms of payment
保付registered check (指一种银行本票 (cashier's check))
保付代理意指买主不付款时由保付代理人The del credere commission imports that if the buyer does not pay, the factor shall
保兑registered check
保兑marked check
保险费payment for insurance
保险费benefit payment
bogus check
停止付支票stop a check
偶然透occasional overdraft
偿付未付保险费tender a check for the unearned premium
全部消费total consumption expenditure
全部预信用证clean payment L/C
公司中具有配力量的股东the dominant partner in the business
公用事业utility expenditure
兹收到你方20,000美元票,系支付你方本月十日来函所订购货物的货款We've received your check for US $20,000 in payment for the goods ordered as per your letter dated 10th inst
兹附去800美元票一张,以支付截至目前所欠你方的佣金We herewith enclose a check on New York for US $800 in payment of all your commissions due to you up to date
兹附120美元票一张A check for US $120 is enclosed
凭发票payment on invoice
机构损益表branch financial statement
分割兑现split check
分期付条款installment payment terms
分期付条款installment payment clause
敦士登Liechtenst ein
初期投资岀总额total initial investment outlay (指 total initial investment costs (项目)初期投资费用总额,包括:期初固定投资 (initial fixed investment)、生产前资本支出 (pre-production capital expenditures)、经营基金 (operating fund))
加快费已电汇express paid by telegraph
劳务expenditure of labour service
博奕付矩阵game pay-off matrix
配地位增长率dominant growth rate
配地位的公司dominant firm
配地位的公司dominant company
即期付的远期信用证buyer's usance credit
即期付的远期信用证usance credit payable at sight
即期现金immediate cash payment
反周期缩写为CCPcounter-cyclical payment
发展中国家付同盟Developing Countries Payment Union
持价格supported price
配地位dominated status
配策略dominated strategy
配收入扣完所得税disposable personal income
配收入扣完所得税disposable income
配税后收入disposable assessed income
可以交换形式payable with exchange
可开可转让付命令的活期存款账户negotiable order of withdrawal account
可用期票payable in note
可转让bearer check
可靠secure backing
名义nominal expenditure (与名义收入(nominal income) 相对)
付式after payment type
向银行兑现present a check at the bank
向银行再兑represent a check at the bank
听某人at one's disposal
商号house check
商品expenditure on commodity
固定直接面积缩写为FDPfixed direct area payment
国内简写为DSdomestic support
国外账款payment of overseas accounts
国家财政state expenditure
国家预算state budget expenditure (与国家预算收入(state budget revenue) 相对)
国库付款warrant check
国民总缩为 GNEgross national expenditure (与国民总收入(gross national income)(缩为 GNI) 相对)
国民总gross national expenditures
国际付清算settlement of international payment
国际收亦缩为 IBPInternational Balance of Pay ments
国际收balance of international payment
国际收失衡disequilibrium of balance of international payments
国际收官方结算差额official settlements balance
国际收平衡表statement of the balance of international payments
国际收年鉴Pink Book
国际收年鉴Balance of Payments Yearbook
国际收情况balance of payments position
国际收申报制balance of payments reporting system (国际货币基金组织)
国际收经常项目状况current account position
国际收经常项目逆差current account deficit (与国际收支经常项目顺差(current account surplus) 相对)
国际收逆差balance of payment deficit
国际收顺差balance of payment surplus
票上签字sign one's name to a cheque
票上背书endorse a check
在按跟单信用证付方式下,银行依照买方指示,承诺对卖方开岀的汇票予以承兑,兑付或议付Under documentary credits, the banker, on the instructions of the buyer, promises to accept, honour or negotiate bills of exchange drawn by the seller
在流通的circulating checks
在银行兑现之前他必须在票背面签字He had to endorse the check before the bank would cash it
增改raise a cheque
委托付书authority to pay
存款不足no sufficient funds check
定期periodic payment
定期on term
成本outlay cost (与机会成本 (opportunity cost) 相对)
实物payment in goods
实物payable in kind
实物pay in kind
对一大笔款项的配权have the command of a large sum
尽量节省开limit expenses as much as possible
岀口单据押汇透overdraft for export bills
巡回circular checks
工厂杂项开factory burden
工厂杂项开factory overhead
工资pay cheque
工资与薪金wages and salaries disbursements
付金额amount paid
已流通的circulated checks
付总额sum payable
延期extension of payment
延迟的delayed payment
write a cheek
开一张纽约银行draw a check on New York Bank
开办费preliminary expense
开办费preliminary expenditure
开无记名draw a check to bearer
开空头票者kite flyer
开立draw a check
开立信用证以付购货货款open a letter of credit to cover the purchases
开记名draw a check to order
强制性forcible payment
强制性enforced payment
强制的forced payment
循环预信用证extended credit
微量de minimis support
必须以即期汇票Payment shall be made against sight draft
aggregate expenditure
持估值简写为TSEtotal support estimate
总开达5,000,000 元The total expense came out at 5,000,000 yuan
息票coupon payment
意外岀拨款contingency allocation
我们的付条款是即期汇票支付的信用证Our payment terms are L/C available by draft at sight
扭曲的国家持措施distortive state support measure
扭曲贸易的国内持总量overall trade-distorting domestic support
承兑payment by acceptance
承兑后…天支付days after acceptance
技术付费用technology payment
技术贸易付方式forms of payment for technology (包括:先付一笔款项后再按期提成 (a combination of lumpsum fee and running royalties), ― 次总算 (lump-sum fee),技术服务费 (payment for technical services), 按期提成 (running royalties))
技术转让的付方式payment of technology transfer
票交银行出纳员兑换现金give one's check to the bank teller
票兑成现金cash a check
票兑成现金cash a check in
投产前费用开preproduction expenditures
投产前资本start-up and commissionary expenditures (包括:开办费和资本筹集费 (preliminary and capital issue expenditures)、建厂前调研费 (expenditures for preparatory studies), 建厂前费用 (pre-production expenditures)、试运转及交工投产费用 (trial runs))
投产前资本preproduction capital costs (包括:开办费和资本筹集费 (preliminary and capital issue expenditures)、建厂前调研费 (expenditures for preparatory studies), 建厂前费用 (pre-production expenditures)、试运转及交工投产费用 (trial runs))
投产前资本preproduction capital expenditures (包括:开办费和资本筹集费 (preliminary and capital issue expenditures)、建厂前调研费 (expenditures for preparatory studies), 建厂前费用 (pre-production expenditures)、试运转及交工投产费用 (trial runs))
投资investment expenditure (与生产支出 (production expenditure) 相对)
投资出与销售收入investment outlay and sales revenue
投资investment expenditure
抵消开clear expenses
拒付的rejected check
拒付的dishonoured check
拒付退回的bounced check
<-> 指定付地点domicile
指定外地付款domiciled check
出用途编制预算object of expenditure budgeting
按季quarterly payment
按工程施工进度分期付款项progressive payment
按工程施工进度分期付款项payment by instalments
按工程施工进度分期付款项progress payment
按条件payment on terms
按汇率payable with exchange
按清偿能力清算的国际收净差额net liquidity balance
按要求的款项开立make out the required check
提成费royalty payment (在许可证 (licensing) 贸易中,与总付 (lump sum payment) 相对)
提成费预advances to be credited against royalty
提成费预advance against royalties
撤回countermand a payment
付5,000 美元罚金pay a fine of US $5,000
付到期汇票meet a bill
付委托书payment order (指 debit advice 借项通知单)
付工具payment instrument
付延迟delay in payment
付总量aggregate payment
付方式terms of payment
付方式条件terms of payment
付服务费用cover charges
付期限time of payment
付机制payments mechanism
付条件payment clause
付条款payment terms (常见的包括:交货付现 (cash on delivery)(缩为 C. O. D.)、定货付现 (cash with order) (缩为 C.W.O.)、凭单付款(payment against documents)、凭单托收付款 (payment against documents through collection) 、分期付款(payment by installments))
付条款terms of payment (常见的包括:交货付现 (cash on delivery)(缩为 C. O. D.)、定货付现 (cash with order) (缩为 C.W.O.)、凭单付款(payment against documents)、凭单托收付款 (payment against documents through collection) 、分期付款(payment by installments))
付条款payment clause (常见的包括:交货付现 (cash on delivery)(缩为 C. O. D.)、定货付现 (cash with order) (缩为 C.W.O.)、凭单付款(payment against documents)、凭单托收付款 (payment against documents through collection) 、分期付款(payment by installments))
付水平level of payment
付汇率rate of giving accounts
付给…或其指定…pay... or order
付罚金pay penalty
付能力payment ability
付调整payments adjustment
付赔偿pay compensation
pay out
出与收入outgoings and incomings
出与收入不相适应The expenditure does not correspond with the income
出凭单payment slip
出转换expenditure switching
岀账户account of payment
岀账户account of disbursement
岀账目account to give (与收入账目(account to receive) 相对)
岀费用估计简表summary total of estimated expenditure
美国农产品持价格support price
持价格supported price
持性购买support buying
持研究support study (指工业投资项目可行性研究中的功能性研究 (function study),包括:规模经济研究 (economics of scale studies)、 设备选择研究 (equipment selection studies)、实验与试产研究 (laboratory and pilot plant tests studies)、建厂厂址研究 (location studies)、产品市场研究 (market of products to be produced studies)、原材料与投入物研究 (raw material and input studies))
票上的签字不是我的而是伪造的The signature on the check was not mine but a forgery
票存根stub of a checkbook
票存款俟兑现后方可入账,别于现金存款collection item
票存款checking deposit
票岀票人check drawer
票的有效性validity of check
配地位dominant status
配地位dominating status
配权right to disposal
国际payments balance
payments and receipts
勉强平衡的营业活动marginal activity
对应原则matching principle
对照表account of receipts and payments
平衡on balance
平衡状态a breakeven situation
平衡预算balanced budget
国际statement of balance of payments
收入与出明细表statement of income and expenditure
政府财政年度收预算the Estimates
整批lump-sum payment
旅行travelling check
旅行traveller's check
旅行票申请书purchaser's agreement
旅行票申请书purchaser's application form
无出票日期undated check
无法收取的uncollectible check
无记名negotiable check 流通支票
日内瓦统一票法Geneva Uniform Law on Cheques
日内瓦统一票法Geneva Uniform Law on Cheques 1931 (1931)
日期早于实际日期的a foredated check
普通划线general crossed check (与特别划线支票 (special crossed check)相对)
暂记suspense payment
最后一笔大额pickup payment
最终出总额total final expenditure
有信用reliable cheque
有抵押往来账户透overdraft on current account secured (与没有抵押往来账户透支(overdraft on current account unsecured) 相对)
有担保透cash credit
有效信用valid check
未兑现unpaid check
本期current expenditure (指本会计期间)
杂费miscellaneous expenditure
杂项incidental expenses
核定付凭单audited vouchers
欧洲付同盟Union Europeenne de Paiements
止付stop payment on a check
止付的stop ped check
正当开justifiable expenditure
票来取即付The check is payable on demand
每季度末付房租pay one's rent at the end of each quarter
汇寄五百英镑remit a check for £ stg. 500
法定付期限term time
法定extra statutory expenditure
泛欧付协定Inter-European Payment Agreement
注销cross out a check
活期贷款与透demand loans and overdrafts
浪费的开wasteful expenditure
涂改过的altered check
消耗性exhaustive expenditure
消耗性exhaustion expenditure
消费者consumer expenditure
消费者持估计值简写为CSEconsumer support estimate
特别开special expenditures
现金ready payment
现金付簿cash payment journal
现金出账cash disbursement book
现金岀凭单disbursement voucher
现金岀日记账cash disbursement journal
现金收凭证receipts and payments documents
现金收平衡点receipts and disbursements break-even point
现金收报告表sources-and-uses-of-funds statement
现金收报告表cash-flow statement
现金收汇总表summary sheet of cash receipts and disbursements
现金收statement of receipts and disbursements of cash (指现金流动表 (cash flow statement))
现金收cash-flow table
现金收预计cash-flow projection (投资项目财务预测)
瑞士法郎照付cheque on Zurich
生产production expenditure (与投资支岀 (investment expenditure) 相对)
生产性开productive expenditure
生产者持估值简写为PSEproducer support estimate
票清算settlement by check
用期票付股利日后再兑现的股票红利scrip dividend
由买方for the account of the buyer
由买方付这些费用These expenses are to be covered by the buyers
由某人配的款项money at sb's command
短期资本收平衡short-term capital balance
研究与开发的巨款large disbursements for research and development
硬币payment in specie
租船人付入港费charter pays dues
税后pay after tax
签名于票上sign a cheque
粮食进口总aggregate food import bill
紧缩开deflate expenditures
经常开current payments
经常性recurrent expenditure
经济economic support
经费disbursement of funds
统一票法Uniform Law on Cheques
美元US dollar outgo
联营公司间转账intercompany transfer payments
股票stock check
脱钩decoupled payment
自由决定的开discretionary spending
自由决定的开discretional spending
自行配的资金funds at one's own disposal
船方付捐税steamer pays dues
reduction of expenditure
节省开cut down expenditure
英国出口信贷署不仅对国外买主出售货物所可能遭受的某些风险提供保险,而且也对国外主顾不付劳务报酬的风险提供保险E.C.G.D. offers cover against the non-payment of earnings from the rendering of services to overseas principals, as well as providing insurance against certain risks incurred in the sale of goods to overseas buyers
营业开预算business budget
营业收分类账operating ledger
营业收计算书account of business
补偿开cover one's expenses
补偿性compensating expenditure
被拒付的protested check
被迫forced payment
见票即付的来人negotiable check 流通支票
见票即付的来人bearer check
规定以即期信用证作为付方式The payment is prescribed to make by letter of credit at sight
证券经营收security income and expense
该建议得到许多The proposal obtained much support
请开立付本购买合同项下货物的信用证Please establish an L/C to cover this purchase
请注意保险只包括平安险加战争险,如果要求投保附加险,所需额外保险费将由买方Please kindly note that the insurance covers FPA and War Risks only. Should additional insurance coverage be required, the extra premium incurred would be for the buyer's account
货款payment of purchase price
货款payment of price
货款check for the price
购一辆小汽车,按每月500美元分期buy a car and pay for it by monthly installments of US $500
费用亦缩为 EXPDR, EXPENDexpenditure
费用由买方charges to be collected
费用由发货人The expenses are for the consigner's account
资本收账户receipt and expenditure on capital account
赠与gift check
转让性transfer payments
转账付传票transfer payment slip
转账check only for transfer
运费由买方freight to collect
运费由买方freight forward
运费由收货人The goods are sold on FOB and will be shipped freight collect
这些购置均用现金The purchases were paid for with cash
这张票见票即付The cheque is payable to bearer
这笔汇款是付迄今为止欠你方的佣金The remittance is in payment of all commissions due to you up to date
退回的returned check
协议overdraft agreement
押汇overdrawing negotiation
账户overdrawing account
账户限额limit of overdrawn account
亦缩为 O/Doverdraft
通知承兑人付货款inform the acceptor of making payment
逾期overdue payment
邮政cheque postal
部分partial payment (与全部支付 (full payment) 相对)
重新安置费用relocation payments
银行票亦用bank check
银行出纳员开立的内部teller's check
附去人民币1,000元的票一张enclose a cheque for CNY 1,000
雇主勉强预给他一个月薪水The employer reluctantly advanced him a month's salary
雇员预advances to employees
零星开operating costs
非划线open cheque
非法涂改提高票面金额的raised check
make advance
佣金advances on commission
信用证prefinance credit
信用证red clause letter of credit
信用证packing L/C (分全部预支信用证 (clean payment L/C) 和部分预支信用证 (red clause L/C and green clause L/C))
信用证anticipatory credit (包括:全部预支信用证 (clean payment credit),部分预支信用证 (partial payment credit)即红色条款信用证 (red clause credit)或绿色条款信用证 (green clause credit))
信用证anticipatory L/C (分全部预支信用证 (clean payment L/C) 和部分预支信用证 (red clause L/C and green clause L/C))
款偿还repayment of advances
薪金100新西兰元advance NZ $100 on his salary
预先授权preauthorized check
预先计划的开planned cost
预备preliminary expense
预备preliminary expenditure
预期expectation payment
预计应付付命令anticipation warrants payable