
Terms for subject China containing | all forms
一次付全部保险费pay an insurance premium in a lump sum
一次性pay in a lump sum
付加班费give no overtime pay
不受外国势力的be not subject to any foreign domination
不得无故迟延paid without undue delay
不提出异议又不履行付令neither dissented from nor complied with the order of payment
专项转移special transfer payment
中华人民共和国枪管理法the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Control of Firearms
中华人民共和国枪管理法the Law of the Peopled Republic of China on the Control of Firearms
中央财政总total expenditures in the central budget
义务教育专项转移transfer payment specially for compulsory education
买卖或者运输枪trade in or transport guns
从各级财政列pay by the administrative organ with money drawn from the local government's finance
以合同约定pay as agreed upon in the contract
使用枪use guns
保存或展览的枪guns preserved or displayed
保险公司分机构branch office of an insurance company
保障国家外汇收平衡maintaining the balance of receipts and payment of the State in foreign exchange
停止suspend the payment
先行pay on account in advance
公益性捐赠expenses incurred due to donation for public welfare
关于规范财政转移付情况的报告a report on standardizing government transfer payments
关心和持残疾人事业show concern for and support programs for physically and mentally challenged persons
具有市场配地位hold a dominant market position
准备金reserve disbursement
出借枪loan guns
机构的民事责任civil liabilities of the branch
分期pay the premium by instalments
分期付保险费pay an insurance premium in instalments
drawn from
制造无号的枪manufacture guns without numbers
加大国家对..... 持力度step up state support (for)
加强在国际事务中的相互持和合作promote mutual support and cooperation with in international affairs
be subject to
各种枪various kinds of guns
国家补助、集体付工资pay, with subsidy from the state, by the collective
国家预算收草案the statement of revenue and expenditures in the draft state budget
在中国特色社会主义法律体系中起架作用play the role of a prop in the Chinese-style socialist legal system
在法律体系中起架作用have a supporting role in the legal system
地方一般转移general transfer payments to local governments
城镇居民人均可配收入urban per capita disposable income
城镇居民人均可配收入per capita disposable income of urban residents
增收节increase revenue and reduce government expenditures
增收节increase revenue and cut government expenditures
外国势力的foreign domination
外汇收平衡balance of receipts and payments in foreign exchanges
大力vigorous support
妥善保管枪maintain the guns properly
安排转移付782 亿元allocate 78.2 billion yuan in transfer payments
实际控制人配的股东shareholder dominated by the actual controller
对口one-on-one assistance
射击运动枪sports guns
履行付令comply with the order of payment
巩固、完善、加强农惠农政策consolidate, improve and strengthen policies for supporting agriculture and giving favorable treatment to farmers
市场配地位dominant market position
广泛across-the-board support
付的赔偿额due payment of indemnity
建设一政治坚定、业务精通、清正廉洁、作风优良的公务员队伍build a contingent of public servants who are politically reliable, professionally competent and clean and honest and have a good work style
标准level of expenditure
开立票存款账户open a cheque account
异地使用的cheque used in a place other than the place of issue
恶意透overdraw through malice
恶意透overdraw with ill intentions
抢夺枪forcibly seize firearms
拖欠或者未足额default in or fail to pay the same in full
择优support for the best
按照合同约定付租金pay the hire as stipulated in the charter
授信credit support
提成percentage-deduction payment
携带枪carry guns
携带枪入境enter the territory of China with guns
撤销分机构cancellation of a branch office
付令order of payment
付价款pay the price
付保险费义务obligation of paying an insurance premium
付办法payment method
付工资pay wages
付租金pay the hire
付经济补偿pay financial compensation
付结算规则regulations on payment and clearing
付赔偿金pay compensation pursuant
legally mandated expenditures for
持代表执行代表职务support deputies in the performance of their duties
持公诉support the public prosecution
持和保护support and protect
持和保证代表依法履职support and ensure the lawful execution of deputies's duties
持和资助support and financial aid
持审计机关依法开展审计工作support the auditing authorities in performing their duties in accordance with the law
援灭火assist in the fire fighting
票的出票行为issue of cheque
票金额sum of the cheques
配使用留用资金budget and use the retained funds
平衡fiscal balance
账目account of revenue and expenditure
收入support of the income
收回枪take back the guns
政府收government revenue and expenditure items
有效effective assistance
未按照合同约定付租金fail to pay the hire as agreed upon
本应ought to be paid
制造manufacture of guns
子弹firearm ammunition
持枪证件certificate permitting the holding of guns
査验制度inspection system for guns
状况condition of the gun
管理规定regulations governing control of guns
管理证件certificate for control of guns
运输许可证件permit for transport of guns
配购证件certificate for rationed purchase of guns
正确处理加强人大监督工作和持"一府两院"依法开展工作的关系correctly balance stronger oversight by people's congresses with support for carrying out the work of the people's governments, the people's court and the people's procuratorates in accordance with the law
民用枪guns for civilian use
民用枪制造许可证件certificate permitting manufacture of guns for civilian use
没收的枪confiscated guns
滥用市场配地位abuse dominant position on the market
由收货人paid by the consignee
申请付令apply for a payment order
盗窃抢夺枪steal or forcibly seize any gun
禁止携带枪forbid to carry guns
私自销售枪sell guns without authorization
私藏枪conceal guns
税前列listed before tax
立即付保险费pay the premium immediately
精神动力和智力moral and intellectual support
精神动力和智力drive motivation and intellectual support
经常性费用开necessary ordinary expenses
给予lend support
财政预算budgetary expenditures
财政收financial revenues and expenditure
财政收revenue and expenditure
财政收入或revenue or expenditure
财政转移transfer of payment
财政转移付制度system of government transfer payments
赞助sponsorship expenses
足以sufficient to pay
足额pay in full
转移transfer of payments
转移transfer payments
转账transfer cheque
违反枪管理规定in violation of the regulation governing control of guns
连带付的jointly and severally paid
迟延payment delay
迟延delay the payment
适当appropriate support
道具枪guns used as props
邮寄枪mail guns
邮政票协定Giro Agreement
配售民用枪rationed sale of gun for civilian use
配置枪equip with guns
配置民用枪equipped with guns for civilian use
重点expenditures on key projects
销售枪sell guns
销毁枪destruction of guns
非法出借枪illegally loan guns
非法制造枪illegally manufacture guns
非法销售枪sell guns illegally
预算收平衡情况balance between the budget revenues and expenditures